Do We Really Need Guns?

And how many are FOR a gun ban? I ask that question because in the years that I have been on this board, I have never once seen a poster advocate a gun ban.

The thread is titled "Do We Really Need Guns" ... Please read the OP in regards to the absence of a need to have firearms in America ... And get back to us when you catch up.

It's my first thread here, and I want to start with the issue, that worries me a lot.

Gun owners always claim that they own guns for self protection, even though the guns in their homes impose a much greater risk to their lives than an intruder. They also state they need guns to protect themselves from the government and from tthr police. Oh, seriously? Other argument for guns is hunting. Food production in the US is quite complex and capable of providing all types of foods to all parts of the country. And, if someone is too poor to buy food to eat, they are too poor to buy weapons. So what for?! Explain me, please.

I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society. The 2nd amendment was made in a time where guns were necessary because of the British.

"Do we need" is not the same as "let us ban". Nomsayin'?
And how many are FOR a gun ban? I ask that question because in the years that I have been on this board, I have never once seen a poster advocate a gun ban.

The thread is titled "Do We Really Need Guns" ... Please read the OP in regards to the absence of a need to have firearms in America ... And get back to us when you catch up.

It's my first thread here, and I want to start with the issue, that worries me a lot.

Gun owners always claim that they own guns for self protection, even though the guns in their homes impose a much greater risk to their lives than an intruder. They also state they need guns to protect themselves from the government and from tthr police. Oh, seriously? Other argument for guns is hunting. Food production in the US is quite complex and capable of providing all types of foods to all parts of the country. And, if someone is too poor to buy food to eat, they are too poor to buy weapons. So what for?! Explain me, please.

I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society. The 2nd amendment was made in a time where guns were necessary because of the British.

Sorry, Black, but when someone posts totally irrelevant statistics about he 74% who are opposed to gun bans, It seems only appropriate to point out the absurdity of the post.
"Do we need" is not the same as "let us ban". Nomsayin'?

Okay ... Are you suggesting the absence of firearms would be possible without a ban?

Oops ... Never-mind
You would say it is possible regardless of the fact it is entirely improbable.

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Wrong question.

The question is not why she "needs" a gun to stop this nut. The question is why this nut "needs" a gun to be one.

it is the exact question....he doesn't need a gun...another killing here in Wisconsin, a husband, who threatened to kill his wife, followed her to Wisconsin from Illinois, where she was hiding from him....he found her, ambushed her outside her hotel, and killed her with a hatchet....which you can get at Walmart or any hardware store for 10 bucks....

She didn't have a gun, he didn't have a gun....she was still killed....

So, you want these women disarmed in the face of the men who plan on killing them....right?
Most of us outgrow our security blankets by 3 years old. Many NRA types still need it years later. My brother won't go to the 7/11 without his 1911. He even stopped flying because the government won't let him take it aboard a commercial airliner in case he finds it necessary to get into a crossfire in the cabin at 7,000 feet.

Kudos to your brother for taking responsibility for himself and his surroundings. He sounds like a smart, righteous man. What happened to you?

What happened to me?
I grew up.

So long as you rely on others for your protection, you're no different than any other 12 year old child.

Oh, I don't think so, West. I am a uniformed Sheriff's Auxiliary volunteer. I do two shifts a week, unarmed, except for a radio. I drive the same car as the deputies drive. I am quite sure that I am doing a hell of a lot more to protect my community than you are.

That would be a big no dice good buddy. I regularly consult with the AG's office here, and have been a member of the Washoe County Aero Squadron for over thirty years. For so long that the unit has been disbanded, though I still have my badge (un-numbered because I wasn't a sworn peace officer) and still fly for the Sheriff when needed!


  • 058.JPG
    749.3 KB · Views: 69 ignored my question....

why is it you gun grabbers are so articulate when complaining about guns and calling us right wing gun nuts....and then...when asked a simple question about something that is real, and happens every guys can't find two words to put together to defend your position...

Again....what would you do to protect these women who are being stalked by men who have stated they are going to kill these women...and who the police can't protect, and restraining orders are useless....what will you do to help these women stay alive.....?

Come on are all high and mighty telling us we don't need guns...why so quiet now....
Actually, only a moron thinks his reasoning is the only one possible, end of story.

I agree. That describes you to a "T"

Too bad there's no "T" in my name...

For those just joining us in mid-flight a modicum of explanation might be in order for why we're on a plane. Another poster recounted how his brother is so diaper-rashed about being denied his little firearm pacifier in the sky that he's taken his balls and vowed to bring them to their corporate knees by withholding his ticket revenue. That's the mentality you're trying to defend.

--- which brings us to the other point, the assumption that a motive of "murder" precedes one, on the basis that, after all, it was the end result...

There's no question that nuts plus firearms equal violence, including murder. But that's not their primary visceral motivation. The primary visceral motivation is power. The power to inflict carnage, to know that you personally can cause those of whose power you're jealous to flee for their lives and duck for cover, even from a distance. The power to inflict pain and suffering, to see the visual and aural feedback of gushing blood and targets begging for their lives, "as seen on TV" (and movies and video games and whatever other manifestations of pop culture). That's why we see shootings in workplaces and schools. Personal power. That's also why hunters are not gun violence perpetrators; hunting is not about power.

And that's also why the countless manifestations of gun violence that do not end up as murder is about the same thing: pull a gun, put it into the helpless victim's mouth and threaten to pull the trigger, but stop short and live to do it again another day. That's power.

And that's also why these gun nuts go berserk on random people. Murder is personal; X kills Y because of some perceived personal affront. Random people however have no such relationship. But they scream and bleed and beg and run for their lives just the same as an acquaintance does. Again --- power.

Yeah it ends in murder --- some of the time. But that's not where it starts.

Until the cost/benefit analysis pencils out that guns are doing more harm than good.....which will be never at the current rate of legitimate use to misuse, you're arguing the unarguable. The facts are that less then one tenth of one percent of all the firearms in the US are used to commit crimes. That's a fact.

It's also a fact that 80% of ALL violent crime is committed by 10 percent of the criminal population. If you really cared about reducing gun violence you would target the bad people doing the bad things and either kill them or incarcerate them forever.

the fact that you don't even bother to try and deal with the real problem tells me that you are merely interested in banning guns for a political goal, and not a violence reduction goal.

Not a word of that has anything whatsoever to do with the post replied to, so desperation deflection noted.

As for a "political goal" not only did I take the time and trouble to examine psychodynamics rather than just sit back in my barcalounger ignorantly declaring that "well it ended in murder therefore that was the motivation, simple as that, case closed", I've made abundantly clear since I came to this site two years ago --- on exactly this issue ---- that I don't see how throwing legislation at the problem solves jack squat, that I believe it's a cultural, not a political problem.

So you have a good time looking for evidence of what my "political goal" might be and bringing it home here. Happy huntin'.

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Most of us outgrow our security blankets by 3 years old. Many NRA types still need it years later. My brother won't go to the 7/11 without his 1911. He even stopped flying because the government won't let him take it aboard a commercial airliner in case he finds it necessary to get into a crossfire in the cabin at 7,000 feet.

Kudos to your brother for taking responsibility for himself and his surroundings. He sounds like a smart, righteous man. What happened to you?

What happened to me?
I grew up.

So long as you rely on others for your protection, you're no different than any other 12 year old child.

Oh, I don't think so, West. I am a uniformed Sheriff's Auxiliary volunteer. I do two shifts a week, unarmed, except for a radio. I drive the same car as the deputies drive. I am quite sure that I am doing a hell of a lot more to protect my community than you are.

Bravo 23. 10-7.

That is, BTW, my way of telling you, West, that I am not going to argue with you about my personal life. As for yours, tell me ALL about it sometime. It would be nice to reminisce about the days when I lived in Reno, and later Sparks. Incidentally, I sold my 1959 Cadillac to another deputy up there, back in 1996. It was a white four door. Seen it lately?

That would be a big no dice good buddy. I regularly consult with the AG's office here, and have been a member of the Washoe County Aero Squadron for over thirty years. For so long that the unit has been disbanded, though I still have my badge (un-numbered because I wasn't a sworn peace officer) and still fly for the Sheriff when needed!

Bravo 23. 10-7.
That is, BTW, my way of telling you, West, that I am not going to argue with you about my personal life. As for yours, tell me ALL about it sometime. It would be nice to reminisce about the days when I lived in Reno, and later Sparks. Incidentally, I sold my 1959 Series 62 Cadillac to another deputy up there, back in 1996. It was a white four door. Seen it lately? He was very excited about Hot August Nights.
Kudos to your brother for taking responsibility for himself and his surroundings. He sounds like a smart, righteous man. What happened to you?

What happened to me?
I grew up.

So long as you rely on others for your protection, you're no different than any other 12 year old child.

Oh, I don't think so, West. I am a uniformed Sheriff's Auxiliary volunteer. I do two shifts a week, unarmed, except for a radio. I drive the same car as the deputies drive. I am quite sure that I am doing a hell of a lot more to protect my community than you are.

Bravo 23. 10-7.

That is, BTW, my way of telling you, West, that I am not going to argue with you about my personal life. As for yours, tell me ALL about it sometime. It would be nice to reminisce about the days when I lived in Reno, and later Sparks. Incidentally, I sold my 1959 Cadillac to another deputy up there, back in 1996. It was a white four door. Seen it lately?

That would be a big no dice good buddy. I regularly consult with the AG's office here, and have been a member of the Washoe County Aero Squadron for over thirty years. For so long that the unit has been disbanded, though I still have my badge (un-numbered because I wasn't a sworn peace officer) and still fly for the Sheriff when needed!

Bravo 23. 10-7.
That is, BTW, my way of telling you, West, that I am not going to argue with you about my personal life. As for yours, tell me ALL about it sometime. It would be nice to reminisce about the days when I lived in Reno, and later Sparks. Incidentally, I sold my 1959 Series 62 Cadillac to another deputy up there, back in 1996. It was a white four door. Seen it lately?

Nope. I haven't. Who was the undersheriff back then? He's a good friend of mine.
What happened to me?
I grew up.

So long as you rely on others for your protection, you're no different than any other 12 year old child.

Oh, I don't think so, West. I am a uniformed Sheriff's Auxiliary volunteer. I do two shifts a week, unarmed, except for a radio. I drive the same car as the deputies drive. I am quite sure that I am doing a hell of a lot more to protect my community than you are.

Bravo 23. 10-7.

That is, BTW, my way of telling you, West, that I am not going to argue with you about my personal life. As for yours, tell me ALL about it sometime. It would be nice to reminisce about the days when I lived in Reno, and later Sparks. Incidentally, I sold my 1959 Cadillac to another deputy up there, back in 1996. It was a white four door. Seen it lately?

That would be a big no dice good buddy. I regularly consult with the AG's office here, and have been a member of the Washoe County Aero Squadron for over thirty years. For so long that the unit has been disbanded, though I still have my badge (un-numbered because I wasn't a sworn peace officer) and still fly for the Sheriff when needed!

Bravo 23. 10-7.
That is, BTW, my way of telling you, West, that I am not going to argue with you about my personal life. As for yours, tell me ALL about it sometime. It would be nice to reminisce about the days when I lived in Reno, and later Sparks. Incidentally, I sold my 1959 Series 62 Cadillac to another deputy up there, back in 1996. It was a white four door. Seen it lately?

Nope. I haven't. Who was the undersheriff back then? He's a good friend of mine.

Still waiting. Undersheriffs are harder to look up. That's why I chose him. C'mon smartass. If you were there, and were what you claim this is a no brainer. Here's a hint, he was a paratrooper in the late 1960's early 1970's.
passing a law saying it is illegal does not deter a person who doesn't care about the law, and those are the people who would be most likely to start shooting up a place.
We do not have to encourage people who are going to be drinking to carry guns in bars because it is legal.

or we say you can't be intoxicated and carry, and leave it up to the CCW person to either carry and stay sober, or not carry and drink. The issue is when a blanket restriction is made that doesn't prevent people of ill will from carrying, and only restricts those who would follow the law anyway.
Encourage it then. Have the police go into bars, frisk everyone and breathalize those with guns.

How about we do the same thing to everyone with a set of car keys in their pockets?
We can also have LEO walk through neighborhoods known for gang activity and stop/search everyone on the street. Seems to be what the poster is calling for

Oh God, that wouldn't go over well at all. Lol. The liberals would be totally freaking about about "rights" then. Hypocrites. :rolleyes-41:
Most of us outgrow our security blankets by 3 years old. Many NRA types still need it years later. My brother won't go to the 7/11 without his 1911. He even stopped flying because the government won't let him take it aboard a commercial airliner in case he finds it necessary to get into a crossfire in the cabin at 7,000 feet.

Kudos to your brother for taking responsibility for himself and his surroundings. He sounds like a smart, righteous man. What happened to you?

Yeah, what could be "smarter" than a hail of bullets in a pressurized cabin at six miles high. :rolleyes:

Gee. I don't know. What do Sky Marshalls carry? Well, well. Looky here. They use the .357 SIG and their issued ammunition is Speer Gold Dot. They plan on replacing them with frangible bullets, but for over ten years they've been plying the skies with high velocity bullets that have no problem punching a hole through the skin of an aircraft. What idiots!

Of course the fact that explosive decompression is a figment of the movie makers imagination probably didn't cross your tiny little mind did it....

of course not

because they are a gullible lot

after all they fell for " hope and change "

Gun owners always claim that they own guns for self protection, even though the guns in their homes impose a much greater risk to their lives than an intruder.

That's an untrue myth.

They also state they need guns to protect themselves from the government and from tthr police. Oh, seriously?

Actually, that idea originated with Thomas Jefferson.

Other argument for guns is hunting. Food production in the US is quite complex and capable of providing all types of foods to all parts of the country.

Irrelevant. Hunters do more for the environment than masses of limousine liberals. Hunters provide tons of money through hunting licenses for conservation.

And, if someone is too poor to buy food to eat, they are too poor to buy weapons. So what for?! Explain me, please.

Some people want to hunt and shoot their own food. You haven't provided a reason why they shouldn't.

I truly believe, that guns only do harm
If they are used properly, they DEFINITELY do a lot of harm to those who are trying to rape your daughter, steal your car or kill you.

Here's the deal: I DON'T LIKE GUNS PERSONALLY. They scare the crap out of me. I can't hit the side of the earth with one. And they would destroy my hearing, which is what I make my living with. I don't want guns in my house. But I'm not a hypocrite. My neighbor has a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to whatever gun he wants.
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We are not talking about in public. You are not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

i have head it before

but it is true you really are a dumb ass


appearing in a public place
Public intoxication laws require that the defendant be in a public place, rather than a private residence or other area that is not open to the general public. Examples of public places include sidewalks, streets, stadiums, and parks. In some states, bars and restaurants are considered public places because they are open to the general public.

What is Public Intoxication Drunk in Public Laws and Penalties Criminal Law
Once again, we are not talking about public intoxication.

Well then what ARE you talking about? There are laws regarding using your firearm responsibly. You can't just go into a bar, get drunk and start shooting your weapon. You will be arrested. What other law would you like to see regarding this issue?
Passing a law that says it is legal to carry a firearm in a bar does not help society.

cobbling together "gun free zones" certainly has not helped society
Most of the civilized world is a gun free zone. You should get out and experience the civilized world.
Passing a law that says it is legal to carry a firearm in a bar does not help society.

passing a law saying it is illegal does not deter a person who doesn't care about the law, and those are the people who would be most likely to start shooting up a place.
We do not have to encourage people who are going to be drinking to carry guns in bars because it is legal.

or we say you can't be intoxicated and carry, and leave it up to the CCW person to either carry and stay sober, or not carry and drink. The issue is when a blanket restriction is made that doesn't prevent people of ill will from carrying, and only restricts those who would follow the law anyway.
Encourage it then. Have the police go into bars, frisk everyone and breathalize those with guns.

How about we do the same thing to everyone with a set of car keys in their pockets?
In many places, the bartender is responsible for serving a person if they drive drunk and are in an accident. If a drunk person shoots someone, should the bartender be responsible.

And yes, a drunk person's car keys should be confiscated from them. I did it when I was a bartender.
i have head it before

but it is true you really are a dumb ass


appearing in a public place
Public intoxication laws require that the defendant be in a public place, rather than a private residence or other area that is not open to the general public. Examples of public places include sidewalks, streets, stadiums, and parks. In some states, bars and restaurants are considered public places because they are open to the general public.

What is Public Intoxication Drunk in Public Laws and Penalties Criminal Law
Once again, we are not talking about public intoxication.

Well then what ARE you talking about? There are laws regarding using your firearm responsibly. You can't just go into a bar, get drunk and start shooting your weapon. You will be arrested. What other law would you like to see regarding this issue?
Passing a law that says it is legal to carry a firearm in a bar does not help society.

cobbling together "gun free zones" certainly has not helped society
Most of the civilized world is a gun free zone. You should get out and experience the civilized world.
Bull shit.
I know exactly how drinking affects me you retarded fuck. I know my limitations when it comes to alcohol. It's not a matter of "need" you idiot.
I know exactly how drinking affects me you retarded fuck. I know my limitations when it comes to alcohol. It's not a matter of "need" you idiot.
You could not control yourself here, and there was the possibility that you were not drinking.

Please don't assume you know anything about me. Keep making up your bullshit lies and exposing yourself as the liar you are. I pity idiots like you.
You are the one to be pitied being caught out on your bullshit by someone with a good memory.

If by good memory you mean a total liar then I would agree that you have a good memory.
You have already admitted that you think that it is OK to carry when you are in a bar having a drink, which is what the original discussion was about. How stupid are you?

I'm not stupid enough to get drunk while carrying a firearm.
I'm not stupid enough to think that by going to a bar and having a couple of drinks makes a person intoxicated.
I'm not stupid enough to think that a person has to drink alcohol when they go into a bar.

My girlfriend doesn't drink any alcohol and she accompanies me into a number of clubs around Houston.

Yes It is perfectly ok to partake in alcoholic beverages while carrying a weapon as long as you are not intoxicated. This it the law in Texas and I hope you keep your happy ass out of my state.
i have head it before

but it is true you really are a dumb ass


appearing in a public place
Public intoxication laws require that the defendant be in a public place, rather than a private residence or other area that is not open to the general public. Examples of public places include sidewalks, streets, stadiums, and parks. In some states, bars and restaurants are considered public places because they are open to the general public.

What is Public Intoxication Drunk in Public Laws and Penalties Criminal Law
Once again, we are not talking about public intoxication.

Well then what ARE you talking about? There are laws regarding using your firearm responsibly. You can't just go into a bar, get drunk and start shooting your weapon. You will be arrested. What other law would you like to see regarding this issue?
Passing a law that says it is legal to carry a firearm in a bar does not help society.

cobbling together "gun free zones" certainly has not helped society
Most of the civilized world is a gun free zone. You should get out and experience the civilized world.


it is prove it

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