Does Anybody Actually Like Kamala Harris?


Try "She's a wolf in sheep's clothing and cackles like a hyena when she doesn't have a truthful answer to a serious question." ~ asaratis

Pleasant? Apparently you have no personal knowledge of the bitch. Ask her staff if she's pleasant.

The fact that Harris is a soulless monster is WHY the party elite love her; what any decent person would consider grotesque flaws, they see as qualities that make her one of them.

The Democrat Party has been an hysterical death cult since 2016.
Ya gotta love all the dems on this board proclaiming their love for kamala when she couldnt get 2% of the votes when running for the dem nomination.
So are y'all lying now or were you lying then?
Few Democrats are rational at this point.

They believe as their death cult dictates.
Wow the hate form the Right really gets out there when they see a strong women...

They don't seem to be able to handle it that well...

Harris is a very accomplished person... This probably pisses them off that there best hope, Trump, was born with a silver spoon and no one can actually point to the last day he did manual work... The guy is one of the most entitled cry babies and then they have to compare him to Harris who worked her way up... So they try and smear her and the best they can get is a relationship over 25 years ago... That is the best you got....
Wow the hate form the Right really gets out there when they see a strong women...

They don't seem to be able to handle it that well...

Harris is a very accomplished person... This probably pisses them off that there best hope, Trump, was born with a silver spoon and no one can actually point to the last day he did manual work... The guy is one of the most entitled cry babies and then they have to compare him to Harris who worked her way up... So they try and smear her and the best they can get is a relationship over 25 years ago... That is the best you got....
"Strong woman" :auiqs.jpg: She literally prostituted her way to where she is today

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