Do you leftest cretins realize what just happened?

The Donald unveils the strategy behind the public tariff curtain:

The tariffs stay on until a new NAFTA agreement is signed.

Negotiating from strength.

Yep, he just strengthened Canada and Mexico. Well done Mr Trump.
good, then the illegals don't need to come here then right?

They come here because businesses pay them to. And neither party will do a thing to stop that side of it.
so you admit they steal american jobs.

How can they steal what is offered to them by the companies? What sort of logic is that?
The Donald unveils the strategy behind the public tariff curtain:

The tariffs stay on until a new NAFTA agreement is signed.

Negotiating from strength.

Yep, he just strengthened Canada and Mexico. Well done Mr Trump.
good, then the illegals don't need to come here then right?

They come here because businesses pay them to. And neither party will do a thing to stop that side of it.
so you admit they steal american jobs.

How can they steal what is offered to them by the companies? What sort of logic is that?
because they aren't US citizens. therefore they are criminals.
Yep, he just strengthened Canada and Mexico. Well done Mr Trump.
good, then the illegals don't need to come here then right?

They come here because businesses pay them to. And neither party will do a thing to stop that side of it.
so you admit they steal american jobs.

How can they steal what is offered to them by the companies? What sort of logic is that?
because they aren't US citizens. therefore they are criminals.

This is true they are. But that does not take away the fact that they were basically invited by all the companies that are willing to pay them. If you wish to stop illegal immigration, stop the paying them to do a job.

But nobody will do that, because we like our cheap produce.
good, then the illegals don't need to come here then right?

They come here because businesses pay them to. And neither party will do a thing to stop that side of it.
so you admit they steal american jobs.

How can they steal what is offered to them by the companies? What sort of logic is that?
because they aren't US citizens. therefore they are criminals.

This is true they are. But that does not take away the fact that they were basically invited by all the companies that are willing to pay them. If you wish to stop illegal immigration, stop the paying them to do a job.

But nobody will do that, because we like our cheap produce.
so one who cares about crime ignores an invitation to commit a crime. Or do they want to be criminals?
They come here because businesses pay them to. And neither party will do a thing to stop that side of it.
so you admit they steal american jobs.

How can they steal what is offered to them by the companies? What sort of logic is that?
because they aren't US citizens. therefore they are criminals.

This is true they are. But that does not take away the fact that they were basically invited by all the companies that are willing to pay them. If you wish to stop illegal immigration, stop the paying them to do a job.

But nobody will do that, because we like our cheap produce.
so one who cares about crime ignores an invitation to commit a crime. Or do they want to be criminals?

They want to get paid and are desperate enough to commit the crime of entering the country illegally to get paid.

Why do you have such a hardon for the individuals yet you ignore the companies that are so desperate to make more of a profit they are willing to break the law also?
so you admit they steal american jobs.

How can they steal what is offered to them by the companies? What sort of logic is that?
because they aren't US citizens. therefore they are criminals.

This is true they are. But that does not take away the fact that they were basically invited by all the companies that are willing to pay them. If you wish to stop illegal immigration, stop the paying them to do a job.

But nobody will do that, because we like our cheap produce.
so one who cares about crime ignores an invitation to commit a crime. Or do they want to be criminals?

They want to get paid and are desperate enough to commit the crime of entering the country illegally to get paid.

Why do you have such a hardon for the individuals yet you ignore the companies that are so desperate to make more of a profit they are willing to break the law also?
oh, don't get me mixed up as someone who approves of companies hiring illegals. lock em up! It is part of the Trump plan. I'm for it.
How can they steal what is offered to them by the companies? What sort of logic is that?
because they aren't US citizens. therefore they are criminals.

This is true they are. But that does not take away the fact that they were basically invited by all the companies that are willing to pay them. If you wish to stop illegal immigration, stop the paying them to do a job.

But nobody will do that, because we like our cheap produce.
so one who cares about crime ignores an invitation to commit a crime. Or do they want to be criminals?

They want to get paid and are desperate enough to commit the crime of entering the country illegally to get paid.

Why do you have such a hardon for the individuals yet you ignore the companies that are so desperate to make more of a profit they are willing to break the law also?
oh, don't get me mixed up as someone who approves of companies hiring illegals. lock em up! It is part of the Trump plan. I'm for it.


Please list the CEOs that Trump has locked up for hiring illegals
because they aren't US citizens. therefore they are criminals.

This is true they are. But that does not take away the fact that they were basically invited by all the companies that are willing to pay them. If you wish to stop illegal immigration, stop the paying them to do a job.

But nobody will do that, because we like our cheap produce.
so one who cares about crime ignores an invitation to commit a crime. Or do they want to be criminals?

They want to get paid and are desperate enough to commit the crime of entering the country illegally to get paid.

Why do you have such a hardon for the individuals yet you ignore the companies that are so desperate to make more of a profit they are willing to break the law also?
oh, don't get me mixed up as someone who approves of companies hiring illegals. lock em up! It is part of the Trump plan. I'm for it.


Please list the CEOs that Trump has locked up for hiring illegals
I didn't know it was his job.
They come here because businesses pay them to. And neither party will do a thing to stop that side of it.
so you admit they steal american jobs.

How can they steal what is offered to them by the companies? What sort of logic is that?
because they aren't US citizens. therefore they are criminals.

This is true they are. But that does not take away the fact that they were basically invited by all the companies that are willing to pay them. If you wish to stop illegal immigration, stop the paying them to do a job.

But nobody will do that, because we like our cheap produce.
so one who cares about crime ignores an invitation to commit a crime. Or do they want to be criminals?

The criminals are those who hire illegals because they can underpay exploit them and the workers can’t complain. Republicans have consistently refused to increase penalties for employers or to enforce the laws against employers who hire illegals.

When the economy crashed in 2008, Mexicans went home because there were no jobs and because Obama was strictly enforcing immigration laws, deporting illegals and going after employers. There were 300,000 fewer Mexican illegals in the US at the end of Obama’s Administration than at the beginning. Obama, like Clinton before him, got tough on employers.
so you admit they steal american jobs.

How can they steal what is offered to them by the companies? What sort of logic is that?
because they aren't US citizens. therefore they are criminals.

This is true they are. But that does not take away the fact that they were basically invited by all the companies that are willing to pay them. If you wish to stop illegal immigration, stop the paying them to do a job.

But nobody will do that, because we like our cheap produce.
so one who cares about crime ignores an invitation to commit a crime. Or do they want to be criminals?

The criminals are those who hire illegals because they can underpay exploit them and the workers can’t complain. Republicans have consistently refused to increase penalties for employers or to enforce the laws against employers who hire illegals.

When the economy crashed in 2008, Mexicans went home because there were no jobs and because Obama was strictly enforcing immigration laws, deporting illegals and going after employers. There were 300,000 fewer Mexican illegals in the US at the end of Obama’s Administration than at the beginning. Obama, like Clinton before him, got tough on employers.
Trump has requested that legislation as part of the immigration package. The dems said no. What changed BTW from 2008 when Obummer supposedly did that? why are you all for open borders now if that is indeed the left position? that isn't logical.
So DOTR you are a union supporter as you support this win for american steelworkers who fully realizes that the steel companies will be successful because of the help of union workers. Otherwise youy are lying.

I am most certainly union. An officer in my local. Funny you mention steelworkers...I am not a steelworker but our contract is tied to theirs. We got a "me too" provision in our last contract giving us the same raise as steelworkers received.
So DOTR you are a union supporter as you support this win for american steelworkers who fully realizes that the steel companies will be successful because of the help of union workers. Otherwise youy are lying.

I am most certainly union. An officer in my local. Funny you mention steelworkers...I am not a steelworker but our contract is tied to theirs. We got a "me too" provision in our last contract giving us the same raise as steelworkers received.
/——-/ So you’re too incompetent to earn your raises on your own. You need Union Thugs to do it for you. OK
Explain how unions are socialism....they show up and work. If you are dumb and ignorant enough to ask for less for your work have at it.
Buttboys for the Bosses

Scabs must be driven out. No one has the right to lower wages for his fellow workers. The farthest away we've gotten from that traditional proud attitude is college students working without pay. In a Stockholm Syndrome reaction, their natural resentment caused by that is transferred to those who refused to humiliate themselves just to get a "good job." A self-respecting generation would take it out on the plutocratic parasites who mandate such indentured servitude.

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