Do you want a dead daughter or a live son?': Crossroads sermon spurs anti-transphobia protest

It is not reliable as a news source.

It is fake news.

also one of the signs of a mental illness is this:

Drop in functioning — An unusual drop in functioning, at school, work or social activities, such as quitting sports, failing in school or difficulty performing familiar tasks

It is not reliable as a news source.

It is fake news.

also one of the signs of a mental illness is this:

Drop in functioning — An unusual drop in functioning, at school, work or social activities, such as quitting sports, failing in school or difficulty performing familiar tasks

Nope sorry. Your judgements are not applicable to anything just because you disagree with a source. A fool stops at the source without clicking on the citation of it's findings.
A Church will not just preach what people "want" to hear, it will preach the truth whether said truth offends anyone or not.
No, dumbass, its not. It links to the actual study.
Here is the study IT LINKS TO IN THE ARTICLE.
Learn how to forum.

on other sites, bigots would be banned.
I am speaking of facts. Facts dont discriminate. Dont judge. They dont do anything but hurt some peoples feelings.
Please, stop being an idiot. Or quit responding. Your stupidity and blatant pussiness is making my head hurt. Thanks.

Where are the other people who will back me up?

I see there are some other posters on here who are liberal.
Where are the other people who will back me up?

I see there are some other posters on here who are liberal.
You just admitted "liberals" (which you guys arent liberals. You are authoritarian illiberals) dont care about facts and instead argue emotion.
Thank you so much for that. Im sure it was a freudian slip, but it works for me :D
Parents have a 100% right to protect their children from being influenced by gays and transsexuals.
Religion is where people seek moral guidance.
Left Wingers are the intolerant ones, because they refuse to accept that most people have higher moral standards than they do.
They want to lower mainstream society's moral standards.
Mainstream people want to live in a decent culture.
The Left Wingers need to accept cultural diversity.
Amoral people tend to self destruct, and amoral cultures tend to self destruct.
As Mr Floyd always says> "leave them children alone".

And on the link you provided.

I think part of the reason why transgender experience depression is because of bullying and offensive words.

I seen some studies that bullying makes people depressed.

Shame and Stigma​

Psychologists have been documenting the effect that stigma, rejection, discrimination, and abuse have on mental and physical health for decades. As the American Psychological Association pointed out in its March 2016 report on the impact of discrimination, "for many adults, dealing with discrimination results in a state of heightened vigilance and changes in behavior, which in itself can trigger stress responses—that is, even the anticipation of discrimination is sufficient to cause people to become stressed."

They add that "adults who are LGBT who have experienced discrimination have average stress levels of 6.4, compared to 6.0 for LGBT adults overall." In addition to the fact that "among adults who are non-LGBT, stress levels are 5.5 for those who have experienced discrimination and 5.0 for non-LGBT adults overall."

Further research by Wendy Berry Mendes and colleagues at the University of California, San Francisco has unearthed discrimination's causative role in inclining those on it's receiving end to engage in risk-taking behaviors. Out of 91 subjects participating in an online discussion with confederates who offered them rejecting or encouraging feedback, those who were on the receiving end of rejecting feedback (i.e., "Someone's a little high on themselves" or "I can't tell where you're going with this...") were more likely to take risks in a subsequent card game with small amounts of money at stake.

Rejection also led to "greater cortisol increases, less efficient cardiac output, increased vascular resistance, and impaired memory recall — a pattern of physiological reactivity that, when experienced chronically and excessively, has been linked to accelerated 'brain aging,' cognitive decline, and early risk for Alzheimer’s disease," as the Association for Psychological Science reported.

Probably if people stopped calling them freaks,trannies and such, then they wouldn't stop feeling so depressed.

Bullying can cause depression, words hurt.
Is this you?

You tried saying that LGBT should become criminals, but your post on there got moved and hidden to a different area.
I never said LGBTQWXYZ should become criminals, only when they try to recruit young people, or abuse children. If they kept their immoral shit in their bedrooms, i wouldnt know what the fuck they did, and dont really care. If they die of a disease, it isnt my fault..

Libertarian/Conservative/Nationalist Actions have consequences you put your dick in a diseased asshole, you deserve to get a disease. You fuck with me or my family i wont hesitate to send you to Lucifer. Leave me alone, i will leave you alone. My job is to take care of my family not 300,000,000 other peoples problems.

Do you understand now?

I never said LGBTQWXYZ should become criminals, only when they try to recruit young people, or abuse children. If they kept their immoral shit in their bedrooms, i wouldnt know what the fuck they did, and dont really care. If they die of a disease, it isnt my fault..

Libertarian/Conservative/Nationalist Actions have consequences you put your dick in a diseased asshole, you deserve to get a disease. You fuck with me or my family i wont hesitate to send you to Lucifer. Leave me alone, i will leave you alone. My job is to take care of my family not 300,000,000 other peoples problems.

Do you understand now?

View attachment 544965

To be blunt, you are stuck in a world that no longer exists and it terrifies you.

The same world my parents and grandparents probably grew up in and when people trusted one another enough to leave their cars and houses unlocked.

There is this thing called "progress"

Also you on saying that LGBT abuse young boys.

Most news reports seem to be adult men going after girls.

To be blunt, you are stuck in a world that no longer exists and it terrifies you.

The same world my parents and grandparents probably grew up in and when people trusted one another enough to leave their cars and houses unlocked.

There is this thing called "progress"

Also you on saying that LGBT abuse young boys.

Most news reports seem to be adult men going after girls.

Terrifies me? No, but i do know what is coming for America, with new camel jockeys being flown in every day.


Idiots like you love to shove your immoral shit into every one else's face, but soon, those will become targets of the camel jockeys, and dont come crying to me when they start doing over here, what they did in the middle east...Actions have consequences, and you dumbass progressive slaves just dont know when to shut the fuck up. Oh and progress isnt shoving your dick in another man's ass, that is regressive animal instinct.

To be blunt, you are stuck in a world that no longer exists and it terrifies you.

The same world my parents and grandparents probably grew up in and when people trusted one another enough to leave their cars and houses unlocked.

There is this thing called "progress"

Also you on saying that LGBT abuse young boys.

Most news reports seem to be adult men going after girls.

We arent going through "progress"
Progress means to move forward. We are falling back to 13th century england and society is breaking down.
Liberty is progress. We arent experiencing that.

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