Why Sarah Palin won't run ... and wouldn't win


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Calling someone out for their stupidity is not fascination, fear, or reverence. It's calling someone out for their stupidity.

For those of you who think the liberal media piles on Sarah Palin, let me ask you this...does the liberal media call Condoleezza Rice stupid? Do they call Olympia Snowe stupid? Kay Bailey Hutchinson? Absolutely not. They may disagree with them and have articles slanted in the opposite direction, but no one calls these ladies stupid.

Sarah Palin is genuinely, unabashedly, stupid.


Why Sarah Palin won't run ... and wouldn't win [Most commented] - latimes.com
Like you'd vote for anyone who didn't have a (D) by their name....If you could even vote.

She could win, although she's a long shot. The state of the economy in October 2012 will be the major determinant in deciding the election. Apparently the Divine Sarah is not going to run because she prefers her position as right-wing gadfly. If any more is known about her disinclination to run, I've not seen it published.
Calling someone out for their stupidity is not fascination, fear, or reverence. It's calling someone out for their stupidity.

For those of you who think the liberal media piles on Sarah Palin, let me ask you this...does the liberal media call Condoleezza Rice stupid? Do they call Olympia Snowe stupid? Kay Bailey Hutchinson? Absolutely not. They may disagree with them and have articles slanted in the opposite direction, but no one calls these ladies stupid.

Sarah Palin is genuinely, unabashedly, stupid.


Why Sarah Palin won't run ... and wouldn't win [Most commented] - latimes.com

I'm not defending Palin's intelligence, but the women you list are 1) Not running for President, ever, and 2) Are acceptable liberal republican women.

I personally don't think Palin's very bright, but I also think she gets really beaten up on by the MSM, and quite a lot of it is pretty misogynistic. I also think the MSM had misogynistic attitudes towards Hillary Rodham Clinton.

And Ironically, Pakistan and India had female heads of State long before the United States did...

I do think that if she got the nomination by some quirk of fate, she'd beat Obama. But Alf Landon's reanimated zombie could beat Obama at this point.

Obama- "Ummm, errrr, ummm, It's Bush's fault. No, it's the Earthquake in Japan. Err. Irene... errr, ummm, Boehner"

Zombie Landon "Braaaaains!" (Starts chasing Obama around the stage.)
Oh goody, ANOTHER thread why Palin WON'T RUN and if she DID she wouldn't win..

ho hum ho hum ho hum ho hum ho hum...dumpy dumb dumb..:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

And I would say the so called AUTHOR of that article IS Absolutely...STUPID AND BORING
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Sarah Palin is genuinely, unabashedly, stupid.

Again, Palin’s not stupid, she’s ignorant – and it not just a matter of semantics.

I’m sure she’s a reasonably intelligent woman, as capable as any other average American. The issue is she’s ignorant of many fundamental facts concerning politics, government, the Constitution, and the law.

And there’s noting necessarily wrong with that – provided one is aware of his ignorance.

That’s Palin’s failing, she’s unaware of her ignorance and unaware of the fact she has no idea what she’s talking about.
Huntsman sounded real good on CNN last night.

Yes, he did – consequently his candidacy is doomed.
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Sarah Palin is genuinely, unabashedly, stupid.

Again, Palin’s not stupid, she’s ignorant – and it not just a matter of semantics.

I’m sure she’s a reasonably intelligent woman, as capable as any other average American. The issue is she’s ignorant of many fundamental facts concerning politics, government, the Constitution, and the law.

And there’s noting necessarily wrong with that – provided one is aware of his ignorance.

That’s Palin’s failing, she’s unaware of her ignorance and unaware of the fact she has no idea what she’s talking about.

I'm not sure that she's unaware of her ignorance. She seems to revel in it.
Sarah Palin is genuinely, unabashedly, stupid.

Again, Palin’s not stupid, she’s ignorant – and it not just a matter of semantics.

I’m sure she’s a reasonably intelligent woman, as capable as any other average American. The issue is she’s ignorant of many fundamental facts concerning politics, government, the Constitution, and the law.

And there’s noting necessarily wrong with that – provided one is aware of his ignorance.

That’s Palin’s failing, she’s unaware of her ignorance and unaware of the fact she has no idea what she’s talking about.
Huntsman sounded real good on CNN last night.

Yes, he did – consequently his candidacy is doomed.

OMG...Palin was a Governor of a STATE.. I'm sure she know the fundamental facts concerning politics, GOVERNEMT, the Constitution and the law..Too bad we can't say that about our current Community Organizer President and MOST the elected clowns in Congress..
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Sarah Palin is genuinely, unabashedly, stupid.

Again, Palin’s not stupid, she’s ignorant – and it not just a matter of semantics.

I’m sure she’s a reasonably intelligent woman, as capable as any other average American. The issue is she’s ignorant of many fundamental facts concerning politics, government, the Constitution, and the law.

And there’s noting necessarily wrong with that – provided one is aware of his ignorance.

That’s Palin’s failing, she’s unaware of her ignorance and unaware of the fact she has no idea what she’s talking about.
Huntsman sounded real good on CNN last night.

Yes, he did – consequently his candidacy is doomed.

OMG...Palin was a Governor of a STATE.. I'm sure she know the fundamental facts concerning politics, GOVERNEMT, the Constitution and the law..Too bad we can't say that about our current Community Organizer President and MOST the elected clowns in Congress..

Because she got elected governor, she knows the fundamentals of politics, government, and law. But Obama, who got elected president, and "most" of our representatives and senators, who got elected to their offices, do not?
Again, Palin’s not stupid, she’s ignorant – and it not just a matter of semantics.

I’m sure she’s a reasonably intelligent woman, as capable as any other average American. The issue is she’s ignorant of many fundamental facts concerning politics, government, the Constitution, and the law.

And there’s noting necessarily wrong with that – provided one is aware of his ignorance.

That’s Palin’s failing, she’s unaware of her ignorance and unaware of the fact she has no idea what she’s talking about.

Yes, he did – consequently his candidacy is doomed.

OMG...Palin was a Governor of a STATE.. I'm sure she know the fundamental facts concerning politics, GOVERNEMT, the Constitution and the law..Too bad we can't say that about our current Community Organizer President and MOST the elected clowns in Congress..

Because she got elected governor, she knows the fundamentals of politics, government, and law. But Obama, who got elected president, and "most" of our representatives and senators, who got elected to their offices, do not?

yep, they are ONLY members of Congress MOST have never run a STATE and Obama was FRIGGEN JUNIOR SENATOR and never run anything but his mouth..:lol:
get it NOW???
I saw clips of her at a recent TP gathering and she kept saying "my plan" time and time again...
She is at least hoping for a VP slot. Or an appointment by the right wing winner.

Imagine Palin as Secretary of State?

Is she still getting paid to speak at the TP gatherings?
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OMG...Palin was a Governor of a STATE.. I'm sure she know the fundamental facts concerning politics, GOVERNEMT, the Constitution and the law..Too bad we can't say that about our current Community Organizer President and MOST the elected clowns in Congress..

Because she got elected governor, she knows the fundamentals of politics, government, and law. But Obama, who got elected president, and "most" of our representatives and senators, who got elected to their offices, do not?

yep, they are ONLY members of Congress MOST have never run a STATE and Obama was FRIGGEN JUNIOR SENATOR and never run anything but his mouth..:lol:
get it NOW???

No. Sorry. You don't make it clear at all why you think being elected governor endows one with those properties and being elected president or to Congress does not. Rod Blagoevich got elected governor. Do you think he had those qualities?

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