Do you think they’ll laugh at trump at the United Nations like they did last time?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Do you think they’ll laugh at trump at the United Nations like they did last time?

Watch live: Trump gives remarks at UN event on religious freedom

Trump is going to be talking in front of the United Nations live in just a little while. Supposedly his speech is going to be mostly about religious freedom. I’m starting to giggle already.

Republicans hate gay people based on their religion. And yet, in their religion, the punishment for being gay and being an adulterer is the same.

And Donald Trump being a serial adulterer, even having unprotected sex with porn stars, is something we can all agree on.

I’ll have to watch his speech later. Because I have chores.

I hope you guys watch it. I’m sure it’ll be entertaining.
Do you think they’ll laugh at trump at the United Nations like they did last time?

Watch live: Trump gives remarks at UN event on religious freedom

Trump is going to be talking in front of the United Nations live in just a little while. Supposedly his speech is going to be mostly about religious freedom. I’m starting to giggle already.

Republicans hate gay people based on their religion. And yet, in their religion, the punishment for being gay and being an adulterer is the same.

And Donald Trump being a serial adulterer, even having unprotected sex with porn stars, is something we can all agree on.

I’ll have to watch his speech later. Because I have chores.

I hope you guys watch it. I’m sure it’ll be entertaining.

Obama's people, the ones who gave Hillary tens of millions, throw gay men off of buildings. Maybe STFU a little more
I hope they do, then I hope he cuts more of their funding and throws them out of the country.

They can set up shop in Caracas.
If they don’t openly laugh
They laugh behind his back

Did you hear what Trump said?
Do you think they’ll laugh at trump at the United Nations like they did last time?

Watch live: Trump gives remarks at UN event on religious freedom

Trump is going to be talking in front of the United Nations live in just a little while. Supposedly his speech is going to be mostly about religious freedom. I’m starting to giggle already.

Republicans hate gay people based on their religion. And yet, in their religion, the punishment for being gay and being an adulterer is the same.

And Donald Trump being a serial adulterer, even having unprotected sex with porn stars, is something we can all agree on.

I’ll have to watch his speech later. Because I have chores.

I hope you guys watch it. I’m sure it’ll be entertaining.

I am not a Republican but consider this-Muslims kill gays-I guess they don't like them, yet the Democrats cuddle up to the Muslims. Catholics are supposed to reject homosexuality and there are more Democrat Catholics than Republican Catholics. Good luck with your chores and think about how hypocrisy works in BOTH parties.
The UN sits on some pretty valuable real estate. Trump should boot them the fuck out of our country and sell off their HQ. What did the UN ever do for us? Why are we supporting them?
Do you think they’ll laugh at trump at the United Nations like they did last time?

Watch live: Trump gives remarks at UN event on religious freedom

Trump is going to be talking in front of the United Nations live in just a little while. Supposedly his speech is going to be mostly about religious freedom. I’m starting to giggle already.

Republicans hate gay people based on their religion. And yet, in their religion, the punishment for being gay and being an adulterer is the same.

And Donald Trump being a serial adulterer, even having unprotected sex with porn stars, is something we can all agree on.

I’ll have to watch his speech later. Because I have chores.

I hope you guys watch it. I’m sure it’ll be entertaining.

Yes they have to laugh to cover their own failures. Our economy is the best in the world, and our "allies" hate that especially since we stopped throwing money at them and goofy groups like Paris accord and Nato.
Do you think they’ll laugh at trump at the United Nations like they did last time?

Watch live: Trump gives remarks at UN event on religious freedom

Trump is going to be talking in front of the United Nations live in just a little while. Supposedly his speech is going to be mostly about religious freedom. I’m starting to giggle already.

Republicans hate gay people based on their religion. And yet, in their religion, the punishment for being gay and being an adulterer is the same.

And Donald Trump being a serial adulterer, even having unprotected sex with porn stars, is something we can all agree on.

I’ll have to watch his speech later. Because I have chores.

I hope you guys watch it. I’m sure it’ll be entertaining.

At their peril.
The UN is a failed globalist organization created by our first globalist President FDR. President Trump should withdraw US funding and let the globalists pay their own way.
Y'know, Mike, I think your attitude is dangerous. I sense that you think because America is the richest and militarily strongest nation in he world, for the time being, that we can arrogantly stand alone and thumb our nose at the rest of the world. The lesson of previous fallen empires is lost on you, even that of Great Britain during our own revolution when our force was ragged but our dream was powerful enough to conquer. Or even mighty Germany when allies banded together to bring it down in spite of lesser military and training. The UN is far from perfect, but post-WWII without it would be a less stable world. One example is that there would be no Israel. 41 would have had a hard time getting a coalition for Kuwait/Iraq. Nations alone, including ours, are helpless. Together, they are a force.

BTW: The UN is Truman's baby.
The UN is a failed globalist organization created by our first globalist President FDR. President Trump should withdraw US funding and let the globalists pay their own way.
Y'know, Mike, I think your attitude is dangerous. I sense that you think because America is the richest and militarily strongest nation in he world, for the time being, that we can arrogantly stand alone and thumb our nose at the rest of the world. The lesson of previous fallen empires is lost on you, even that of Great Britain during our own revolution when our force was ragged but our dream was powerful enough to conquer. Or even mighty Germany when allies banded together to bring it down in spite of lesser military and training. The UN is far from perfect, but post-WWII without it would be a less stable world. One example is that there would be no Israel. 41 would have had a hard time getting a coalition for Kuwait/Iraq. Nations alone, including ours, are helpless. Together, they are a force.

BTW: The UN is Truman's baby.

It began as Wilson's but the league of nations also wound up doing nothing and going no where just like the UN. Come to think of it the EU is pretty much sharing the same fate lately. It seems that all of this leftist idealic nonsense is just that, nonsense in the end.
The UN is a failed globalist organization created by our first globalist President FDR. President Trump should withdraw US funding and let the globalists pay their own way.
Y'know, Mike, I think your attitude is dangerous. I sense that you think because America is the richest and militarily strongest nation in he world, for the time being, that we can arrogantly stand alone and thumb our nose at the rest of the world. The lesson of previous fallen empires is lost on you, even that of Great Britain during our own revolution when our force was ragged but our dream was powerful enough to conquer. Or even mighty Germany when allies banded together to bring it down in spite of lesser military and training. The UN is far from perfect, but post-WWII without it would be a less stable world. One example is that there would be no Israel. 41 would have had a hard time getting a coalition for Kuwait/Iraq. Nations alone, including ours, are helpless. Together, they are a force.

BTW: The UN is Truman's baby.

The UN is not Truman's baby. And having a bloated globalist, inneffective organization is worse IMO than no organization. Their main charter is to promote peace between nations, where are they in the Middle East the armpit of the world? They do nothing.
United Nations created. On this day, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill issue a declaration, signed by representatives of 26 countries, called the “United Nations.” The signatories of the declaration vowed to create an international postwar peacekeeping organization.
The UN is a failed globalist organization created by our first globalist President FDR. President Trump should withdraw US funding and let the globalists pay their own way.
Y'know, Mike, I think your attitude is dangerous. I sense that you think because America is the richest and militarily strongest nation in he world, for the time being, that we can arrogantly stand alone and thumb our nose at the rest of the world. The lesson of previous fallen empires is lost on you, even that of Great Britain during our own revolution when our force was ragged but our dream was powerful enough to conquer. Or even mighty Germany when allies banded together to bring it down in spite of lesser military and training. The UN is far from perfect, but post-WWII without it would be a less stable world. One example is that there would be no Israel. 41 would have had a hard time getting a coalition for Kuwait/Iraq. Nations alone, including ours, are helpless. Together, they are a force.

BTW: The UN is Truman's baby.

The UN is not Truman's baby. And having a bloated globalist, inneffective organization is worse IMO than no organization. Their main charter is to promote peace between nations, where are they in the Middle East the armpit of the world? They do nothing.
United Nations created. On this day, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill issue a declaration, signed by representatives of 26 countries, called the “United Nations.” The signatories of the declaration vowed to create an international postwar peacekeeping organization.
The UN is the very definition of diversity-how's THAT working out for ya?
The UN is a failed globalist organization created by our first globalist President FDR. President Trump should withdraw US funding and let the globalists pay their own way.
Y'know, Mike, I think your attitude is dangerous. I sense that you think because America is the richest and militarily strongest nation in he world, for the time being, that we can arrogantly stand alone and thumb our nose at the rest of the world. The lesson of previous fallen empires is lost on you, even that of Great Britain during our own revolution when our force was ragged but our dream was powerful enough to conquer. Or even mighty Germany when allies banded together to bring it down in spite of lesser military and training. The UN is far from perfect, but post-WWII without it would be a less stable world. One example is that there would be no Israel. 41 would have had a hard time getting a coalition for Kuwait/Iraq. Nations alone, including ours, are helpless. Together, they are a force.

BTW: The UN is Truman's baby.
They used to say the sun never sets on the English empire. And now England has their own Donald Trump. His name is Boris.
The UN is a failed globalist organization created by our first globalist President FDR. President Trump should withdraw US funding and let the globalists pay their own way.
Y'know, Mike, I think your attitude is dangerous. I sense that you think because America is the richest and militarily strongest nation in he world, for the time being, that we can arrogantly stand alone and thumb our nose at the rest of the world. The lesson of previous fallen empires is lost on you, even that of Great Britain during our own revolution when our force was ragged but our dream was powerful enough to conquer. Or even mighty Germany when allies banded together to bring it down in spite of lesser military and training. The UN is far from perfect, but post-WWII without it would be a less stable world. One example is that there would be no Israel. 41 would have had a hard time getting a coalition for Kuwait/Iraq. Nations alone, including ours, are helpless. Together, they are a force.

BTW: The UN is Truman's baby.

The UN is not Truman's baby. And having a bloated globalist, inneffective organization is worse IMO than no organization. Their main charter is to promote peace between nations, where are they in the Middle East the armpit of the world? They do nothing.
United Nations created. On this day, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill issue a declaration, signed by representatives of 26 countries, called the “United Nations.” The signatories of the declaration vowed to create an international postwar peacekeeping organization.
The UN is the very definition of diversity-how's THAT working out for ya?
Really good. You should look into it. I read a book one time they talked about all the wars that were stopped at the UN that nobody hears about because they were stopped at the UN. If there was no U.N., the chaos would be much worse.

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