Do You Believe This Article? Or Do You Smell Fear? GOP, Got Your BS-Meter Tuned Up?

I actually believe most people are in favor of men using women's restrooms & showers etc.

  • Bull + Crap = BULLCRAP

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • Yes, though Ginsburg is opposed to it, I still believe Americans to the right of her are OK with it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm not sure: I have baby brains.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
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Bathroom Bills and Religious Freedom Laws: Losing Battles for the GOP
Bathroom Bills and Religious Freedom Laws: Losing Battles for the GOP

If you can't control reality, just lie enough and the lie becomes truth...

The reliable wedge issues of same-sex marriage and LGBT protections are being edged out for Republicans this election, according to a new study....Not only do Americans support gay marriage and job protections for LGBT people, but they reject so-called bathroom bills barring transgender individuals from using the restroom of their choice and religious freedom laws allowing business owners to deny services to certain people if providing that service would violate their faith.
Yeah, that's why 12 states are suing the Obama Administration and getting their first legal victory at the federal level with a stay on males using girls' bathrooms in schools; because "most people support transgender bathroom crap" :lmao: Even Justice Ginsburg doesn't support males using females intimate facilities. But people far right of her stance DO support it? BULL + CRAP = BULLCRAP.

Ginsburg's own words:

Separate places to disrobe, sleep, perform personal bodily functions are permitted, in some situations required, by regard for individual privacy. Individual privacy, a right of constitutional dimension, is appropriately harmonized with the equality principle... Prominent feminist: Bans on sex discrimination ‘emphatically’ do not ‘require unisex restrooms’
So are most Americans to the right or left of Ginsburg politically?

Never in all my blogging days have I stumbled across a more blatant pile of :bsflag:

To me, this is a pre-emptive strike. A mouse setting off fire crackers around the feet of an elephant to be sure the elephant doesn't step on him and crush him to death.

It gets better, there's more. Diversions! Diversions! Diversions!!

"It is fast becoming a liability for candidates," says Robert P. Jones, CEO of PRRI. Voters historically have ranked social issues like abortion and same-sex marriage at the bottom of their list of priorities, behind things like the economy, health care and terrorism,

I wonder how that ranking might change if the Brown's lawsuit becomes public and the reality of polygamy marriage steps up to the limelight? How many women, for example, currently doing the "it's all good, live and let live" dance on marriage equality would sit up in their chairs stunned at the idea that that also means polygamy? What? The legal precedent of gay marriage means W-H-A-T???!! :ack-1:

As for "most voters being in favor of transgender bathrooms"; this is the largest pile of bullcrap ever. Target got 1.2 million boycotters signing up to refuse to shop at their stores. And for every person willing to actually sign that petition, probably 10-100 more are doing that in spirit on the down low. Target lost $10 BILLION in value and had to spend an additional $20 million to build separate third single use bathrooms to fix their mistake; but they still won't deny deranged men the use of the women's rooms anyway!

Yep, this is a pile of bullcrap bigger than the Titanic. And it's a signal to the GOP of a weak scale, a very weak scale in the armor of the democratic party in general. A recent poll I did (but feel free to do your own, GOP strategists) says the American public identifies the "marriage equality/deranged men in women's rooms" movement with the democratic party. My poll said it was 78% thinking dems equal these movements. If the Browns of Nevada/Utah use the precedent of Obergefell to introduce polygamy marriage at this stage in the game?...the GOP stands to gain DROVES of women voters to their ranks. Maybe even for life.

How many stores have come close to being bankrupted by a boycott about organized fierce protests on "the economy, healthcare or terrorism"? Yep, that's some low-priority issue right there: men in women's showers/restrooms; the only one able to assemble one of the largest official boycotts in retail history.

Food for thought. Think: Target Boycott. There's your polling-results. 'nuff said. Target Stores Still Struggle With Men Using Women's Bathroom: $10 Billion + $20 Million Lost
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The fact remains the vast majority of Americas oppose these "bathroom bills"....ask Target how wise it is to support it
I will use the outdoors for a terlit and shop,,,,online..............
Ah an ^^ non-sequitur from Moonglow. Stunner.
I don't waste my time on red herrings that the alt-right/Breitbart puts out there for their mindless many.

Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Groups Debunk 'Bathroom Predator Myth'
"A coalition of over 200 national, state and local organizations across the U.S. that work with sexual assault and domestic violence survivors are objecting to the justifications given by lawmakers to forbid transgender people from using the bathroom of their choosing."
I don't waste my time on red herrings that the alt-right/Breitbart puts out there for their mindless many.

Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Groups Debunk 'Bathroom Predator Myth'
"A coalition of over 200 national, state and local organizations across the U.S. that work with sexual assault and domestic violence survivors are objecting to the justifications given by lawmakers to forbid transgender people from using the bathroom of their choosing."
The 1.2 million official signees on the Target Boycott disagree with those women's groups. I'm sure victims of sexual assault would simply LOVE to disrobe next to a deranged male standing next to them in the communal showers of the gym or pool. What, didn't the selective leadership of these women's groups realize these "new freedoms" extend beyond the bathroom?

More Bull + Crap = BULLCRAP.

You can take your "alt right" topic to another thread though. It doesn't belong on a thread that covers a majority across all spectrums in the middle bloc of voters. Believing that rape survivors actually agree with or promote deranged males sharing their disrobing areas with them is THE MOST pathetically obvious lie ever told. The republican party, should they doubt this complete pile of horse shit you just served up, should do their own poll of individual rape survivors; or just plain old women in general. Wait, they already did. It's called THE TARGET BOYCOTT. Mostly women shop (shopped-past tense) at Target Stores.
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The fact remains the vast majority of Americas oppose these "bathroom bills"....ask Target how wise it is to support it
Yep. That's why I included in the OP. It's a reality-check for those who would believe "a significant number of the middle votes are for men in women's restrooms; and all the other LGBT agenda items". It's absurd in the face of the Target Boycott of 2016.
I don't waste my time on red herrings that the alt-right/Breitbart puts out there for their mindless many.

Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Groups Debunk 'Bathroom Predator Myth'
"A coalition of over 200 national, state and local organizations across the U.S. that work with sexual assault and domestic violence survivors are objecting to the justifications given by lawmakers to forbid transgender people from using the bathroom of their choosing."
The 1.2 million official signees on the Target Boycott disagree with those women's groups. I'm sure victims of sexual assault would simply LOVE to disrobe next to a deranged male standing next to them in the communal showers of the gym or pool. What, didn't the selective leadership of these women's groups realize these "new freedoms" extend beyond the bathroom?

More Bull + Crap = BULLCRAP.

You can take your "alt right" topic to another thread though. It doesn't belong on a thread that covers a majority across all spectrums in the middle bloc of voters. Believing that rape survivors actually agree with or promote deranged males sharing their disrobing areas with them is THE MOST pathetically obvious lie ever told. The republican party, should they doubt this complete pile of horse shit you just served up, should do their own poll of individual rape survivors; or just plain old women in general. Wait, they already did. It's called THE TARGET BOYCOTT. Mostly women shop (shopped-past tense) at Target Stores.

How many signed the petition to charge the Catholic church with ACTUAL cases of priests abusing children? None? Hmmmm...fascinating.

These are the same people who were sorely disappointed when DOMA was overturned by the Supreme Court a few years ago, tool.
That's the 1.2 million in a country of 320 million. Thank god brainless minions like you are in a minority.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Religion has nothing to do with most people's objections to the LGBT Agenda items. Common sense is cited more often than not as the reason for objection: particularly when it comes to men using women's restrooms, showers etc.

Nice attempt at a stawman though. I realize your cult is in damage control on this one. Can't have the general public or the republican strategists figuring out y'all are LYING in the article from the OP.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Religion has nothing to do with most people's objections to the LGBT Agenda items. Common sense is cited more often than not as the reason for objection: particularly when it comes to men using women's restrooms, showers etc.

Nice attempt at a stawman though. I realize your cult is in damage control on this one. Can't have the general public or the republican strategists figuring out y'all are LYING in the article from the OP.

Wrong. You just need to turn on your Supreme Court radar.

How the Supreme Court’s Gay Marriage Ruling Led to Bad Bathroom Laws
"""Gender access is the latest iteration of this culture divide, provoking efforts in several states to claim that religious liberty trumps homosexual marriage or open gender access to facilities. Foes of the Supreme Court’s sanctioning of gay marriage have found an emotionally resonant issue in bathroom laws, painting access limits as a necessary means to stop adult men from entering girls’ bathrooms and other traditionally gender-segregated locations like locker rooms and changing areas."""

But you're a good little fear-monger. Sit, stay, roll over.
We are not going to abandon America's values to satisfy a handful of freaks pet perversions.
We are not going to abandon America's values to satisfy a handful of freaks pet perversions.
Equality is an American value, which is why you keep losing when you try to deny others their equal rights.
We are not going to abandon America's values to satisfy a handful of freaks pet perversions.

Define America's values. And help your narrowminded friend here. This thread is gasping for air. Why don't you start with actual documented cases of this crime? And then successful prosecutions. Then put it within the context of American values and see that is nothing but right wing propaganda.
We are not going to abandon America's values to satisfy a handful of freaks pet perversions.

Define America's values. And help your narrowminded friend here. This thread is gasping for air. Why don't you start with actual documented cases of this crime? And then successful prosecutions. Then put it within the context of American values and see that is nothing but right wing propaganda.

Its not rocket science, filth and depravity are not American values.
Go ahead and win and we will see how much longer the people can take no job economy. I'll wait around just long enough to restore everything to normal.
We are not going to abandon America's values to satisfy a handful of freaks pet perversions.
Equality is an American value, which is why you keep losing when you try to deny others their equal rights.

Does this mean that blind person has the right to drive a car? We don't want to discriminate against the handicap....sarcasm It appears that some people believe in the kind of equality that would allow such things to happen. We can't discriminate against kids so they should be able to own guns just like adults....that was more sarcasm. There is a kind of equality that basically says that each person has the same right to decide what laws should exist and they can't be told what to do by another human being. I like that kind equality better because it actually gives me the freedom to say and do as I want since no one can tell me what to do in society. I can say the gay marriage rocks all I want or I can say it is awesome but since we have lost that kind of equality a generation of people have now been brow beaten into submission by the elites who think it is their job to tell us what to do in this country. I miss the days when we were free.
I actually think the article is true because a lot of Americans have been persuaded to accept this idea.
We are not going to abandon America's values to satisfy a handful of freaks pet perversions.
Equality is an American value, which is why you keep losing when you try to deny others their equal rights.

Does this mean that blind person has the right to drive a car? We don't want to discriminate against the handicap....sarcasm It appears that some people believe in the kind of equality that would allow such things to happen. We can't discriminate against kids so they should be able to own guns just like adults....that was more sarcasm. There is a kind of equality that basically says that each person has the same right to decide what laws should exist and they can't be told what to do by another human being. I like that kind equality better because it actually gives me the freedom to say and do as I want since no one can tell me what to do in society. I can say the gay marriage rocks all I want or I can say it is awesome but since we have lost that kind of equality a generation of people have now been brow beaten into submission by the elites who think it is their job to tell us what to do in this country. I miss the days when we were free.
The kind of discrimination your kind wants is illegal.
We are not going to abandon America's values to satisfy a handful of freaks pet perversions.
Equality is an American value, which is why you keep losing when you try to deny others their equal rights.

Does this mean that blind person has the right to drive a car? We don't want to discriminate against the handicap....sarcasm It appears that some people believe in the kind of equality that would allow such things to happen. We can't discriminate against kids so they should be able to own guns just like adults....that was more sarcasm. There is a kind of equality that basically says that each person has the same right to decide what laws should exist and they can't be told what to do by another human being. I like that kind equality better because it actually gives me the freedom to say and do as I want since no one can tell me what to do in society. I can say the gay marriage rocks all I want or I can say it is awesome but since we have lost that kind of equality a generation of people have now been brow beaten into submission by the elites who think it is their job to tell us what to do in this country. I miss the days when we were free.
The kind of discrimination your kind wants is illegal.

You really did miss the point. I'm not surprised considering your lack of IQ points.
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