DOJ now requests the unsealing.

no, it wouldn't. all i am saying is if trump *did* break the law, get him.

but this is what, attempt 134,389 and they still can't find anything? why would i trust THIS TIME they got him? it's all bullshit.
Yep they've cried wolf to many times now. They're finished come this November.
Good move by the DOJ. If Trump fights it in court he looks bad. If he does not fight it in court we will find out if much of what Trump was saying is accurate.
no, it only "looks bad" or some will claim such, to maybe 30% of the population + the Swamp Monsters

there, fixed that 4 ya
Good move by the DOJ. If Trump fights it in court he looks bad. If he does not fight it in court we will find out if much of what Trump was saying is accurate.
The Search Warrant is peanuts compared to the Affidavit.
Where probable cause must be met.That will tell the real story.
What was the rational and hurry for a Search Warrant if it was
not legit.There being NO basis for a search.Especially of a Potus.
Who runs the Executive branch.
Are you obtuse?

Trump could have declassified every single document in his possession had he wanted to before he left office.

What this will lead to in the future will be a mass declassification of documents that a POTUS wants before a POTUS leaves office least future raids happen.
Um! Remember all the trouble Andy Dufresne - The Shawshank Redemption -
caught by using just one word " Obtuse ".
But Trump has Andy beat.Trump not only can do No Right but he
can't say anything that isn't twisted like a Munich Beer Festival Pretzel.

Good. Let’s get down to the allegations and see if we can suss out the parts having credibility versus the parts that maybe don’t have credibility.
As in Adam Schiff? (snicker). When that Pencilneck starts talking ,you know this raid was political farceism.

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