Dog meat

Festival of yulin is underway in China. The annual dog meat festival. Culinary feast, every recipe all using dog meat

When the republican party finish cutting ssi, medicare, unemployment and food stamps...Well, most of our poor and old population that can't afford normal food will be eating their dogs.
Wow, what a dope you are.
In the late 70's and early 1980's my town's local Catholic church started sponsoring and bringing in Vietnamese and Cambodian's who had become refugees after the Vietnam war.

The church owned a lot of rental property near the church and started housing the refuge families in a three block area of town.

After a few months the local residents started complaining to the local authorities and news media about the high number of pets being stolen from their yards.......mainly cats and dogs.

No one could ever prove it was the refuges. But most of the local people figured the Asians were adding a little canine and feline meat to their rice diet. ....... :cool:
In the late 70's and early 1980's my town's local Catholic church started sponsoring and bringing in Vietnamese and Cambodian's who had become refugees after the Vietnam war.

The church owned a lot of rental property near the church and started housing the refuge families in a three block area of town.

After a few months the local residents started complaining to the local authorities and news media about the high number of pets being stolen from their yards.......mainly cats and dogs.

No one could ever prove it was the refuges. But most of the local people figured the Asians were adding a little canine and feline meat to their rice diet. ....... :cool:
That's hilarious because although they might not understand the concept of the pet, surely they understand livestock theft!
In the late 70's and early 1980's my town's local Catholic church started sponsoring and bringing in Vietnamese and Cambodian's who had become refugees after the Vietnam war.

The church owned a lot of rental property near the church and started housing the refuge families in a three block area of town.

After a few months the local residents started complaining to the local authorities and news media about the high number of pets being stolen from their yards.......mainly cats and dogs.

No one could ever prove it was the refuges. But most of the local people figured the Asians were adding a little canine and feline meat to their rice diet. .......

You really, really failed that creative writing class.
Nope. Go back to community college and get a refund on that creative writing class.
News flash Mr is on the menu in most Asian country's [sic]. .....

What countries? What restaurants? You suck at writing fiction.

China, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Philippines, Polynesia, Taiwan, Vietnam

I asked what restaurants.

American Restaurant Granted Permission To Sell Dog Meat
Nov 10, 2014 - American Restaurant Granted Permission To Sell Dog Meat. By Kato Leonard ... Mexico Says They Will Close Their Border if Trump is Elected ...

Dog Meat in Los Angeles - Animal Liberation Front › Practical - Index › To Do - Index › Shopping
Dog Meat in Korean Restaurants in Los Angeles ... A restaurant called Korean BBQ Pl is located there, as well as a business called "Custom Health Soup To Go

Dog meat found in Tijuana Chinese restaurant ...
Apr 9, 2015 - Dog meat found in Tijuana Chinese restaurant ... The Lo Yen City Chinese restaurant in Tijuana, a border city in northwestern Mexico, was ...

9 Countries That Eat Cats and Dogs - The Daily Meal
Apr 11, 2014 - Dog meat is commonplace on many Korean menus despite growing criticism from ... In many parts of the world, like Mexico and Polynesia, their ...

Chipotle Exposed For Using Dog And Cat Meat In Food; Will Close Soon › News
Nov 18, 2014 - SEATTLE – It is being reported that the popular restaurant chain 'Chipotle Mexican Grill', more commonly known as simply 'Chipotle', ...

Not Just for Christmas: Swiss Urged to Stop Eating Cats and Dogs
Nov 26, 2014 - Cat meat even features prominently on Christmas menus in some parts of Switzerland, Tomek said, while dog meat is also used to make ...
Eating dogs is their culture, and we have no right to condemn it. If they were killing humans and eating them, we should draw the line there.

"Eating dogs is their culture, and we have no right to condemn it."

Yes we do, because it's cruel, sick and fucked-up, it's not as if there aren't plenty of foods they can eat, they're not in a starvation zone.

Any cruelty to any animal, and no matter where on this planet we have a right to condemn it.
A few years ago I befriended a Chinese exchange student who was renting a spare room from my neighbor while attended college.

He like to talk with me about various topics as a way to improve his english language skills.
Plus he also read the local newspaper every day.

One day he showed up at my door with newspaper in hand and asked to talk to me. I replied "sure" and invited him in. He sat down, opened the paper, pointed to a front page article and said, "is this a joke"?

The news story he was referring to was about a local man who was convicted of animal abuse to a dog and was sentenced to 6 months in jail.

When I told him it was true and that a person could go to prison in America for cruelty to a dog. He looked at me in utter amazement and just shook his head in disbelief.

No doubt he had quite the tale to tell his friends when he went back to China. ........ :cool:
So, how often do you Muslims drink camel urine?

Stop Drinking Camel Urine, World Health Organization Says

Muslims Outraged After Camel Urine Drink Seller Sold Own Urine Instead

The benefits of drinking camel urine -

Narrated Anas:Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine).
Sahih Bukhari 8:82:794
Anas b. Malik reported that some people belonging (to the tribe) of 'Uraina came to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) at Medina, but they found its climate uncongenial. So Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said to them: If you so like, you may go to the camels of Sadaqa and drink their milk and urine. They did so and were all right.
Sahih Muslim 16:4130
"A tradtionalist told me from one who had told him from Muhammad b. Talha from Uthman v. Abdul-Rahman that in the raid of Muharib and B. Thalaba the apostle had captured a slave called Yasar, and he put him in charge of his milch-camels to shepherd them in the neighborhood of al-Jamma. Some men of Qays of Kubba of Bajila came to the apostle suffering from an epidemic and enlarged spleens, and the apostle told them that if they went to the milch camels and drank their milk and their urine they would recover, so off they went.
From The Sirat Rasul Allah ( The Life of The Prophet of God ), by Ibn Ishaq (3) pages 677, 678
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A few years ago I befriended a Chinese exchange student who was renting a spare room from my neighbor while attended college.

He like to talk with me about various topics as a way to improve his english language skills.
Plus he also read the local newspaper every day.

One day he showed up at my door with newspaper in hand and asked to talk to me. I replied "sure" and invited him in. He sat down, opened the paper, pointed to a front page article and said, "is this a joke"?

The news story he was referring to was about a local man who was convicted of animal abuse to a dog and was sentenced to 6 months in jail.

When I told him it was true and that a person could go to prison in America for cruelty to a dog. He looked at me in utter amazement and just shook his head in disbelief.

No doubt he had quite the tale to tell his friends when he went back to China. ........ :cool:
So, how often do you Muslims drink camel urine?

Some humans drink their own urine :eek-52: They think it's healthy for them or something.

I prefer chocolate milk myself :smoke:
A few years ago I befriended a Chinese exchange student who was renting a spare room from my neighbor while attended college.

He like to talk with me about various topics as a way to improve his english language skills.
Plus he also read the local newspaper every day.

One day he showed up at my door with newspaper in hand and asked to talk to me. I replied "sure" and invited him in. He sat down, opened the paper, pointed to a front page article and said, "is this a joke"?

The news story he was referring to was about a local man who was convicted of animal abuse to a dog and was sentenced to 6 months in jail.

When I told him it was true and that a person could go to prison in America for cruelty to a dog. He looked at me in utter amazement and just shook his head in disbelief.

No doubt he had quite the tale to tell his friends when he went back to China. ........ :cool:
So, how often do you Muslims drink camel urine?

Some humans drink their own urine :eek-52: They think it's healthy for them or something.

I prefer chocolate milk myself :smoke:
Sunni prefers his halal camel urine to be vanilla flavored.

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