Do you remember when Merrick Garland was presented as a moderate?

Like this?

Or should this guy be given a pass too? We don’t want to go after people just for opposing Trump?

This is not even close to being the same thing. Garland directed the FBI to investigate parents who oppose left-wing ideology. It was not about specific threats, just opposition. If you recall, Obama did the same thing with the IRS. Democrats HATE opposition and will do anything to squash it, including using government agencies.
This is not even close to being the same thing. Garland directed the FBI to investigate parents who oppose left-wing ideology. It was not about specific threats, just opposition. If you recall, Obama did the same thing with the IRS. Democrats HATE opposition and will do anything to squash it, including using government agencies.
Who the hell told you that nonsense? Are you so addled that you can’t even read for yourself.

It says nothing of what your describing. I just don’t understand how people who aren’t idiots are so willing to accept the gross mischaracterization and rewriting reality just to fit their partisan needs.
Biden is not governing like a moderate. He is governing like a member of the Squad and his policies are damaging the very fabric of our country. This is exactly what the Squad wants and it is exactly what our enemies(China and Russia) want. It is not coincidental.
Biden has contained the liberal wing and pushed compromise in the party. That is what a moderate does
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It was not long ago that Merrick Garland was presented as a moderate for SCOTUS, just like they did Biden.

Hopefully, we are done with thinking any of these radical extremists are moderates.

F#ck'em all!!!!!!!
He's still a moderate. You just can't see it from way out there on the fringes.
Who the hell told you that nonsense? Are you so addled that you can’t even read for yourself.

It says nothing of what your describing. I just don’t understand how people who aren’t idiots are so willing to accept the gross mischaracterization and rewriting reality just to fit their partisan needs.

Far more astounding is that you can’t read between the lines here.

”The Justice Department will also create specialized training and guidance for local school boards and school administrators," the DOJ release added. "This training will help school board members and other potential victims understand the type of behavior that constitutes threats, how to report threatening conduct to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, and how to capture and preserve evidence of threatening conduct to aid in the investigation and prosecution of these crimes."

School board members reporting what they deem as “threatening conduct” to the FBI will lead to countless unwarranted investigations, which is exactly the plan. They don’t want opposition and this is a way to squelch it. It is like getting audited by the IRS because some random person said they thought you may have cheated. To make it worse, this falls along party lines. Did the Trump administration ask the FBI to investigate any person from a left-wing protest that appeared to be “threatening”. What about those folks following around their Senators protesting their lack of support for far-left policies? What about those “protestors” harassing Republian lawmakers as they ate? Was the FBI sent to investigate their families?
start a thread listing their entire record for their entire career. lets explore it.
Don’t have to
Biden has a lengthy record in the Senate where he worked with Republicans, compromised and worked out deals.
That is what Moderates do
I don’t think the conservatives in this country understand that they’re becoming more and more fringe. Moderates don’t come to school board meetings shouting and being disorderly to the point of police having to clear the room.

Did you watch any of the left-wing protests from last year? Do you consider those folks moderate? I don’t think liberals understand that their party has been taken over by the far-far left. Their heads are stuck in the sand.
Did you even read what he wrote? He gave a valid reason. Do you agree this is an abuse of power for political purposes?
I'm afraid that, because you folks are so emotional and consistently hyperbolic, translation is often needed.

A questionable move, worthy of calm conversation and analysis? Yes. Radical extremism? Of course not.

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