Do you leftest cretins realize what just happened?

So, the unions WON’T be happy with this move. You should inform the op

The members will be happy.....
So, the unions are corrupt and socialist blah blah blah, so you’re against unions? But you support this move by Trump which — according to the op — will help unions and bring them to Trump’s side.

Jesus, are you dizzy from all of that spinning?
/----/ better they go to Trump tham democRATs

Trump is and always has been a Democrat...he just tricked you fools into voting for him.

Then you should be supporting him.

Why should I be supporting a Dem? I voted for one once, in 1992. Never made that mistake again.
The Origins of Political Correctness

give me some examples of the right doing the same behaviors to the left. i don't see it to this degree and am curious.

being a little binary now, aren't you! :21: (just kidding)

Here is an example of the right doing the same thing as the left, perhaps you recall this discussion...

Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA
all good - i can handle it when called out for doing things i say i don't *like* to do. :)

this is a "reactionary" move and i hate those. and while yes this is the Gov saying what a company can or can't do (grandstanding although it may be) it's not telling people how to think, feel, what names to call people, what words you can't use anymore and it's not a good example of PC, just stupid.
"Less than 100,000 people in the USA work in iron mines and steel mills. The last time tariffs were placed on steel (by GW Bush), over 200,000 people lost their jobs due to higher prices."

This is a bizarre statement in Politico from a senior congressional Republican. Congress is explicitly granted the power in the Constitution "to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excise" and to “regulate Commerce with foreign Nations."
The Donald unveils the strategy behind the public tariff curtain:

The tariffs stay on until a new NAFTA agreement is signed.

Negotiating from strength.
all good - i can handle it when called out for doing things i say i don't *like* to do. :)

this is a "reactionary" move and i hate those. and while yes this is the Gov saying what a company can or can't do (grandstanding although it may be) it's not telling people how to think, feel, what names to call people, what words you can't use anymore and it's not a good example of PC, just stupid.

I do not really feel like digging for examples as it is really a waste of time, but it seems to me that the "Anti-PC" movement has become every bit as pushy and controlling as what they are fighting.

Take me for example, I do not like that the POTUS has cute little 4th grade nicknames for people, and I have been called PC 1000 times for having that view.

For those who call themselves the "right" in this country, calling someone PC is like the left calling someone racist.

This is a bizarre statement in Politico from a senior congressional Republican. Congress is explicitly granted the power in the Constitution "to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excise" and to “regulate Commerce with foreign Nations."
did Trump run on putting on tariffs? did he win?
The Donald unveils the strategy behind the public tariff curtain:

The tariffs stay on until a new NAFTA agreement is signed.

Negotiating from strength.

Yep, he just strengthened Canada and Mexico. Well done Mr Trump.
all good - i can handle it when called out for doing things i say i don't *like* to do. :)

this is a "reactionary" move and i hate those. and while yes this is the Gov saying what a company can or can't do (grandstanding although it may be) it's not telling people how to think, feel, what names to call people, what words you can't use anymore and it's not a good example of PC, just stupid.

I do not really feel like digging for examples as it is really a waste of time, but it seems to me that the "Anti-PC" movement has become every bit as pushy and controlling as what they are fighting.

Take me for example, I do not like that the POTUS has cute little 4th grade nicknames for people, and I have been called PC 1000 times for having that view.

For those who call themselves the "right" in this country, calling someone PC is like the left calling someone racist.
except if they didn't *push back* in the manner in which they are pushed, how else would it end? been going on since the 90s really if not before and it keeps getting worse. it doesn't take much to find PC efforts out there so it wouldn't be a waste of time to show me how the right is telling the left how to think, feel and proper ways to talk to others. themselves maybe but not others.

people *like* the 3rd grade name calling? wow.
The Donald unveils the strategy behind the public tariff curtain:

The tariffs stay on until a new NAFTA agreement is signed.

Negotiating from strength.

Yep, he just strengthened Canada and Mexico. Well done Mr Trump.
good, then the illegals don't need to come here then right?

They come here because businesses pay them to. And neither party will do a thing to stop that side of it.
all good - i can handle it when called out for doing things i say i don't *like* to do. :)

this is a "reactionary" move and i hate those. and while yes this is the Gov saying what a company can or can't do (grandstanding although it may be) it's not telling people how to think, feel, what names to call people, what words you can't use anymore and it's not a good example of PC, just stupid.

I do not really feel like digging for examples as it is really a waste of time, but it seems to me that the "Anti-PC" movement has become every bit as pushy and controlling as what they are fighting.

Take me for example, I do not like that the POTUS has cute little 4th grade nicknames for people, and I have been called PC 1000 times for having that view.

For those who call themselves the "right" in this country, calling someone PC is like the left calling someone racist.
except if they didn't *push back* in the manner in which they are pushed, how else would it end? been going on since the 90s really if not before and it keeps getting worse. it doesn't take much to find PC efforts out there so it wouldn't be a waste of time to show me how the right is telling the left how to think, feel and proper ways to talk to others. themselves maybe but not others.

people *like* the 3rd grade name calling? wow.

I said this in a different thread, but when one uses the tactics of the "other side" they become the other side. I do not see that as winning.

Or as the old saying goes...

The Donald unveils the strategy behind the public tariff curtain:

The tariffs stay on until a new NAFTA agreement is signed.

Negotiating from strength.

Yep, he just strengthened Canada and Mexico. Well done Mr Trump.
good, then the illegals don't need to come here then right?

They come here because businesses pay them to. And neither party will do a thing to stop that side of it.
so you admit they steal american jobs.
The Donald unveils the strategy behind the public tariff curtain:

The tariffs stay on until a new NAFTA agreement is signed.

Negotiating from strength.

Yep, he just strengthened Canada and Mexico. Well done Mr Trump.
good, then the illegals don't need to come here then right?

They come here because businesses pay them to. And neither party will do a thing to stop that side of it.
That's why we will build the wall. Stop 'em from sneaking in, then throw those here out. Thank you for your support.
the Club For Growth oppose Trump's tariffs. "Every day with Trump is an adventure" the head of the C4G growled

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