Zone1 Do Atheists Implicitly Believe in "God"?

Imagine there is no "god." Imagine there is no reward for a life of virtue and no punishment for a life of evil. Imagine that you do not believe that humans are somehow "children of god" or intrinsically more "valuable" than animals and plants.

Now given this set of non-beliefs, would you care about thousands of people being killed on the other side of the world - people whom you do not know, and nobody you ever encounter would know? If so, why?

Would you care about the carnage that goes on in our inner cities every weekend?

Would you care about any tragedies that don't affect you or your posse? Why?

If you do care about these things, please explain.
In order to be a true atheist one must objectively prove the non-existence of God and the concept of a Spiritual Realm. This means the atheist must be in possession of factual evidence that proves God does not exist. There is a simple list based upon logic and reason that the true atheist should be able to produce upon request, that proves there is no Spiritual God....if they are a true atheist.

The atheist must prove with objective evidence. Matter is eternal, having always existed void of any contingent cause. Matter is all that exists. Matter has always existed. No one piece of matter is of more value than the next piece of matter. By sheer chance, dead matter became living matter. By sheer chance, dead matter became conscience.
By sheer chance dead matter became a living human being with a conscience that can direct its own fate by the decisions he/she makes.

Reality: Applied Science cannot objectively prove any of the items on this list.......thus, you have Theory injected into the equation. Theory is based upon nothing but human thought and reasoning within the mind of man as it can't be objectively proven, or it would be a Law of Physics. Theory, as admitted by those who propagate theory as science, theoretical (wink, wink) a way of thinking, based upon error and correction. In other words its human philosophy pretending to be applied science. When something can't be prove to be a fact.........the only alternative according to the laws of logic and reason, when someone corrects the theory......that theory was a lie. According to theoretical science is based upon lies presented as truths and will serve as truth until a better lie is thought of.

Example: When I was a child in elementary school, I was taught as scientific truth.......the earth itself is 1 billion years in our classrooms the age of the earth as changed from 1 billion years to over 3 billion years. Was I lied to when I was a child or Am I being lied to today? The earth has aged over 2 billion years in a span of a few it MAGIC? No......someone came up with a superior lie. :popcorn:

Modern Science when applied to the reality that surrounds us.......i.e, the Physical Universe and everything within its physical sphere of influence proves that the Universe is not eternal and by the very Laws of Physics must have had a cause that is superior to nature itself.
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In order to be a true atheist one must objectively prove the non-existence of God and the concept of a Spiritual Realm.
In order for a person to believe red is better than blue one must objectively prove that red is superior to blue.

Bad logic sir.

99-100% of things we believe do not require proof. You believe what seems logical to you. We don’t go around proving stuff all the time. Anybody who does that certainly doesn’t have any friends. It would get obnoxious.
In order to be a true atheist one must objectively prove the non-existence of God and the concept of a Spiritual Realm. This means the atheist must be in possession of factual evidence that proves God does not exist. There is a simple list based upon logic and reason that the true atheist should be able to produce upon request, that proves there is no Spiritual God....if they are a true atheist.

The atheist must prove with objective evidence. Matter is eternal, having always existed void of any contingent cause. Matter is all that exists. Matter has always existed. No one piece of matter is of more value than the next piece of matter. By sheer chance, dead matter became living matter. By sheer chance, dead matter became conscience.
By sheer chance dead matter became a living human being with a conscience that can direct its own fate by the decisions he/she makes.

Reality: Applied Science cannot objectively prove any of the items on this list.......thus, you have Theory injected into the equation. Theory is based upon nothing but human thought and reasoning within the mind of man as it can't be objectively proven, or it would be a Law of Physics. Theory, as admitted by those who propagate theory as science, theoretical (wink, wink) a way of thinking, based upon error and correction. In other words its human philosophy pretending to be applied science. When something can't be prove to be a fact.........the only alternative according to the laws of logic and reason, when someone corrects the theory......that theory was a lie. According to theoretical science is based upon lies presented as truths and will serve as truth until a better lie is thought of.

Example: When I was a child in elementary school, I was taught as scientific truth.......the earth itself is 1 billion years in our classrooms the age of the earth as changed from 1 billion years to over 3 billion years. Was I lied to when I was a child or Am I being lied to today? The earth has aged over 2 billion years in a span of a few it MAGIC? No......someone came up with a superior lie. :popcorn:

Modern Science when applied to the reality that surrounds us.......i.e, the Physical Universe and everything within its physical sphere of influence proves that the Universe is not eternal and by the very Laws of Physics must have had a cause that is superior to nature itself.

There is a Bible story where this actually happened. I say we use the same method used in the Bible. Would you agree with those terms without me giving the Biblical reference upfront?
What benefits the tribe is good and what harms the tribe is evil. Fantasies about the afterlife or pretensions to empathy have nothing to do with objective morality. Humans and other animals form tribes/herds/packs/etc. for the purpose of improving the survival rates of members. Morality is simply a set of behaviors that evolve to maximize survival.

Who decides what is good and what is harmful? For example, some people believe that homosexuality is harmful and other people believe it's harmless. No one said anything about the afterlife, we were talking about objective morality. It's either objective or it isn't. If it isn't, then there is no such thing as an actual right or wrong, it's whatever an individual or a society decides. There are so many logical problems with that, it would take paragraphs to list them all.

The bottom line is that atheism has no way to account for objective morality. That is why most atheists say it's subjective... which means there is no such thing as morality, it's all opinion, like which flavor ice cream is best. And I think it's safe to say that sane people know deep down that that's simply not true.
In order for a person to believe red is better than blue one must objectively prove that red is superior to blue.

Bad logic sir.

99-100% of things we believe do not require proof. You believe what seems logical to you. We don’t go around proving stuff all the time. Anybody who does that certainly doesn’t have any friends. It would get obnoxious.
Talk about a lack of logic. Belief is not proof of anything.........its a thought that originates in the human mind. Facts and Truth do not evolve.....or it was never truth to begin with. What was true in the 1st century is just as true today. Societies might evolve......truth does not.

Believing in something does not make it true. Example: I believe that my car will start every time I engage the ignition......I believe this based upon the fact that my car has started every time since I purchased it 40K miles ago. Sad to say.......the immobilizer switch that is supposed to stop thieves .......failed, and I had to have my car towed to the nearest Dealer........who covered the switch because it was still under warranty, but they charged me $243 to reprogram my own keys to the new switch. My belief in something that was not true.........cost me over 200 dollars.

99 to 100% of the things you believe does not require proof? :abgg2q.jpg: That's where Christianity begs to differ..........we are commanded to TEST ALL THINGS. (Thess. 5:21) Christian faith is based upon Prmia Facie evidences.

What you are describing is nothing but FAITH. There is not one truth for you and a different truth for others. I did take note that you did not address any of the topics that would prove to me that God does not exist. I wonder why? Instead you provide nothing but more subjective ad hominem BS.
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If you're looking for Jesus to appear at Times Square at 12:00 noon as proof, you aren't going to find it.

and what do you have as an authentic replication for the lifetime of jesus ... it's not the christian bible that is complete fiction from beginning to end.

proof of jesus are shreds of evidence as those that gave their lives also during that time period w/ historical references and little more. yet their existence was real with or without physical evidence which does not exist.

that is not true for anything found throughout the three desert religions only their bibles exist and nothing more and so there are as they are saying only agnostics at best and that includes jews, christians, islamist and everyone else.
You just proved my point. Atheists don't even understand why morality should be an issue. They don't understand the concept of it.

When I was 22, I went out with a beautiful atheist girl who offered me sex on a silver platter. It was right there for the taking, but I turned her down and explained why. She acted like something was wrong with me. She had never in her life heard that sex outside marriage was immoral. Earlier in the evening I had asked if she was Catholic and she scoffed at the notion and told me of her atheism. I was very disappointed because I liked her.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::cuckoo::cuckoo::auiqs.jpg:
Anyone can abandon it. So reality says otherwise.

Or did you just err and mix up "can't" and "won't" again?
But no one does. It's actually quite the opposite. They rationalize they don't even when they do.

So, no error on my part. The error was all yours. Or do you need for me to explain why that is?
Imagine there is no "god." Imagine there is no reward for a life of virtue and no punishment for a life of evil. Imagine that you do not believe that humans are somehow "children of god" or intrinsically more "valuable" than animals and plants.

Now given this set of non-beliefs, would you care about thousands of people being killed on the other side of the world - people whom you do not know, and nobody you ever encounter would know? If so, why?

Would you care about the carnage that goes on in our inner cities every weekend?

Would you care about any tragedies that don't affect you or your posse? Why?

If you do care about these things, please explain.
I care about people on the other side of the world. It seems like I care more than religious people do. Religious people in America seem to only care about Americans. Fuck the people in the middle east or south America.

Just how it seems to me.

Imagine you are any other animal on this planet. No god, no afterlife, no reward, no punishment for living.
Imagine there is no "god." Imagine there is no reward for a life of virtue and no punishment for a life of evil. Imagine that you do not believe that humans are somehow "children of god" or intrinsically more "valuable" than animals and plants.

Now given this set of non-beliefs, would you care about thousands of people being killed on the other side of the world - people whom you do not know, and nobody you ever encounter would know? If so, why?

Would you care about the carnage that goes on in our inner cities every weekend?

Would you care about any tragedies that don't affect you or your posse? Why?

If you do care about these things, please explain.

Why is it you believe you couldn't do any of these things without the promise of a reward or the threat of punishments from a god?
I care about people on the other side of the world. It seems like I care more than religious people do.
How are you caring? I mean, is it just a feeling, or are you actively sending them some kind of support?
That you can't abandon that concept says otherwise.
We see why our primitive ancestors came up with the God concept. How could this all be? Must have been made for us.

But the more we know the more we realize this wasn't made for us. Why would God make beautiful flowers but then hide rattlesnakes behind them? That's a quote from Yellowstone.

Yes, even I talk to God though Ding. Can't help it. Was I born this way or was it put into my head? If 100 babies were born on an island and had AI nanny who didn't tell them about religion, would they come up with it? First they would ponder how they got there. Would they figure out that two adults fucked and that's how they were made? Or would they conclude a God POOFED them into existence?
How are you caring? I mean, is it just a feeling, or are you actively sending them some kind of support?

Just a feeling. And I vote for people who won't go to war in Iraq. Like Clinton and Gore. The Bush's on both sides of them had hardons for war in the middle east.

This is why I don't like charity. Do you want me to send money to Israel? Why when my government already sends $3 trillion a year?
How are you caring? I mean, is it just a feeling, or are you actively sending them some kind of support?

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Knows The Meaning Of Life​

So — what is the meaning of life? I think people ask that question on the assumption that 'meaning' is something you can look for and go, 'Here it is, I found it. Here's the meaning. I've been looking for.' That scenario, however, doesn't consider the possibility that 'meaning' is something you create. You manufacture it for yourself and for others.

So when I think of 'meaning' in life, I ask, 'Did I learn something today that I didn't know yesterday, bringing me a little closer to knowing all that can be known in the universe?' If I live a day and I don't know a little more than I did the day before, I think I wasted that day. So the people who, at the end of the school year, say 'The summer! I don't have to think anymore!' — I just don't know. To think brings you closer to nature. To learn how things work gives you power to influence events. Gives you power to help people who may need it — to help yourself and your trajectory.

So when I think of the meaning of life, that's not an eternal and unanswerable question — to me, that's in arm's reach of me everyday. So to you, at age six-and-three-quarters, may I suggest that you explore nature as much as you possibly can. And occasionally that means getting your clothes dirty because you might want to jump into puddles and your parents don't want you to do that. You tell them that I gave you permission.`

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Knows The Meaning Of Life​

So — what is the meaning of life? I think people ask that question on the assumption that 'meaning' is something you can look for and go, 'Here it is, I found it. Here's the meaning. I've been looking for.' That scenario, however, doesn't consider the possibility that 'meaning' is something you create. You manufacture it for yourself and for others.

So when I think of 'meaning' in life, I ask, 'Did I learn something today that I didn't know yesterday, bringing me a little closer to knowing all that can be known in the universe?' If I live a day and I don't know a little more than I did the day before, I think I wasted that day. So the people who, at the end of the school year, say 'The summer! I don't have to think anymore!' — I just don't know. To think brings you closer to nature. To learn how things work gives you power to influence events. Gives you power to help people who may need it — to help yourself and your trajectory.

So when I think of the meaning of life, that's not an eternal and unanswerable question — to me, that's in arm's reach of me everyday. So to you, at age six-and-three-quarters, may I suggest that you explore nature as much as you possibly can. And occasionally that means getting your clothes dirty because you might want to jump into puddles and your parents don't want you to do that. You tell them that I gave you permission.`
There is no meaning in life itself.
There is no meaning in life itself.
For humans I think the meaning of life is to live. To have more children to continue life. To build societies where future generations can live. So we live for ourselves and for future humans.

For me, or you, you have to have your own meaning in life. My meaning is to hopefully leave the planet better than I left it. To make positive change in people's lives. What sucks is you don't know when you are doing it. When my brother and I were in high school we worked at a weight lifting gym. My brother got into bodybuilding and I got into wrestling and power lifting. I had NO idea how many people's lives I impacted or inspired. It wasn't until after college running into former teammates who tell me how much we inspired them. One guy actually fought on a UFC Pay Per View. MMA wasn't around when I was wrestling otherwise I may have tried it. JuJitsu wasn't a thing yet eithe.

And one guy, still, to this day, is a body builder. He does it for a good cause. Dogs.

Funny thing is my brother and I aren't body builders anymore. Just normal 50 something year old dudes. But my brother is going back to the gym. He's going to retire soon and get back into shape.

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