Do You Know: The Doomsday Clock is Ticking. We Are Screwed


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA


The Doomsday Clock is an internationally recognized design that conveys how close we are to destroying our civilization with dangerous technologies of our own making. First and foremost among these are nuclear weapons, but the dangers include climate-changing technologies, emerging biotechnologies, and cybertechnology that could inflict irrevocable harm, whether by intention, miscalculation, or by accident, to our way of life and to the planet. Click here for more information on the topics we cover.

Do you know what it is telling us?


2018: The failure of world leaders to address the largest threats to humanity’s future is lamentable—but that failure can be reversed. It is two minutes to midnight, but the Doomsday Clock has ticked away from midnight in the past, and during the next year, the world can again move it further from apocalypse. The warning the Science and Security Board now sends is clear, the danger obvious and imminent. The opportunity to reduce the danger is equally clear. The world has seen the threat posed by the misuse of information technology and witnessed the vulnerability of democracies to disinformation. But there is a flip side to the abuse of social media. Leaders react when citizens insist they do so, and citizens around the world can use the power of the internet to improve the long-term prospects of their children and grandchildren. They can insist on facts, and discount nonsense. They can demand action to reduce the existential threat of nuclear war and unchecked climate change. They can seize the opportunity to make a safer and saner world. See the full statement from the Science and Security Board on the 2018 time of the Doomsday Clock.

To put this into perspective, in 1991 it was 17 minutes to midnight , the safest time since the clock started in 1947. Here is why

1991: With the Cold War officially over, the United States and Russia begin making deep cuts to their nuclear arsenals. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty greatly reduces the number of strategic nuclear weapons deployed by the two former adversaries. Better still, a series of unilateral initiatives remove most of the intercontinental ballistic missiles and bombers in both countries from hair-trigger alert. "The illusion that tens of thousands of nuclear weapons are a guarantor of national security has been stripped away," the Bulletin declares. Read the full statement.

You can see the difference between then and now. But do you know who is responsible for the dire situation that we are in now??

While many people are responsible, there is one person in particular who is creating the most concern and the most danger.

Famed linguist and activist Noam Chomsky says that the United States under President Donald Trump is driving the world closer to catastrophe than it’s been in decades.

Just now a week ago it was moved two minutes to midnight, after a year of Trump,” Chomsky said. “That’s the closest it’s been to terminal disaster since 1953 when the US and later the USSR exploded thermonuclear weapons demonstrating that human intelligence had now developed the capacity to destroy everything on Earth.”
Chomsky said that the Trump administration in particular had accelerated two key risks to humanity through its refusal to act to combat climate change and its saber-rattling with a nuclear-armed North Korea.

Still support Trump? Or do you want a better, livable world for the remainder of your days and for your children and grand children?
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Norm Chomsky, famed uber-liberal and well-know America hater, thinks a Republican President is bad for the country?!

Film at 11:00!

Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant!! Now try to muster enough brain cells to ANSWERTHE FUCKING QUESTION
I did. Now master enough fucking brain cells to understand these fucking clowns are cowards with an agenda. When I was in the Air Force (I worked in the nuclear field, specifically the 1963 Test Ban Treaty), we used to make fun of these guys on a daily basis. We had a two-year running discussion on just how fucking stupid they were, how even more pathetic those who believed them were.
Yep. The Doomsday clock sounds real scary. The thing is, it is simply a few people's opinion.


The Doomsday Clock is an internationally recognized design that conveys how close we are to destroying our civilization with dangerous technologies of our own making. First and foremost among these are nuclear weapons, but the dangers include climate-changing technologies, emerging biotechnologies, and cybertechnology that could inflict irrevocable harm, whether by intention, miscalculation, or by accident, to our way of life and to the planet. Click here for more information on the topics we cover.

Do you know what it is telling us?


2018: The failure of world leaders to address the largest threats to humanity’s future is lamentable—but that failure can be reversed. It is two minutes to midnight, but the Doomsday Clock has ticked away from midnight in the past, and during the next year, the world can again move it further from apocalypse. The warning the Science and Security Board now sends is clear, the danger obvious and imminent. The opportunity to reduce the danger is equally clear. The world has seen the threat posed by the misuse of information technology and witnessed the vulnerability of democracies to disinformation. But there is a flip side to the abuse of social media. Leaders react when citizens insist they do so, and citizens around the world can use the power of the internet to improve the long-term prospects of their children and grandchildren. They can insist on facts, and discount nonsense. They can demand action to reduce the existential threat of nuclear war and unchecked climate change. They can seize the opportunity to make a safer and saner world. See the full statement from the Science and Security Board on the 2018 time of the Doomsday Clock.

To put this into perspective, in 1991 it was 17 minutes to midnight , the safest time since the clock started in 1947. Here is why

1991: With the Cold War officially over, the United States and Russia begin making deep cuts to their nuclear arsenals. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty greatly reduces the number of strategic nuclear weapons deployed by the two former adversaries. Better still, a series of unilateral initiatives remove most of the intercontinental ballistic missiles and bombers in both countries from hair-trigger alert. "The illusion that tens of thousands of nuclear weapons are a guarantor of national security has been stripped away," the Bulletin declares. Read the full statement.

You can see the difference between then and now. But do you know who is responsible for the die situation that we are in now??

While many people are responsible, there is one person in particular who is creating the most concern and the most danger.

Famed linguist and activist Noam Chomsky says that the United States under President Donald Trump is driving the world closer to catastrophe than it’s been in decades.

Just now a week ago it was moved two minutes to midnight, after a year of Trump,” Chomsky said. “That’s the closest it’s been to terminal disaster since 1953 when the US and later the USSR exploded thermonuclear weapons demonstrating that human intelligence had now developed the capacity to destroy everything on Earth.”
Chomsky said that the Trump administration in particular had accelerated two key risks to humanity through its refusal to act to combat climate change and its saber-rattling with a nuclear-armed North Korea.

Still support Trump? Or do you want a better, livable world for the remainder of your days and for your children and grand children?

Chomsky’s a whore stripping off his last few anti-America pasties before he shuffles off to that great Universal Grammar in the sky.


The Doomsday Clock is an internationally recognized design that conveys how close we are to destroying our civilization with dangerous technologies of our own making. First and foremost among these are nuclear weapons, but the dangers include climate-changing technologies, emerging biotechnologies, and cybertechnology that could inflict irrevocable harm, whether by intention, miscalculation, or by accident, to our way of life and to the planet. Click here for more information on the topics we cover.

Do you know what it is telling us?


2018: The failure of world leaders to address the largest threats to humanity’s future is lamentable—but that failure can be reversed. It is two minutes to midnight, but the Doomsday Clock has ticked away from midnight in the past, and during the next year, the world can again move it further from apocalypse. The warning the Science and Security Board now sends is clear, the danger obvious and imminent. The opportunity to reduce the danger is equally clear. The world has seen the threat posed by the misuse of information technology and witnessed the vulnerability of democracies to disinformation. But there is a flip side to the abuse of social media. Leaders react when citizens insist they do so, and citizens around the world can use the power of the internet to improve the long-term prospects of their children and grandchildren. They can insist on facts, and discount nonsense. They can demand action to reduce the existential threat of nuclear war and unchecked climate change. They can seize the opportunity to make a safer and saner world. See the full statement from the Science and Security Board on the 2018 time of the Doomsday Clock.

To put this into perspective, in 1991 it was 17 minutes to midnight , the safest time since the clock started in 1947. Here is why

1991: With the Cold War officially over, the United States and Russia begin making deep cuts to their nuclear arsenals. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty greatly reduces the number of strategic nuclear weapons deployed by the two former adversaries. Better still, a series of unilateral initiatives remove most of the intercontinental ballistic missiles and bombers in both countries from hair-trigger alert. "The illusion that tens of thousands of nuclear weapons are a guarantor of national security has been stripped away," the Bulletin declares. Read the full statement.

You can see the difference between then and now. But do you know who is responsible for the die situation that we are in now??

While many people are responsible, there is one person in particular who is creating the most concern and the most danger.

Famed linguist and activist Noam Chomsky says that the United States under President Donald Trump is driving the world closer to catastrophe than it’s been in decades.

Just now a week ago it was moved two minutes to midnight, after a year of Trump,” Chomsky said. “That’s the closest it’s been to terminal disaster since 1953 when the US and later the USSR exploded thermonuclear weapons demonstrating that human intelligence had now developed the capacity to destroy everything on Earth.”
Chomsky said that the Trump administration in particular had accelerated two key risks to humanity through its refusal to act to combat climate change and its saber-rattling with a nuclear-armed North Korea.

Still support Trump? Or do you want a better, livable world for the remainder of your days and for your children and grand children?
The Doomsday Clock is an internationally recognized design that conveys how close we are to destroying our civilization with dangerous technologies of our own making.

Hilarious you are stupid enough to actually believe it is real.


The Doomsday Clock is an internationally recognized design that conveys how close we are to destroying our civilization with dangerous technologies of our own making. First and foremost among these are nuclear weapons, but the dangers include climate-changing technologies, emerging biotechnologies, and cybertechnology that could inflict irrevocable harm, whether by intention, miscalculation, or by accident, to our way of life and to the planet. Click here for more information on the topics we cover.

Do you know what it is telling us?


2018: The failure of world leaders to address the largest threats to humanity’s future is lamentable—but that failure can be reversed. It is two minutes to midnight, but the Doomsday Clock has ticked away from midnight in the past, and during the next year, the world can again move it further from apocalypse. The warning the Science and Security Board now sends is clear, the danger obvious and imminent. The opportunity to reduce the danger is equally clear. The world has seen the threat posed by the misuse of information technology and witnessed the vulnerability of democracies to disinformation. But there is a flip side to the abuse of social media. Leaders react when citizens insist they do so, and citizens around the world can use the power of the internet to improve the long-term prospects of their children and grandchildren. They can insist on facts, and discount nonsense. They can demand action to reduce the existential threat of nuclear war and unchecked climate change. They can seize the opportunity to make a safer and saner world. See the full statement from the Science and Security Board on the 2018 time of the Doomsday Clock.

To put this into perspective, in 1991 it was 17 minutes to midnight , the safest time since the clock started in 1947. Here is why

1991: With the Cold War officially over, the United States and Russia begin making deep cuts to their nuclear arsenals. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty greatly reduces the number of strategic nuclear weapons deployed by the two former adversaries. Better still, a series of unilateral initiatives remove most of the intercontinental ballistic missiles and bombers in both countries from hair-trigger alert. "The illusion that tens of thousands of nuclear weapons are a guarantor of national security has been stripped away," the Bulletin declares. Read the full statement.

You can see the difference between then and now. But do you know who is responsible for the die situation that we are in now??

While many people are responsible, there is one person in particular who is creating the most concern and the most danger.

Famed linguist and activist Noam Chomsky says that the United States under President Donald Trump is driving the world closer to catastrophe than it’s been in decades.

Just now a week ago it was moved two minutes to midnight, after a year of Trump,” Chomsky said. “That’s the closest it’s been to terminal disaster since 1953 when the US and later the USSR exploded thermonuclear weapons demonstrating that human intelligence had now developed the capacity to destroy everything on Earth.”
Chomsky said that the Trump administration in particular had accelerated two key risks to humanity through its refusal to act to combat climate change and its saber-rattling with a nuclear-armed North Korea.

Still support Trump? Or do you want a better, livable world for the remainder of your days and for your children and grand children?


The Doomsday Clock is an internationally recognized design that conveys how close we are to destroying our civilization with dangerous technologies of our own making. First and foremost among these are nuclear weapons, but the dangers include climate-changing technologies, emerging biotechnologies, and cybertechnology that could inflict irrevocable harm, whether by intention, miscalculation, or by accident, to our way of life and to the planet. Click here for more information on the topics we cover.

Do you know what it is telling us?


2018: The failure of world leaders to address the largest threats to humanity’s future is lamentable—but that failure can be reversed. It is two minutes to midnight, but the Doomsday Clock has ticked away from midnight in the past, and during the next year, the world can again move it further from apocalypse. The warning the Science and Security Board now sends is clear, the danger obvious and imminent. The opportunity to reduce the danger is equally clear. The world has seen the threat posed by the misuse of information technology and witnessed the vulnerability of democracies to disinformation. But there is a flip side to the abuse of social media. Leaders react when citizens insist they do so, and citizens around the world can use the power of the internet to improve the long-term prospects of their children and grandchildren. They can insist on facts, and discount nonsense. They can demand action to reduce the existential threat of nuclear war and unchecked climate change. They can seize the opportunity to make a safer and saner world. See the full statement from the Science and Security Board on the 2018 time of the Doomsday Clock.

To put this into perspective, in 1991 it was 17 minutes to midnight , the safest time since the clock started in 1947. Here is why

1991: With the Cold War officially over, the United States and Russia begin making deep cuts to their nuclear arsenals. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty greatly reduces the number of strategic nuclear weapons deployed by the two former adversaries. Better still, a series of unilateral initiatives remove most of the intercontinental ballistic missiles and bombers in both countries from hair-trigger alert. "The illusion that tens of thousands of nuclear weapons are a guarantor of national security has been stripped away," the Bulletin declares. Read the full statement.

You can see the difference between then and now. But do you know who is responsible for the die situation that we are in now??

While many people are responsible, there is one person in particular who is creating the most concern and the most danger.

Famed linguist and activist Noam Chomsky says that the United States under President Donald Trump is driving the world closer to catastrophe than it’s been in decades.

Just now a week ago it was moved two minutes to midnight, after a year of Trump,” Chomsky said. “That’s the closest it’s been to terminal disaster since 1953 when the US and later the USSR exploded thermonuclear weapons demonstrating that human intelligence had now developed the capacity to destroy everything on Earth.”
Chomsky said that the Trump administration in particular had accelerated two key risks to humanity through its refusal to act to combat climate change and its saber-rattling with a nuclear-armed North Korea.

Still support Trump? Or do you want a better, livable world for the remainder of your days and for your children and grand children?

Geo-engineering is the reason for the climate change anomalies using the spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates. North Korea has nuclear weapons because of deep state operatives with the blessings of the last four admins. I support President Trump until he gives me a reason not to do so. I know a lot of things, ProgPat......I know a lot of things. I will agree with you on one thing.......we are on the precipice of another false flag event that will make 9/11/01 seem like child's play. Trump isn't the problem.


The Doomsday Clock is an internationally recognized design that conveys how close we are to destroying our civilization with dangerous technologies of our own making. First and foremost among these are nuclear weapons, but the dangers include climate-changing technologies, emerging biotechnologies, and cybertechnology that could inflict irrevocable harm, whether by intention, miscalculation, or by accident, to our way of life and to the planet. Click here for more information on the topics we cover.

Do you know what it is telling us?


2018: The failure of world leaders to address the largest threats to humanity’s future is lamentable—but that failure can be reversed. It is two minutes to midnight, but the Doomsday Clock has ticked away from midnight in the past, and during the next year, the world can again move it further from apocalypse. The warning the Science and Security Board now sends is clear, the danger obvious and imminent. The opportunity to reduce the danger is equally clear. The world has seen the threat posed by the misuse of information technology and witnessed the vulnerability of democracies to disinformation. But there is a flip side to the abuse of social media. Leaders react when citizens insist they do so, and citizens around the world can use the power of the internet to improve the long-term prospects of their children and grandchildren. They can insist on facts, and discount nonsense. They can demand action to reduce the existential threat of nuclear war and unchecked climate change. They can seize the opportunity to make a safer and saner world. See the full statement from the Science and Security Board on the 2018 time of the Doomsday Clock.

To put this into perspective, in 1991 it was 17 minutes to midnight , the safest time since the clock started in 1947. Here is why

1991: With the Cold War officially over, the United States and Russia begin making deep cuts to their nuclear arsenals. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty greatly reduces the number of strategic nuclear weapons deployed by the two former adversaries. Better still, a series of unilateral initiatives remove most of the intercontinental ballistic missiles and bombers in both countries from hair-trigger alert. "The illusion that tens of thousands of nuclear weapons are a guarantor of national security has been stripped away," the Bulletin declares. Read the full statement.

You can see the difference between then and now. But do you know who is responsible for the die situation that we are in now??

While many people are responsible, there is one person in particular who is creating the most concern and the most danger.

Famed linguist and activist Noam Chomsky says that the United States under President Donald Trump is driving the world closer to catastrophe than it’s been in decades.

Just now a week ago it was moved two minutes to midnight, after a year of Trump,” Chomsky said. “That’s the closest it’s been to terminal disaster since 1953 when the US and later the USSR exploded thermonuclear weapons demonstrating that human intelligence had now developed the capacity to destroy everything on Earth.”
Chomsky said that the Trump administration in particular had accelerated two key risks to humanity through its refusal to act to combat climate change and its saber-rattling with a nuclear-armed North Korea.

Still support Trump? Or do you want a better, livable world for the remainder of your days and for your children and grand children?

But do you know who is responsible for the die situation that we are in now??

Obama and his sissy presidency


The Doomsday Clock is an internationally recognized design that conveys how close we are to destroying our civilization with dangerous technologies of our own making. First and foremost among these are nuclear weapons, but the dangers include climate-changing technologies, emerging biotechnologies, and cybertechnology that could inflict irrevocable harm, whether by intention, miscalculation, or by accident, to our way of life and to the planet. Click here for more information on the topics we cover.

Do you know what it is telling us?


2018: The failure of world leaders to address the largest threats to humanity’s future is lamentable—but that failure can be reversed. It is two minutes to midnight, but the Doomsday Clock has ticked away from midnight in the past, and during the next year, the world can again move it further from apocalypse. The warning the Science and Security Board now sends is clear, the danger obvious and imminent. The opportunity to reduce the danger is equally clear. The world has seen the threat posed by the misuse of information technology and witnessed the vulnerability of democracies to disinformation. But there is a flip side to the abuse of social media. Leaders react when citizens insist they do so, and citizens around the world can use the power of the internet to improve the long-term prospects of their children and grandchildren. They can insist on facts, and discount nonsense. They can demand action to reduce the existential threat of nuclear war and unchecked climate change. They can seize the opportunity to make a safer and saner world. See the full statement from the Science and Security Board on the 2018 time of the Doomsday Clock.

To put this into perspective, in 1991 it was 17 minutes to midnight , the safest time since the clock started in 1947. Here is why

1991: With the Cold War officially over, the United States and Russia begin making deep cuts to their nuclear arsenals. The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty greatly reduces the number of strategic nuclear weapons deployed by the two former adversaries. Better still, a series of unilateral initiatives remove most of the intercontinental ballistic missiles and bombers in both countries from hair-trigger alert. "The illusion that tens of thousands of nuclear weapons are a guarantor of national security has been stripped away," the Bulletin declares. Read the full statement.

You can see the difference between then and now. But do you know who is responsible for the die situation that we are in now??

While many people are responsible, there is one person in particular who is creating the most concern and the most danger.

Famed linguist and activist Noam Chomsky says that the United States under President Donald Trump is driving the world closer to catastrophe than it’s been in decades.

Just now a week ago it was moved two minutes to midnight, after a year of Trump,” Chomsky said. “That’s the closest it’s been to terminal disaster since 1953 when the US and later the USSR exploded thermonuclear weapons demonstrating that human intelligence had now developed the capacity to destroy everything on Earth.”
Chomsky said that the Trump administration in particular had accelerated two key risks to humanity through its refusal to act to combat climate change and its saber-rattling with a nuclear-armed North Korea.

Still support Trump? Or do you want a better, livable world for the remainder of your days and for your children and grand children?

Oh my god I wasted my time reading one link, you got to be kidding me...

refusal to act to combat climate change

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