Does Obama deserve your vote?


Gold Member
Jun 16, 2010
Politicians work for us. They should accomplish something if they are to receive our approval. Let's examine Obama's record.

Elaine Chao: Real Unemployment Numbers Are Double

Obama sells out to Wall Street
The president-elect's support of the bank bailout is payback to his wealthy Wall Street supporters.

Barack Obama: King Of Corporate Welfare

Another Obama Record!… Poverty Rate Soars to 18 Year High

Black Unemployment Jumps To Depression Levels

Broken promises from Obama about Gitmo, taxes, etc.: Promise Broken rulings

Downgraded Again: The Utter Failure of Obamanomics

Another Obama Record!… Four Straight Years of Trillion Dollar Deficits

The Solyndra Fraud
The solar-energy company was a con game.
Obama deserves the votes of the idiot masses, and of the far left-wing marxists that love him.

That alone got him elected once. Could still easily happen again.
Obama is going to get my vote
Everyone in our office is going to vote for Obama
My children are going to vote for Obama
Obama's vote numbers will set a record never before seen in our election cycle
setting a record of votes
Obama is going to get my vote
Everyone in our office is going to vote for Obama
My children are going to vote for Obama
Obama's vote numbers will set a record never before seen in our election cycle
setting a record of votes

So if he gets back in and it all goes sideways we'll know who to blame, huh?
Obama is going to get my vote
Everyone in our office is going to vote for Obama
My children are going to vote for Obama
Obama's vote numbers will set a record never before seen in our election cycle
setting a record of votes

So if he gets back in and it all goes sideways we'll know who to blame, huh?

The Republican Party has control of the Senate and every worthwhile bill was blocked by the Republicans. Obama’s plans will not get implemented as long as the Republicans remain so obstinate. :mad:
Answered with brevity: I pay taxes therefore I must approve of our leadership. By the act of paying taxes, I've already acquiesced my willingness to venerate through mandated contribution the current commander in chief with a biweekly cash donation. Should command of the watch change from Obama to Romney, my contribution will continue--albeit a greater or lesser sum depending on modifications made or not to federal taxation regulation. I'll get back to you on that one.

Does Obama "deserve" my vote? To quote an edited TV version of a film I've grown quite fond of: "I feel like a worm on a big fishing hook." Worm or not, I fail to register--intellectually--the value of "deserve" in relation to titans of modern American Politics. Hypothetically, no Obama does not deserve my vote any more than say, Romney or Paul or Bruce Willis. Perhaps if the president could answer my personal requests--in person, in a timely manner--he'd "deserve" some veneration. As it stands, the mysterious doings of the political colossi domestically and abroad sound like distant drums to my heavily padded ears.
Answered with brevity: I pay taxes therefore I must approve of our leadership. By the act of paying taxes, I've already acquiesced my willingness to venerate through mandated contribution the current commander in chief with a biweekly cash donation. Should command of the watch change from Obama to Romney, my contribution will continue--albeit a greater or lesser sum depending on modifications made or not to federal taxation regulation. I'll get back to you on that one.

Does Obama "deserve" my vote? To quote an edited TV version of a film I've grown quite fond of: "I feel like a worm on a big fishing hook." Worm or not, I fail to register--intellectually--the value of "deserve" in relation to titans of modern American Politics. Hypothetically, no Obama does not deserve my vote any more than say, Romney or Paul or Bruce Willis. Perhaps if the president could answer my personal requests--in person, in a timely manner--he'd "deserve" some veneration. As it stands, the mysterious doings of the political colossi domestically and abroad sound like distant drums to my heavily padded ears.

Then don't vote
Answered with brevity: I pay taxes therefore I must approve of our leadership. By the act of paying taxes, I've already acquiesced my willingness to venerate through mandated contribution the current commander in chief with a biweekly cash donation. Should command of the watch change from Obama to Romney, my contribution will continue--albeit a greater or lesser sum depending on modifications made or not to federal taxation regulation. I'll get back to you on that one.

Does Obama "deserve" my vote? To quote an edited TV version of a film I've grown quite fond of: "I feel like a worm on a big fishing hook." Worm or not, I fail to register--intellectually--the value of "deserve" in relation to titans of modern American Politics. Hypothetically, no Obama does not deserve my vote any more than say, Romney or Paul or Bruce Willis. Perhaps if the president could answer my personal requests--in person, in a timely manner--he'd "deserve" some veneration. As it stands, the mysterious doings of the political colossi domestically and abroad sound like distant drums to my heavily padded ears.

Just answer the question of who your going to vote for.
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Funny how readily the populace entrusted Bush's eight years of ignorance yet with only four years we criticize Obama. Obama in his inaugural speech even indicated that he will not accomplish all he set out to accomplish. No president can immediately change 8 years of policy.

First and for most let's get something clear. People primarily criticize Obama for:

1) Being black
2) Having "Hussein" as a middle name
3) Having a father of African descent
4)For being intelligent
5) Did I mention because he was black.

The credibility of anyone who is hard pressed to criticize Obama is not as easily legitimate since its already understood that any criticism that Obama receives is along the lines of race. Heck, during his first presidential race he was called an "arab" mistaken as "Osama" his citizenship was questioned, his religion. Not other president in U.S history endured such in-depth critique except him. His predecessor George Bush dodged thr draft, couldn't even open the door after a press conference, put us in two wars and has totally eradicted any support for potential allies.

Obama is a millionare (and yes even his wealth is of scrutiny) but between him and Romney I would certaintly choose Obama all day.

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