DOJ Admits Federal Government Ran Informants Inside the Oath Keepers on Jan. 6 & they could be called to testify under 6th Amendment

Were you paying attention to the Michigan "kidnapping" trial, Occupied? You can infiltrate anti-government groups but you can't entice them into breaking the law. If the FBI was enticing those militia members in Michigan to kidnap Governor Whitmer is it really a stretch to imagine them doing the same thing with protesters at the Jan 6th protests?
Is it your opinion that Trumpbots are so weak-minded and easily led that a few infiltrators can compel thousands into violent and illegal actions? It's pretty insulting when you think about it.
Oh there was a plan. It's mostly come out since then. I think people just got so used to laughing off all the insurrection/coup talk by the right that no one took it seriously enough. Don't worry. it's being taken very seriously now. You wanted to be taken seriously didn't you?
It sounds a lot like you're saying that certain people high up in the FBI knew there was likely to be violence and did nothing about it. Name those people, please.
Is it your opinion that Trumpbots are so weak-minded and easily led that a few infiltrators can compel thousands into violent and illegal actions? It's pretty insulting when you think about it.
How hard is it to ignite a riot when there is a mob of highly agitated people together in one place? I think we have evidence from the Summer of Violence.
Really? The claim made by people like you, all the time, is that it was a planned insurrection, with leadership from above. .

How would they know that and not think it would be bad?

Are you changing your story on the 1/6 riot?
I have no story to change. Repeating the credibly verified accounts of what happened doesn't make it MY story.
How hard is it to ignite a riot when there is a mob of highly agitated people together in one place? I think we have evidence from the Summer of Violence.
The thousands of hours of video taken by the traitors storming the capital do not support the agent provocateur theory at all. Trump gathered the worst of his militant followers in one place and then pointed them at the capital.
The thousands of hours of video taken by the traitors storming the capital do not support the agent provocateur theory at all. Trump gathered the worst of his militant followers in one place and then pointed them at the capital.
Except that no one has shown where and how he did that. A few deranged people apparently thinking they get special messages from him is not credible.
Is it your opinion that Trumpbots are so weak-minded and easily led that a few infiltrators can compel thousands into violent and illegal actions? It's pretty insulting when you think about it.
Is it my opinion that a few infiltrators can compel a mob to turn violent? Yes, it is. History shows us that is exactly what can occur. When you've got a group of people that are already extremely upset about something it doesn't take much to whip them into a frenzy. Is that what happened that day? I have no way of knowing.
Except that no one has shown where and how he did that. A few deranged people apparently thinking they get special messages from him is not credible.
Whatever Trumpbot. The events of that day are very well documented. You just look like a fool trying make dear leader and his minions look blameless.
The thousands of hours of video taken by the traitors storming the capital do not support the agent provocateur theory at all. Trump gathered the worst of his militant followers in one place and then pointed them at the capital.
So you think he offered the National Guard to help with security while he was planning an insurrection? Does that make any sense to you at all, Occupied? Come on...use your head!
SMH at your obtuseness.

Reason one, 1/6 happened. If they had the info, they sat on it. If they didn't sit on it but passed it up the chain, someone DELIBERATELY refused to act, and that person is responsible for the death of the protestor. Name that person.
Sorry, but I don't know everybody in the FBI. Perhaps it was a trump loyalist.
Sorry, but I don't know everybody in the FBI. Perhaps it was a trump loyalist.
How convenient. Just like every conspiracy theory, it grows wider with every inconvenient factoid. "Oh, well of course, they were in on it too. All the virtuous ones were over here, totally blameless". Yes, I'm mocking that suggestion. You do realize, don't you, how far fetched it is to have just the right people in just the right places to make sure this goes nowhere?
Whatever Trumpbot. The events of that day are very well documented. You just look like a fool trying make dear leader and his minions look blameless.
And instead of attempting to show how, where and when TRUMP! supposedly did what you said he did, you divert into that meaningless drivel. You do realize, don't you, how amazingly weak that is? I'm surprised your keyboard didn't run away in shame.
Is it my opinion that a few infiltrators can compel a mob to turn violent? Yes, it is. History shows us that is exactly what can occur. When you've got a group of people that are already extremely upset about something it doesn't take much to whip them into a frenzy. Is that what happened that day? I have no way of knowing.
Those people left the Trump rally, geared up for a fight and then immediately stormed the capital. There was no intermediate interval where anyone besides Trump had a chance to whip up an otherwise peaceful crowd.
Those people left the Trump rally, geared up for a fight and then immediately stormed the capital. There was no intermediate interval where anyone besides Trump had a chance to whip up an otherwise peaceful crowd.
You expect us to believe that people so into TRUMP! that they are willing to fight and die for him would actually leave one of his speeches WHILE HE IS STILL TALKING? Those are not the actions of obsessed followers. Obsessed followers cling to every word their leader says and would NEVER leave before he is done dropping gems of wisdom on them. No, the mere fact that the riot started separately from the rally tells us there is no connection. The haters (you know who you are) will struggle all day long and well into the night, desperately trying to convince everyone that the riot was planned and masterminded by TRUMP! himself.
SMH at your obtuseness.

Reason one, 1/6 happened. If they had the info, they sat on it. If they didn't sit on it but passed it up the chain, someone DELIBERATELY refused to act, and that person is responsible for the death of the protestor. Name that person.
Starts with "Piss", ends with "lousy".
So you think he offered the National Guard to help with security while he was planning an insurrection? Does that make any sense to you at all, Occupied? Come on...use your head!
The blob sat on his ass for three hours gleefully watching TV while others begged him to do something.
Those people left the Trump rally, geared up for a fight and then immediately stormed the capital. There was no intermediate interval where anyone besides Trump had a chance to whip up an otherwise peaceful crowd.
I have seen zero evidence that the people who were at the Trump rally left there to storm the Capital. Quite frankly, the time line of the two events makes that highly improbable.

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