Do most everyday americans agree with the USA race census and US race census bureau


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
The US race census bureau defines white people, as people having original ancestry in europe, middle east or northafrica? I think while I agree that a good number of northafricans and middle easterners are light skinned and caucasian, that also a good number are somewhat too dark and too exotic to fit in the typical white image. The ones we perceive as "arabic" usually. I wouldnt call them undifferentiated all white. What do you think?
They specified ORIGINAL ANCESTRY. Meaning there is a recognized incursion of darker skinned people that integrated with the ORIGINAL peoples.
I was going to post my thread titled...
How many races are there?
How many races are there?

Then I noticed you were the first person to post on that thread, Mortimer. :)

From that thread:

"Race, the idea that the human species is divided into distinct groups on the basis of inherited physical and behavioral differences. Genetic studies in the late 20th century refuted the existence of biogenetically distinct races, and scholars now argue that “races” are cultural interventions reflecting specific attitudes and beliefs that were imposed on different populations in the wake of western European conquests beginning in the 15th century..."

As far as I'm concerned, race is a social construct designed to divide us. Mission accomplished.
How many races are there?

Basically just Formula One and NASCAR...

The US race census bureau defines white people, as people having original ancestry in europe, middle east or northafrica? I think while I agree that a good number of northafricans and middle easterners are light skinned and caucasian, that also a good number are somewhat too dark and too exotic to fit in the typical white image. The ones we perceive as "arabic" usually. I wouldnt call them undifferentiated all white. What do you think?
People in Appalachia shoot census takers here, brah.
Yeah, those census results probably don't get posted too much.
You know, like people that lost it all due to the TVA n stuff?
As Mr. D. Prager often points out, the Left destroys everything it touches.

The races were well-defined fifty years ago, and any anthropology text would have pictures and data detailing the differences between the races.

But the political Left didn't like the concept of "race," so they simply declared it out of existence. And contemporary young people are stupid and gullible enough to accept the provably false Narrative that race does not exist.

In addition to the obvious differences in coloration, hair, and facial characteristics, there are differences in body size and shape, measured intelligence, aptitudes, muscularity, and cranial capacity. People who are not morons understand that most of these are simply a matter of averages, and there is overlap in some traits, but statistically they are valid, measurable, and unchanging. It is not a rebuttal so say, "I know a guy..." [who doesn't fit these averages].

As for ethnicities that are not the same as the "classic" examples of the race (e.g., southern Europeans), they all fit in one or another of the defined races.

Even if it makes one uncomfortable.
But the political Left didn't like the concept of "race," so they simply declared it out of existence. And contemporary young people are stupid and gullible enough to accept the provably false Narrative that race does not exist.

Fully disagree. From everything I've seen, the political Left LOVES the concept of "race." They use identity politics to divide and conquer, they started "Black studies" in academia to indoctrinate students into a single-minded narrative, the concept of "Black Lives Matter" falls into the same group-think political Left activism, and they do the same with other races/ethnicities, to divide people for their political benefit.

The political Right prefers the concept of color-blindness, not that the political Right is blind or ignorant of physical differences such as skin tone and whatnot, but that people should not be judged or given preferential treatment based on the concept of race.
But the political Left didn't like the concept of "race," so they simply declared it out of existence. And contemporary young people are stupid and gullible enough to accept the provably false Narrative that race does not exist.

Fully disagree. From everything I've seen, the political Left LOVES the concept of "race." They use identity politics to divide and conquer, they started "Black studies" in academia to indoctrinate students into a single-minded narrative, the concept of "Black Lives Matter" falls into the same group-think political Left activism, and they do the same with other races/ethnicities, to divide people for their political benefit.

The political Right prefers the concept of color-blindness, not that the political Right is blind or ignorant of physical differences such as skin tone and whatnot, but that people should not be judged or given preferential treatment based on the concept of race.

Because whites are at the top of the food chain by default so playing colourblind they reject processes that will bring not only equality before the law but actual equality in the society. So thats why the right does that.
But the political Left didn't like the concept of "race," so they simply declared it out of existence. And contemporary young people are stupid and gullible enough to accept the provably false Narrative that race does not exist.

Fully disagree. From everything I've seen, the political Left LOVES the concept of "race." They use identity politics to divide and conquer, they started "Black studies" in academia to indoctrinate students into a single-minded narrative, the concept of "Black Lives Matter" falls into the same group-think political Left activism, and they do the same with other races/ethnicities, to divide people for their political benefit.

The political Right prefers the concept of color-blindness, not that the political Right is blind or ignorant of physical differences such as skin tone and whatnot, but that people should not be judged or given preferential treatment based on the concept of race.

Because whites are at the top of the food chain by default so playing colourblind they reject processes that will bring not only equality before the law but actual equality in the society. So thats why the right does that.

No. First, you can't white-wash (pun unintended) things by saying "whites are at the top of the food chain." Some are well off, many are not. You could also make a case that Asians are "are at the top of the food chain" if you look at their achievements. And those who are not "at the top of the food chain" may well be there because of life choices they made or their parents made (e.g., absentee fathers, of which I have one).

Second, you cannot bring "equality" (and who decides what confirms and when equality is achieved) by divisive racial politics that the political Left engages in. That has never worked and will never work, for somebody will be punished. Redistribution punishes. Hiring by preferred races punishes. Unjust and arbitrary punishment divides. Healing only comes by dismantling the forces that divide us, namely the political Left. The political Left cannot succeed without successfully exploiting divisive racial politics.

Third, the Right favors colorblindness because that's how Christians are taught, to do unto others as themselves, to love thy neighbor, to not show favoritism or partiality. (And I recognize there are those on the political Right who are not Christian, but Christian values still have an influence on our society from our founding and all benefit kindly when people do unto others as themselves.)
The US race census bureau defines white people, as people having original ancestry in europe, middle east or northafrica? I think while I agree that a good number of northafricans and middle easterners are light skinned and caucasian, that also a good number are somewhat too dark and too exotic to fit in the typical white image. The ones we perceive as "arabic" usually. I wouldnt call them undifferentiated all white. What do you think?

What do I think Morty?
  1. I think you have another picture of yourself as an avatar. Are you a self-worship team of one?
  2. Go out and get yourself an education. Then you would find there IS no "white" race. The regions you describe is the ancestral origins of what are called Caucasoids, and yes, that includes northern Africa. From central Africa on down, those indigenous people are the only ones never to have ever ventured out to mix with other races or species (such as Homo Neanderthalenis).
But the political Left didn't like the concept of "race," so they simply declared it out of existence. And contemporary young people are stupid and gullible enough to accept the provably false Narrative that race does not exist.

Fully disagree. From everything I've seen, the political Left LOVES the concept of "race." They use identity politics to divide and conquer, they started "Black studies" in academia to indoctrinate students into a single-minded narrative, the concept of "Black Lives Matter" falls into the same group-think political Left activism, and they do the same with other races/ethnicities, to divide people for their political benefit.

The political Right prefers the concept of color-blindness, not that the political Right is blind or ignorant of physical differences such as skin tone and whatnot, but that people should not be judged or given preferential treatment based on the concept of race.

Because whites are at the top of the food chain by default so playing colourblind they reject processes that will bring not only equality before the law but actual equality in the society. So thats why the right does that.

No. First, you can't white-wash (pun unintended) things by saying "whites are at the top of the food chain." Some are well off, many are not. You could also make a case that Asians are "are at the top of the food chain" if you look at their achievements. And those who are not "at the top of the food chain" may well be there because of life choices they made or their parents made (e.g., absentee fathers, of which I have one).

Second, you cannot bring "equality" (and who decides what confirms and when equality is achieved) by divisive racial politics that the political Left engages in. That has never worked and will never work, for somebody will be punished. Redistribution punishes. Hiring by preferred races punishes. Unjust and arbitrary punishment divides. Healing only comes by dismantling the forces that divide us, namely the political Left. The political Left cannot succeed without successfully exploiting divisive racial politics.

Third, the Right favors colorblindness because that's how Christians are taught, to do unto others as themselves, to love thy neighbor, to not show favoritism or partiality. (And I recognize there are those on the political Right who are not Christian, but Christian values still have an influence on our society from our founding and all benefit kindly when people do unto others as themselves.)

True but imagine there is a 2 foot guy and there is a 4"2 midget, both watch a football game, you place the midget in the first row before the 2 foot guy so he can see the game, but the 2 foot guy feels discriminated then because he must be behind the midget? Do you consider that favouritism? Actually placing both in the same place, would mean the midget cannot see the game.
But the political Left didn't like the concept of "race," so they simply declared it out of existence. And contemporary young people are stupid and gullible enough to accept the provably false Narrative that race does not exist.

Fully disagree. From everything I've seen, the political Left LOVES the concept of "race." They use identity politics to divide and conquer, they started "Black studies" in academia to indoctrinate students into a single-minded narrative, the concept of "Black Lives Matter" falls into the same group-think political Left activism, and they do the same with other races/ethnicities, to divide people for their political benefit.

The political Right prefers the concept of color-blindness, not that the political Right is blind or ignorant of physical differences such as skin tone and whatnot, but that people should not be judged or given preferential treatment based on the concept of race.

Because whites are at the top of the food chain by default so playing colourblind they reject processes that will bring not only equality before the law but actual equality in the society. So thats why the right does that.

No. First, you can't white-wash (pun unintended) things by saying "whites are at the top of the food chain." Some are well off, many are not. You could also make a case that Asians are "are at the top of the food chain" if you look at their achievements. And those who are not "at the top of the food chain" may well be there because of life choices they made or their parents made (e.g., absentee fathers, of which I have one).

Second, you cannot bring "equality" (and who decides what confirms and when equality is achieved) by divisive racial politics that the political Left engages in. That has never worked and will never work, for somebody will be punished. Redistribution punishes. Hiring by preferred races punishes. Unjust and arbitrary punishment divides. Healing only comes by dismantling the forces that divide us, namely the political Left. The political Left cannot succeed without successfully exploiting divisive racial politics.

Third, the Right favors colorblindness because that's how Christians are taught, to do unto others as themselves, to love thy neighbor, to not show favoritism or partiality. (And I recognize there are those on the political Right who are not Christian, but Christian values still have an influence on our society from our founding and all benefit kindly when people do unto others as themselves.)

True but imagine there is a 2 foot guy and there is a 4"2 midget, both watch a football game, you place the midget in the first row before the 2 foot guy so he can see the game, but the 2 foot guy feels discriminated then because he must be behind the midget? Do you consider that favouritism? Actually placing both in the same place, would mean the midget cannot see the game.

As a taller person, I tend to get stuck in the back in a group photo so people only see my floating head instead of my head and sexy bod. As a taller person, leg room is terrible for me on an airplane, except that one time where I got that sweet seat by an exit door and had no chair in front of me. And I have to watch my head coming out of my shower at home.

With things of height, there are advantages and disadvantages. And you know what, I'm not going to complain much about it. I'll adapt to the situation.

If I need to stand so an elderly person or pregnant lady can sit on a bus, no big deal. There is room for favoritism, based out of kindness.

There is other forms of favoritism that are appalling. If I'm denied a job or a college choice based on skin color, or ethnicity, or that I wear glasses, or I'm too tall, then that would be a problem. If rejection is merit-based, I can accept that. If rejection is something beyond my control, like physical appearance, or ancestry, that is a problem that I am going to object to, for myself, and for others facing baseless discrimination.
But the political Left didn't like the concept of "race," so they simply declared it out of existence. And contemporary young people are stupid and gullible enough to accept the provably false Narrative that race does not exist.

Fully disagree. From everything I've seen, the political Left LOVES the concept of "race." They use identity politics to divide and conquer, they started "Black studies" in academia to indoctrinate students into a single-minded narrative, the concept of "Black Lives Matter" falls into the same group-think political Left activism, and they do the same with other races/ethnicities, to divide people for their political benefit.

The political Right prefers the concept of color-blindness, not that the political Right is blind or ignorant of physical differences such as skin tone and whatnot, but that people should not be judged or given preferential treatment based on the concept of race.

Because whites are at the top of the food chain by default so playing colourblind they reject processes that will bring not only equality before the law but actual equality in the society. So thats why the right does that.

No. First, you can't white-wash (pun unintended) things by saying "whites are at the top of the food chain." Some are well off, many are not. You could also make a case that Asians are "are at the top of the food chain" if you look at their achievements. And those who are not "at the top of the food chain" may well be there because of life choices they made or their parents made (e.g., absentee fathers, of which I have one).

Second, you cannot bring "equality" (and who decides what confirms and when equality is achieved) by divisive racial politics that the political Left engages in. That has never worked and will never work, for somebody will be punished. Redistribution punishes. Hiring by preferred races punishes. Unjust and arbitrary punishment divides. Healing only comes by dismantling the forces that divide us, namely the political Left. The political Left cannot succeed without successfully exploiting divisive racial politics.

Third, the Right favors colorblindness because that's how Christians are taught, to do unto others as themselves, to love thy neighbor, to not show favoritism or partiality. (And I recognize there are those on the political Right who are not Christian, but Christian values still have an influence on our society from our founding and all benefit kindly when people do unto others as themselves.)

True but imagine there is a 2 foot guy and there is a 4"2 midget, both watch a football game, you place the midget in the first row before the 2 foot guy so he can see the game, but the 2 foot guy feels discriminated then because he must be behind the midget? Do you consider that favouritism? Actually placing both in the same place, would mean the midget cannot see the game.

As a taller person, I tend to get stuck in the back in a group photo so people only see my floating head instead of my head and sexy bod. As a taller person, leg room is terrible for me on an airplane, except that one time where I got that sweet seat by an exit door and had no chair in front of me. And I have to watch my head coming out of my shower at home.

With things of height, there are advantages and disadvantages. And you know what, I'm not going to complain much about it. I'll adapt to the situation.

If I need to stand so an elderly person or pregnant lady can sit on a bus, no big deal. There is room for favoritism, based out of kindness.

There is other forms of favoritism that are appalling. If I'm denied a job or a college choice based on skin color, or ethnicity, or that I wear glasses, or I'm too tall, then that would be a problem. If rejection is merit-based, I can accept that. If rejection is something beyond my control, like physical appearance, or ancestry, that is a problem that I am going to object to, for myself, and for others facing baseless discrimination.

But what if employers dont want to hire certain races, and the law makes them do so? That is basically affirmative action to me. Some white people who are good and intelligent get left out though, that is negative side effect. But what if someone would hire only whites if there werent positive discrimation?
But what if employers dont want to hire certain races,

That would be bad, and it would be a place I would not want to work in. And if such an employer is exposed, that employer won't be in business much longer.

But let's look at that further. An employer should be interested in making a business successful. And to make a business successful, one key is to hire the best and brightest, and narrowing one's view to one preferred race is misses out on qualified applicants and that employer not fulfilling its mission. It is a self-defeating view.

and the law makes them do so? That is basically affirmative action to me.

It depends what you mean by "the law makes them do so." If it's to not racially discriminate, fine. If it's to elevate a preferred race over another or over others, that is not fine. That is where affirmative action breaks down, when it is performing actual discrimination, and government-backed discrimination, that is not fine.

Here in my state of California, the people passed Proposition 209 in 1996 that forbids the government from racial discrimination and preferential treatment. I was glad to be a part of that effort. But now the racists in the California legislation are seeking to overturn that vote with a new ballot measure coming to a vote in November. I will see to it that this new proposition is defeated. I do not allow my government of the people, by the people, for the people to discriminate based on skin color or racial identity.

Some white people who are good and intelligent get left out though, that is negative side effect.

And not just white people; included all people who are not of the preferred race. That's bad. And that's not to be tolerated.

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