Doing The Tear Down


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Now there is no doubt Obama and his gang have built a hovel on a poor foundation. And after the election we NEED to tear that hovel down. America was never intended to be a "Gandy Camp" and that IS what we are being left with his programs and mandates and regulations.

So I thought a good starting point would be what Republicans running for the Oval office wanted to tear down first. NOT "fix" NOT repair but tear down. If you want to build a house the trash on the site must go first. So let's look at what certain people plan for trash clearing shall we?

"Should he win election, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has pledged to "terminate" the Democratic administration's hard-won Iran nuclear agreement "on my very first day."

That deal sucks folks and YES it needs torn down.

"Property tycoon Donald Trump, who currently leads the Republican field, said he would "immediately" rescind Obama's executive orders on immigration and build a "great wall" to stem illegal flows of Mexicans into the United States."

We DO need to CLOSE that border NOW!

"Senator Rand Paul has pledged -- on day one -- to end the federal government's "unconstitutional surveillance" of US citizens."

What can I say? When your right you are right.

"And equally zealous conservative Senator Ted Cruz vowed to swiftly abrogate "every single unconstitutional or illegal executive action from Obama."

That man is planning on a LONG first day. Say good bye Obamacare!

""If you're running for president, I think it's important to be mature and thoughtful about this," he said in July."

CAN you say LOSER? I knew you could!

So there are your basics. What do you want the future president to tear down?
The very busy Day One of Republican White House hopefuls - Yahoo News
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I want the future president to BUILD up and I expect good leadership...

Yes,,,Infrastructure, science, r&d, and education!!!
We DO need to build but America is better off not to build on trash. Would you use second rate material to build a new space shuttle? Of course not.

You start fresh you start clean and you build right.
I want the future president to BUILD up and I expect good leadership...

Yes,,,Infrastructure, science, r&d, and education!!!
We DO need to build but America is better off not to build on trash. Would you use second rate material to build a new space shuttle? Of course not.

You start fresh you start clean and you build right.
Well now, I agree that America is better if we do not build on trash. So why don't you leave? Every thing you post is divisive and untrue. People like you are a detriment to this great nation.

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