Do You Really Want Open Borders?

Do you want open borders?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 23 100.0%

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Democrats in power will never admit that they favor "open borders," because that is a political loser.

But they want to legalize basically all of the people in the country illegally, maximize the number of wretched bastards coming in on an ongoing basis, and make them all voting "citizens" as quickly as possible.

Of course, this is actually a policy or open borders, but as I say, they will never admit that that is what they want.

Why the Rank & File go along with this is a mystery to me. NOBODY wins with these policies except Democrat elected officials. Not the taxpayers, not the citizens, not the school students, not the workers...NOBODY. Just democrat politicians.
Who wants third-World riff-raffs pouring in, at a uncontrollable pace, due to a lack of border security?
I like them more than I like you. They can`t possibly be stupid enough to think illegals are coming at an "uncontrollable pace" when their numbers are lower than they were in 2010.
What we know about illegal immigration from Mexico

Lower pace, and yet there's 16 - 29 million of them, and more "Added" everyday.

When is it too much for you, huh?

You're the idiot, not I.
Who wants third-World riff-raffs pouring in, at a uncontrollable pace, due to a lack of border security?
I like them more than I like you. They can`t possibly be stupid enough to think illegals are coming at an "uncontrollable pace" when their numbers are lower than they were in 2010.
What we know about illegal immigration from Mexico

Lower pace, and yet there's 16 - 29 million of them, and more "Added" everyday.

When is it too much for you, huh?

You're the idiot, not I.
You got a link to support your 29 million or are you now moving the goal post to 16 million? You should probably leave this thread alone instead of digging yourself a deeper hole.
Who wants third-World riff-raffs pouring in, at a uncontrollable pace, due to a lack of border security?
I like them more than I like you. They can`t possibly be stupid enough to think illegals are coming at an "uncontrollable pace" when their numbers are lower than they were in 2010.
What we know about illegal immigration from Mexico

Lower pace, and yet there's 16 - 29 million of them, and more "Added" everyday.

When is it too much for you, huh?

You're the idiot, not I.
You got a link to support your 29 million or are you now moving the goal post to 16 million? You should probably leave this thread alone instead of digging yourself a deeper hole.

You're obviously an ill-informed, obnoxious, big mouth.

Here's the study, do you feel dumb, yet?

Up to 29 Million Illegal Aliens in United States: Yale Study
The borders aren`t open and never have been open. Forget every thing you learned at Trump U.

Of course the borders have fences and Border Patrol but thousands of Mexicans make it across every month.

They may as well be open.

Build the damned wall and they will be closed. Once its up and no more can get in we can boot those that are here the hell out. They won't be able to get back in.

Then we will have a closed border.
And 72% of them are on some form of gov. Welfare so the libtard lie that they are good for the economy is bullshit! Were it true their countries would be booming! Right libtards?
Democrats in power will never admit that they favor "open borders," because that is a political loser.

But they want to legalize basically all of the people in the country illegally, maximize the number of wretched bastards coming in on an ongoing basis, and make them all voting "citizens" as quickly as possible.

Of course, this is actually a policy or open borders, but as I say, they will never admit that that is what they want.

Why the Rank & File go along with this is a mystery to me. NOBODY wins with these policies except Democrat elected officials. Not the taxpayers, not the citizens, not the school students, not the workers...NOBODY. Just democrat politicians.
Open borders has been painted by the left as a fuzzy warm issue. Anyone who doesn't allow it to continue is a racist.
Trump booted a WH corrispondent (Jim Acosta) out because he was being disrespectful and he refused to admit that there were thousands of migrants trying to illegally enter the US. Now it's happening.
Who wants third-World riff-raffs pouring in, at a uncontrollable pace, due to a lack of border security?
I like them more than I like you. They can`t possibly be stupid enough to think illegals are coming at an "uncontrollable pace" when their numbers are lower than they were in 2010.
What we know about illegal immigration from Mexico
Statistical history isn't current.
We have had a surge the last couple of months.
We have locks on our doors for a reason.
Unfortunately we need a wall to keep people from breaking down our doors.

Israel solved their terrorism problem by building a wall.
Making it harder or next to impossible to get in solves part of the problem.
It reduces the possibility of having to remove thousands of multiple deportees.
My point was we don’t have open homes so why would we have open borders.
I don't believe in half measures.
So don't buy into the bait / switch Mud dude....

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the corporatists in America want cheap labor, the #'s of H1B holders the gub'mit allows is prostituted 10 fold by them.

The diversion(s) are 'Americans are lazy' ,as well as 'Let's build a wall to keep 'em out'

The ONE time the Trump administration challeged this, the fortune 500's lobbyists flocked to DC like the biblical plauge of locusts

5th page news juxtaposed to who got gassed.....

The Democrat socialists are interested in one thing only. Population replacement. Kill off or out gestate white Americans. Shove as many non whites in as fast as possible. Encourage the males to kill the young white mothers. That's the goal and the process.
750 million people, 15% of total world population wants to migrate.

Our horribly racist country is the number one favorite destination. 158 million want to move here.

Why is that?

Because these assholes are paying them to come here.

Barack Obama, George Soros, and some leftist asshole named Pueblo.

Meet One of the Caravan's Main Organizers, Pueblo Sin Fronteras
Who wants third-World riff-raffs pouring in, at a uncontrollable pace, due to a lack of border security?
I like them more than I like you. They can`t possibly be stupid enough to think illegals are coming at an "uncontrollable pace" when their numbers are lower than they were in 2010.
What we know about illegal immigration from Mexico

Lower pace, and yet there's 16 - 29 million of them, and more "Added" everyday.

When is it too much for you, huh?

You're the idiot, not I.
You got a link to support your 29 million or are you now moving the goal post to 16 million? You should probably leave this thread alone instead of digging yourself a deeper hole.

You're obviously an ill-informed, obnoxious, big mouth.

Here's the study, do you feel dumb, yet?

Up to 29 Million Illegal Aliens in United States: Yale Study
One of 12 people in this country are illegals? Ya, that`s dumb.
Because we've a long ugly history in SAmerica , and this is how it's biting us in the azz Mud


Completely discounts & Ignores the TRILLIONS the US taxpayer has contributed to improve lives around the world over a century.
All the medical and humanitarian aid the US taxpayer has given.

Yep..Just like a Lefty...."America the Horrible"......:boo_hoo14:
The borders aren`t open and never have been open. Forget every thing you learned at Trump U.
Illegal Immigration Statistics -


11 million illegals, and sanctuary cities, laws, and social programs, kinda, sorta, empirically refutes your position.

The punishment for overstaying VISAS needs to be made much more harsh, this much is clear looking at the data.

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