Does raising taxes reduce inflation?

Again a false premise. Presidents don't pass the budgets, they have very limited impact on the budget process.

When cuts are made the "pay off" is always seen in subsequent years because they are not retroactive.
The president signs the budgets into law.
Now we have said that the president doesn't sign budgets and tax cuts don't create debt so far. Anybody got another flash theory?
I made no such assertion at all.

The only reductions we've had in spending were when republicans had at least marginal control of both houses.

Presidents are a very small part of the taxing and spending equation. They can send a suggested budget to congress but congress has to pass the budget. The president can veto it and they start over but that is done extremely rarely at least over the last six decades.
Gingrich had to force Clinton to sign the balanced budget, and then of course Clinton took credit for it
LMAO, no they would spend every last dollar and go right on borrowing even more to spend. Besides Trump already raised taxes on the wealthy with the SALT cap and Dems screamed and howled like stuck pigs. Dems LIE you can't believe one damn word of what they say.
It wasn't all that long ago democrats pushed a balanced budget act requiring every bill passed to be fully paid for.

That lasted about six months.
It wasn't all that long ago democrats pushed a balanced budget act requiring every bill passed to be fully paid for.

That lasted about six months.
Even Dem's action lie. Schumer was running his big lying mouth about Republican dark money for elections, knowing full well that Dems have raised far more dark money themselves. You can keep your doctor and your plan under Obamacare, and save $2,500 a year. Inflation is transitory. Biden isn't worried about a recession. Biden is doing all he can to increase oil and gas production. The lies are staggering.
Even Dem's action lie. Schumer was running his big lying mouth about Republican dark money for elections, knowing full well that Dems have raised far more dark money themselves. You can keep your doctor and your plan under Obamacare, and save $2,500 a year. Inflation is transitory. Biden isn't worried about a recession. Biden is doing all he can to increase oil and gas production. The lies are staggering.
If Biden was serious about increasing US oil production he'd open up ANWAR and all of the offshore areas that are currently off limits and expedite the permitting process.

Getting the lease is a small part of the process in actually getting full approval to drill or put a well into production on federal land.

This mentality goes back decades starting with Clinton putting huge "clean coal" deposits in the SW off limits by declaring the area a "National Monument".
If Biden was serious about increasing US oil production he'd open up ANWAR and all of the offshore areas that are currently off limits and expedite the permitting process.

Getting the lease is a small part of the process in actually getting full approval to drill or put a well into production on federal land.

This mentality goes back decades starting with Clinton putting huge "clean coal" deposits in the SW off limits by declaring the area a "National Monument".
Lowlife Biden and Dems have done everything they can to reduce production. From 50% hikes in royalties to removing the most promising areas from exploration to ridiculously expensive government regulations. Then they lie through their teeth.

We'll make Dems pay the price this November they are going to get wiped out at the polls.
Lowlife Biden and Dems have done everything they can to reduce production. From 50% hikes in royalties to removing the most promising areas from exploration to ridiculously expensive government regulations. Then they lie through their teeth.

We'll make Dems pay the price this November they are going to get wiped out at the polls.
I don't really mind the increase in Royalties and I doubt the producers do either. The problem has always been the regulatory blocks and hurdles.

If the gov't is going to sell of natural resources in such a manner the taxpayers should receive a substantial benefit along with the companies involved with exploration, drilling, and production.
Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said that the way to reduce inflation would be to get rid of the Trump tax cuts.
"If you want to get rid of inflation," Senator Schumer said, "the only way to do it is to undo a lot of the Trump tax cuts and raise rates."

How does raising taxes reduce inflation?
If Schumer really wants to raise taxes, then he should bring back Trump's SALT deduction maximum.
This is my take. If you raise taxes and don't spend the money inflation will probably get better. If you raise taxes and spend it all, inflation will probably get worse. What do democrats always want to do with increased taxes?
So we lose buying power with inflation and somebody thinks that taking even more money out of our pockets will make things better?


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