Do you pay attention to Obama?


Feb 14, 2011
From some recent reading I've been doing, I wonder who actually pays attention to Obama.

People who appear to have voted for him don't seem to know some things I consider common knowledge. For example, people are called racist for saying that Obama benefited from affirmative action. It's suggested that they're lying for saying so. But Obama himself said it.

On the other hand, people who didn't vote for him might not have the incentive to listen that closely to what he says - but I actually do pay attention to him even though I don't like him much and sometimes joke about wishing there was an Ignore button for him. (Had a favorable impression of him when he first hit the national scene in 2004, and like that he seems to be a good father, but strongly dislike most of what I've learned about him since 2007.)

So, do you actually pay attention to Obama?

If you're a cheerleader for him, do you cheer mostly on principle, or do you study what he says first?

If you're "against everything he stands for", are you against it because you assumed it was bull, or do you study what he says first?

If you're in the middle, are you there because you're a cynic in general or because you listen to him and still can't decide.

... or sumpin like that.

Just throwing things out. Not trying to capture every possible direction people might be coming from.

Do you listen to his speeches? Have you read his autobiographies? Do you know which he did first - community organizer or law school? Do you know his record as a politician in Illinois? Do you know his record in the U.S. Senate? Etc.

If none of the above, do you still dive in and talk about him?
I've watched him pretty carefully. There are policy decisions he's made I like and don't like.

But I find discussion sorta impossible because of the hyperbole, bigotry and racism.

Personally? What I liked?

Lots of things..most notably passing a health care package, getting rid of torture, saving american jobs, private sector job growth and killing Osama Bin Laden.

What I didn't like? Extending the Bush tax cuts, signing the patriot act renewal, not getting out of Afghanistan, and not closing gitmo.

All those things are impossible to discuss with rightwingers.
Obama is a ****** ( not a black man). He is a lying piece of shit but has a command of the English language that would be hard to rival by anyone. He's probably better than Slick Willie ( another ******, albeit white)
He can also read a teleprompter as well as Jimi Hendrix could play guitar.
Obama is a ****** ( not a black man). He is a lying piece of shit but has a command of the English language that would be hard to rival by anyone. He's probably better than Slick Willie ( another ******, albeit white)
He can also read a teleprompter as well as Jimi Hendrix could play guitar.

Man are a downer..ain't ya?:eusa_shhh:
No I don't pay any attention to him. he's like a broken record player that you would like to kick to get it to play something else.

and what that record has to say is crap anyway so it should just be thrown out.
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He is like fleas. You know they are there but don't pay attention until one bites you and makes you itch.

Watching him annoys me. I have a deep aversion to the sound of " sermons" with the style and tempo of a well oiled preacher. The blue lips are VERY distracting to just about anything that comes out of his mouth.
side note: I really enjoy Fred Armisen's take on Obama. Sometimes when I'm grimacing at Obama's cadence, I flash back to Armisen's skits and smile.

side side side side note (lol): thinking of Ben Affleck's brilliant SNL Olbermann also makes it easier to listen to Olbermann on the odd occasion when KO is pushed in my face.
I pay even less attention to Olbermann than I do to Obama. The only entertaining thing about the former is:

[ame=]Dramatic Olbermann vs. Dramatic Chipmunk - YouTube[/ame]
I pay attention to Obama, but mostly through reading his speeches rather than listening to them. He is a fantastic public speaker, when he wants to be, but has dropped off from doing the more energetic speeches that I like.

As for policy, I agree with Sallow. There are things I like and things I don't. I don't like a lack of a public option or the extension of the Bush tax cuts or this obsession with getting the GOP to vote for something so it's "bipartisan". But, it's impossible to discuss these issues with those on the Right.
I was paying more attention before, then I am paying now. Since everything he's doing is driven by ideology, I pretty much know he won't change his tune and will keep pushing the same buttons. Beside of killing OBL, he hasn't done anything for America that will make me proud of having him as president.

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