Does this remind anyone of FaceBook?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019
Chinese government shuts down economic think tank for ideas it does not approve of

that strongly reminds me of FaceBook

Authorities in China have shuttered the website and social media accounts of a prominent economics think tank amid a mounting assault on liberal academic voices.

The Unirule Institute of Economics in Beijing is the latest target of a government crackdown after the forced retirement of a professor who criticized Mao Zedong and sacking of a provincial official who called communist China’s founder the “devil.”

Liberal intellectuals and Chinese political observers are growing alarmed by the government crackdown, which overlaps with the rise of an increasingly cohesive and confident movement both on China’s internet and its streets dedicated to defending Mao’s reputation and his hardline legacy. Since President Xi Jinping took power in 2012, reformist magazines and websites have been shut while university professors and even the country’s judiciary have been warned against spreading liberal Western values.

note: China is a mirror image of America

a liberal in china would be a conservative in America
Like trump who fires people who don't agree with him?
Its not the same at all

IF trump shut down the NY Times you could call that the same

He has not done that but it happens often in China

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