Do Republicans see any need for scientists?

We just don't pretend science is something everyone can just vote on. Science is fact,not consensus.
Not based on what I've read. If you're unpopular or unknown and have an answer that contradicts the consensus view, good luck getting published.
From their comments, it's questionable. They think scientists just get government money but don't really do anything of importance?

In a time of climate change denial and vaccine resistance, scientists worry they are losing public trust. But it's just the opposite, a survey released Friday finds.

Public trust of scientists is growing. It's on a par with our trust of the military and far above trust of clergy, politicians and journalists.

The survey by the Pew Research Center finds 86% of those surveyed say they have a fair amount or a great deal of faith that scientists act in our best interests. And that's been trending higher — it was 76% in 2016.

The proportion of people who say they have a "great deal" of confidence in scientists to act in the public interest increased from 21% in 2016 to 35% in 2019.

Trust In Scientists Is Rising, Poll Finds
My dad was in Vietnam, and he said one of the most vicious things he ever saw was a department meeting at a college where each department had to fight for their share of dollars. Also, my brother was going for a PHD, and he ended up getting a Masters because his advisor was more interested in getting a promotion. Advanced education is about as messed up as k-12.
Conservatives only accept scientists whose research can be used to develop new and better ways to make war.

Let's not get it twisted. These people, Cult45, are not conservatives, no matter what they claim. They pervert the term. They are opportunists at best, and ignorant, racist, partisan populist degenerates at worst.
If conservatives were in control, STEM would get more funding because they would take all funding away from the humanities and social sciences and give it all to STEM.
Like Pol Pot. He'd get his henchmen to say "all teachers come forwards, we need you to do important work" and take them off to be shot. He didn't want anyone smarter than he was, and he wasn't that smart. My last boss was the same. The only people who'd survive were the ones who licked ass all the time and never made themselves look good.

If you've read the conservatives' posts over the years, most consider themselves very knowledgeable in all fields. They are confident they can hold their own in any debate with experts in any field. Science, economics, military strategy, political science, the list is long, and in any discourse in which they participate, facts take a backseat to their right wing talking points.

Conservatives typically decry education and denounce individuals and entire groups with advanced degrees, as elitist. It is often the case that conservatives lack the ability for analytical thought, which is why most prefer to let their clergy and political leaders govern what ideologies they hold. These ideologies are typically set at an early age and are nearly impossible for the individual conservative to escape. It leaves analytical thought and reasoning forever out of reach for these people.

As you state, such people hate those they realize are more intelligent and possess more knowledge, which is one reason right-wingers fight to keep wages low. Helping hold back those with superior intellects and those who excel beyond the limitations of the right-wingers' abilities is one reason they like to see the fat cats’ unethical business practices cheat average Americans.

Why else do conservatives fight to elect legislators who pass laws to increase the fat cats’ rights to exploit workers, cheat consumers, and protect corporate profits through deregulation. It is beyond reason why conservatives want Big Business to have the right to poison the air and water we need to sustain life.

It is not uncommon for employees who actually earn their income through skill, knowledge, and contributions to the success of their companies to be let go because they make those in higher positions, or even the owner himself (or herself) feel inferior.

Conservatism is defined as: dislike of change or new ideas in a particular area(s). While liberalism is defined as: belief in the value of social and political change in order to achieve progress.

It is easy to see why conservatives hate liberals, conservatism demands stagnation, and that is the death of any society. Consistent progress and adaptation guarantee survival. Like it or not, this is true for all living things, and societies.



"Conservatives typically decry education and denounce individuals and entire groups with advanced degrees, as elitist."

No, conservatives are against government funding for people to get advanced degrees in useless and toxic fields, otherwise known as the social "sciences". Study STEM, a profession such as law, or a trade or get the heck out of school and get to work.

"As you state, such people hate those they realize are more intelligent and possess more knowledge, which is one reason right-wingers fight to keep wages low. Helping hold back those with superior intellects and those who excel beyond the limitations of the right-wingers' abilities is one reason"

Republicans fight to keep the minimum wage from being increased to a ridiculous amount. How is that holding people with superior intellects back?
Minimum wage should be increased to $15/hr

The arguments we hear about it now are the same arguments when Truman doubled the minimum wage.

We'd end up with more taxpayers, more taxes being paid, fewer people on the welfare rolls, fewer people receiving food stamps, etc.

This could have been resolved by Trump agreeing to raise minimum wage in exchange for support for the border wall.
Minimum wage should be increased to $15/hr

The arguments we hear about it now are the same arguments when Truman doubled the minimum wage.

We'd end up with more taxpayers, more taxes being paid, fewer people on the welfare rolls, fewer people receiving food stamps, etc.

This could have been resolved by Trump agreeing to raise minimum wage in exchange for support for the border wall.

CBO disagrees with some of that. There will be less, not more taxpayers, because there would be net job loss expectancy.

To me minimum wage is a very simple issue that comes down to the basic question of what we think is the most minimal accpetable compensation for labor.

I place it at around $10 hour nationaly, the fact at that level there would be almost no job loss expected is just a cherry on top.
Think about what science tells us. According to science, mankind did not appear on this planet wholly formed like a potted geranium. Mankind actually evolved like all other forms of life. Science tells us that mankind is capable of messing up this planet, our one and only planet. Sometimes making bushels of money without regard of the environmental consequences can be bad. Science tells us that homosexuality is not a mere lifestyle choice, but a condition that appears in other life forms and is embedded at birth like eye color or race.

That's a bitch for Conservatives to accept. Science refutes so many of their core beliefs.
Their religious cult like beliefs. Trump, a known philanderer with an immigrant wife who was in porn is somehow a picture of perfection to evangelical "christians". They are pretty much a cult/will believe any bs.
Fake people with a fake religion. These morons think its ok if you scam people out of money if you "repent".
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From their comments, it's questionable. They think scientists just get government money but don't really do anything of importance?
What are you talking about? What happened? I want to join in the GOP bashing, but I will need context before I commit.

Thanks in advance.
From their comments, it's questionable. They think scientists just get government money but don't really do anything of importance?
What comments where those? I am a Republican, could you clue me in here? I must have missed that at the last mass republican brainwashing session we are forced to attend by the invisible lizard people.
Science is a lot of guesswork and conjecture. When someone says global warming is "settled science" then people are introducing orthodoxy into science, meaning anyone who questions it is a heretic.
Democrats believe in the science that says biology is a matter of opinion. Black holes is a racial slur. Plainly democrats have their own little science and they get their feelings hurt when they are laughed at.
Think about what science tells us. According to science, mankind did not appear on this planet wholly formed like a potted geranium. Mankind actually evolved like all other forms of life. Science tells us that mankind is capable of messing up this planet, our one and only planet. Sometimes making bushels of money without regard of the environmental consequences can be bad. Science tells us that homosexuality is not a mere lifestyle choice, but a condition that appears in other life forms and is embedded at birth like eye color or race.

That's a bitch for Conservatives to accept. Science refutes so many of their core beliefs.
Their religious cult like beliefs. Trump, a known philanderer with an immigrant wife who was in porn is somehow a picture of perfection to evangelical "christians". They are pretty much a cult/will believe any bs.
Fake people with a fake religion. These morons think its ok if you scam people out of money if you "repent".
Not a picture of perfection. Just better than a democrat. Judging from this nonsense less of a liar as well.
We just don't pretend science is something everyone can just vote on. Science is fact,not consensus.
Not based on what I've read. If you're unpopular or unknown and have an answer that contradicts the consensus view, good luck getting published.
Wouldn't that suggest that "consensus" can often hide the truth?

And that we shouldn't make life-altering, $100 Trillion Dollar, inalienable rights destroying decisions (like the one scientist who suggested suspending democracy to save us all) based on "consensus" and the need to immediately act on the sketchy, unproved, speculative-at-best alleged negative consequences such "consensus" allegedly suggests?

NOBODY can accuse me of being anything BUT a science guy. My issue is not whether there is a problem. It's the bullshit about the world ending in 12 years, when reality suggests a small loss of livable coastline and some agriculture strain from drought. We certainly shouldn't immediately chop off our own dicks to save our lives from a "life threatening disease", only to find out the worst-case scenario was some tender tenders and a cure as simple as some lotion and a nudie mag.

But, they almost pulled off the dick-chop con job (Cap and Trade).


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