Doctor Carson: Moose Huntin Sarah on list of potential Wonderful Donald VP's!

Democrats, even 'atheist' Democrats, must be praying he picks Sarah.
For those of us outside the two parties, it just makes the whole show even more laughable. Sad, but funny.
Donald and Sarah. What a team. America certainly knows how to make itself look totally ridiculous. Its worst enemies couldn't imagine better.
She is a neocon. Appoint her somewhere where she cannot do much damage.
and the war on women continues from the oh so tolerant left . I'd take her any day over those snakes in the Democrat party. She actually accomplished something for ALL the people of Alaska. Not just ride in on her President Hubby's coat tails to become a no nothing corrupted Career politician like Hillary.

Um, what she accomplished for the people of Alaska was quitting before she even completed half her term.
Nothing prevents one from disliking both Ms Clinton and Ms Palin (not necessarily as people, but for political office).

and the war on women continues from the oh so tolerant left . I'd take her any day over those snakes in the Democrat party. She actually accomplished something for ALL the people of Alaska. Not just ride in on her President Hubby's coat tails to become a no nothing corrupted Career politician like Hillary.
Meanwhile, 70,124 posts later, and we are still waiting for one of them to make just a teeny, weeny bit of sense.

Don't hold your breath kiddies.

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