Do you guys still have the mafia? They have a massive presence in Canada, it's like your 1980s here, another boss killed yesterday


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
We had a mafia boss killed in Burlington last night. I don't want to link the story as I don't want to glorify their activities.

This has been decades in the making. The Italian government was warning us about Capos coming to Canada in high numbers for many many years, and they were frustrated at the lack of Canadian interest. Ditto for the FBI reaching out to us. The chickens have been coming home to roost for decades now.

Canadian police, being incompetent and chasing rabbits, many of them compromised I'm sure; don't seem to have the brains nor the balls to deal with it. Now, we have had high profile murders all over the place in Ontario and Quebec. Including one yesterday, the second attempt on this bosses life in just over a year. It doesn't make Canada look good.

So, I don't hear much about the mafia in New York anymore, I had assumed since the Gotti years that it was cleaned up, or, they went underground. What's the deal now with the mafia presence in the U.S?
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Our Mafia is our government and it’s controlled by billionaires and big corporations.

we still have actual Mafia ------at least some in
NYC---as far as I know---mostly Staten Island

It's rampant in Canada now. Toronto and Montreal being their hubs, along with a few cities in Ontario. It's insanity and all of it is to be blamed on our police apparatus. Who knows how ingrained they are in government in bids for contracts, extortion and the like. Just another drag on an already weak economy.
There's a definite Italian mob problem in the United States, the thing is they are ingrained as part of the government now; so you have the legit, as in legal politicians and business owners who are helping some criminals by turning a blind eye... or are defunding police now... and then the criminal elements operating freely; but larger is the Mexican/Hispanic Mafia; and then there is the African nationalist mob... and these are the ones who are violently controlling the drug trade in the inner cities and now has shown exactly how much might they have. I remember the Dixon City Blood operations in Toronto related to the blackmail of Rob Ford.

Truth is, when it comes to the Italian and Hispanic mafia, they have a Roman connection by and large. Then there's the Moorish connection between them and the African mafia via Carthaginian and Afro-Arab links; which displays how their supply chain works. Defending illegal immigration is the Roman church and various knights of their orders.

But, to bring this criminal colonial system down, you need Canadians to think in the mind of Commonwealth of Nations Knights, French Paladins, Cathars,and Templars; Hanseatic Teutonic Knights, Byzantine Varangian Guards, Jin Youxia, Gallemagnian Ambaxteutons, Hellenistic Immortals, Egyptian Phalanx and Levantine Maryannu, and as First National Braves and Ocelomes. I think that covers the globe and History. The point is, the Canadian Citizen or U.S. Citizen (the Acadian Citizen) needs to think militaristically. Who is controlling the illegal drug trade? and the Acadian buyer needs to stop, think from the aforementioned castes of warriors and then... report on the dealer... and be ready for Defens.

Take down the criminal elements by reporting on the illegal drug dealers in the streets, that's where their chain links get yanked first... then as the investigations continue up the ladder of command, Canada will start nabbing bigger fish in the septic tank. In terms of stopping the Roman/Moorish colonial mentality, pay attention to a politicians personal details.
In Chicago they still have the Italian mob and polish mob.
Yeah, I grew up in a Polish mob family who had an Italian mafia mentality instead of a Magyar Hanseatic mentality... and I ended up homeless and there were a few attempted murders that happened to Me... Oh, My father's social security money for Me was taken from Me... I'm pretty sure I have an inheritance from My grandparents that is currently missing... see, I was poisoned in the months after My grandmom and her husband died in the last two years. Ah, and untimely deaths and near fatal health accidents and apparently drug dealing, yes... there was drug dealing that surrounded that family.
Canada is a major haven for money laundering in the western hemisphere, and its local police are easily bought. It has alwasy been a haven for mobsters, and not just Mafia, but triads, but lots of other Italian gangs with funny names, bikers, Yakuza, you name it, it's got them. Shouldn't surprise anybody, given how rich the country got off of Prohibition. Smuggling booze and buying distilleries was a major Jewish industry in western Canada. they could load it up in freight cars claimed to be going to Mexico, and sidetrack them anywhere along the line by the trainloads, for one method. The Bronfman family got immensely rich, as did several others. After Prohibition they owned several of the major labels, and bought more, as did Joe Kennedy and several former mobsters.
We had a mafia boss killed in Burlington last night. I don't want to link the story as I don't want to glorify their activities.

This has been decades in the making. The Italian government was warning us about Capos coming to Canada in high numbers for many many years, and they were frustrated at the lack of Canadian interest. Ditto for the FBI reaching out to us. The chickens have been coming home to roost for decades now.

Canadian police, being incompetent and chasing rabbits, many of them compromised I'm sure; don't seem to have the brains nor the balls to deal with it. Now, we have had high profile murders all over the place in Ontario and Quebec. Including one yesterday, the second attempt on this bosses life in just over a year. It doesn't make Canada look good.

So, I don't hear much about the mafia in New York anymore, I had assumed since the Gotti years that it was cleaned up, or, they went underground. What's the deal now with the mafia presence in the U.S?

You have the drug cartels coming in too.......

But did they kill him with pillows? Guns are extremely controlled in Canada.....or did they kill him with laughter?
Canada is a major haven for money laundering in the western hemisphere, and its local police are easily bought. It has alwasy been a haven for mobsters, and not just Mafia, but triads, but lots of other Italian gangs with funny names, bikers, Yakuza, you name it, it's got them. Shouldn't surprise anybody, given how rich the country got off of Prohibition. Smuggling booze and buying distilleries was a major Jewish industry in western Canada. they could load it up in freight cars claimed to be going to Mexico, and sidetrack them anywhere along the line by the trainloads, for one method. The Bronfman family got immensely rich, as did several others. After Prohibition they owned several of the major labels, and bought more, as did Joe Kennedy and several former mobsters.
The Irish mafia and knights should have learned they lessons about collaborating in Italian run organized crime rackets from the Valentine's Day massacre. The school shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School was another example of an attack (Douglas is a Scottish/Irish Clan) on the symbolic British Community. The Irish, and I'm Irish, will be better off thinking of Ourselves as British, same as the Scots and Welsh.

And good for those that stood for Freedom and Liberty against Prohibition of Alcohol.
We had a mafia boss killed in Burlington last night. I don't want to link the story as I don't want to glorify their activities.

This has been decades in the making. The Italian government was warning us about Capos coming to Canada in high numbers for many many years, and they were frustrated at the lack of Canadian interest. Ditto for the FBI reaching out to us. The chickens have been coming home to roost for decades now.

Canadian police, being incompetent and chasing rabbits, many of them compromised I'm sure; don't seem to have the brains nor the balls to deal with it. Now, we have had high profile murders all over the place in Ontario and Quebec. Including one yesterday, the second attempt on this bosses life in just over a year. It doesn't make Canada look good.

So, I don't hear much about the mafia in New York anymore, I had assumed since the Gotti years that it was cleaned up, or, they went underground. What's the deal now with the mafia presence in the U.S?

You have the drug cartels coming in too.......

But did they kill him with pillows? Guns are extremely controlled in Canada.....or did they kill him with laughter?
Here's the story. Hamilton mobster Pat Musitano killed in broad daylight shooting

Might have been an anti-mafia retaliation, or... probably more likely infighting related to his involvement in an earlier murderous crime.
The 80's was a pretty calm decade in the U.S. under Reagan. Maybe you are thinking of the 30's under FDR. Organized crime in the U.S. isn't what it used to be. All the Italian Capo's are in prison or relocated by the Feds after they testified against each other. Maybe they moved to Canada because they like the polite Mounties.
Our Mafia is our government and it’s controlled by billionaires and big corporations.

we still have actual Mafia ------at least some in
NYC---as far as I know---mostly Staten Island

It's rampant in Canada now. Toronto and Montreal being their hubs, along with a few cities in Ontario. It's insanity and all of it is to be blamed on our police apparatus. Who knows how ingrained they are in government in bids for contracts, extortion and the like. Just another drag on an already weak economy.
Someone ought to make Rudy an offer he can’t refuse.
We had a mafia boss killed in Burlington last night. I don't want to link the story as I don't want to glorify their activities.

This has been decades in the making. The Italian government was warning us about Capos coming to Canada in high numbers for many many years, and they were frustrated at the lack of Canadian interest. Ditto for the FBI reaching out to us. The chickens have been coming home to roost for decades now.

Canadian police, being incompetent and chasing rabbits, many of them compromised I'm sure; don't seem to have the brains nor the balls to deal with it. Now, we have had high profile murders all over the place in Ontario and Quebec. Including one yesterday, the second attempt on this bosses life in just over a year. It doesn't make Canada look good.

So, I don't hear much about the mafia in New York anymore, I had assumed since the Gotti years that it was cleaned up, or, they went underground. What's the deal now with the mafia presence in the U.S?

I can answer that !!
The mob outside of NYC barely exists and are just “glorified gangs”
The Chicago mob is irrelevant but exists .

Now NYC has the 5 famines but only 2 have any power . The other 3 are “ train wrecks “
The Genovese and Gambino are still doing ok but since 1986 every family has been greatly weakened
Are the mobsters as intelligent in their methods and working together as they used to be? In other words in getting the deeds that need to be done? In organization from top to bottom? Are the younger people as invested in doing their jobs as the older generations were? Its a mean and duty filled business for those involved.

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