D’Oh Canada – Justin From Canada Wore Blackface ...


Changes aren't permanent, but change is...
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2010
... While teaching young ‘Peoplekind’ during a 'Cultural Appropriation' week.


The Quick Read on Justin Trudeau's Mounting Political Troubles
It's a bloody International news event. Wife and I watched the entire question and answer. He also admitted to singing "Day-O" in makeup in high school.

Now, what makes this worse for him, is he has been mercilessly going after Scheer the Conservative member about racists in his party. Also, he has zero tolerance within his own party.

As I always say, "don't judge lest ye be judged". We arent perfect, and it was an Alladin Night dress up even, he was a teacher then. He is being attacked by everyone in robot world Canada, even as the same people attacking him have plenty of shyte in their history as well. His problem was that he demands robotic existence of others, but not of himself. It will hurt him because of this. Nobody likes hypocrisy.
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When will that faggot resign?
Oh yea because hypocritical leftists dont give about their sides "racism" or "bigotry"
When will that faggot resign?
Oh yea because hypocritical leftists dont give about their sides "racism" or "bigotry"

No need to call the PM the "F" (second f) word. That's reserved for strange, creepy dudes who sit in their car outside your home.
When will that faggot resign?
Oh yea because hypocritical leftists dont give about their sides "racism" or "bigotry"

No need to call the PM the "F" (second f) word. That's reserved for strange, creepy dudes who sit in their car outside your home.
No there was need
He is a self righteous hypocritical douchebag.
He deserves more than being called a faggot.
When will that faggot resign?
Oh yea because hypocritical leftists dont give about their sides "racism" or "bigotry"

No need to call the PM the "F" (second f) word. That's reserved for strange, creepy dudes who sit in their car outside your home.
No there was need
He is a self righteous hypocritical douchebag.
He deserves more than being called a faggot.

I think the same of the creep sitting outside someones home in a car, but I don't go there.
When will that faggot resign?
Oh yea because hypocritical leftists dont give about their sides "racism" or "bigotry"

No need to call the PM the "F" (second f) word. That's reserved for strange, creepy dudes who sit in their car outside your home.
No there was need
He is a self righteous hypocritical douchebag.
He deserves more than being called a faggot.

I think the same of the creep sitting outside someones home in a car, but I don't go there.
I do.
You are just nicer than I am lol
Reporter: "Do you want to tell Canadians about any other instances where you are concerned that you were racist?" Trudeau: "I've always — and you'll know this — been more enthusiastic about costumes than is sometimes appropriate."

And all of the Canadian comedians....Samantha B plus! Carrey and others....
Who would of guessed, Canada as liberal as they are has their share of racists. Evidently the bigotry runs rampant.

Justin Trudeau Wore Brownface at 2001 ‘Arabian Nights’ Party While He Taught at a Private School, Canada's Liberal Party Admits

The truth is, Canada has a horrible history of racism, especially against Natives. It's a very dark stain. We also have a much lower level of successful minorities, especially blacks, than America does. This is the result of our monarchy hierarchy. If you're born poor, you're basically screwed regardless of talent, effort or character. Being a government patsy and Loyalist is passed on through generations. It's why our best and brightest are crushing it in California, in Silicon Valley. Free at last!

Also, being racist isn't even the worst thing to be called here. I'm quite serious when I say, if you are a libertarian or pro-American, or simply sympathetic to a Republican politician, you're considered treasonous trash in Canada. Not even worthy of eating from a dog dish.

We don't have any Rand Pauls. We sort of have one in Maxime Bernier, go and see how he was screwed of the Conservative leadership and how they paint him as Lucifer in the flesh. I'm not even convinced of him as a leader, but I don't shoot down every comment he makes. CBC and others do. Even so-called conservatives.
If I hear anyone calls republicans racist again I’m calling your a fuuucking retard

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