Do Americans Still Trust Our Elections?

This isn't about stupid. This is about ignorance. They just don't know things, and based on this forum, I wouldn't say "Some", I'd say "Most".

Because I come on here and see people going on about fraudulent elections.... they haven't a clue that the system is far, FAR worse at distorting the vote than even any potential massive fraud that could possibly take place.
The 'system' is now politics mixed with social media with a healthy dose of MSM to round off the propaganda. This is reality. You're dealing with a lot of magaturds of the boomer (70+) persuasion here. Magaturd minds here are set in stone. Maybe read the room a little better. :dunno:
If you're gonna be a howler, expect all your bullshit to get thrown right back in your face.

I'll be.more than happy to show people how it's done, fucking lying leftard sack of shit.

Tell me scumbag, where am I right now?
Why would I care where you are? :dunno:
The 'system' is now politics mixed with social media with a healthy dose of MSM to round off the propaganda. This is reality. You're dealing with a lot of magaturds of the boomer (70+) persuasion here. Magaturd minds here are set in stone. Maybe read the room a little better. :dunno:

The system is First Past The Post.

In 2017 in the German Federal elections, the CDU/CSU gained 37.27% of the votes, but got 77.5% of the seats.
Why? Because of negative voting. People were voting against the other party, rather than for the CDU/CSU. A lot of these people didn't want to vote CDU/CSU at all. We know this because the Germans also vote Proportional Representation at the same time, and 2 million of those voters who voted for CDU/CSU with FPTP did NOT vote for them with PR.

In fact the total percentage of seats the CDU/CSU gained was LESS than the 37.27% of the votes they got with FPTP, because they lost so many votes their seat allocation went way down.
We know FPTP benefits the main two political parties. In Germany the number of votes that change from FPTP to PR is up to 10%, and they're almost always a 10% drop for the main two parties and a 10% rise for the third parties.

In the US, we can see this happen. People will go out and vote. They look at the chances of one party or another winning. Perhaps they're Libertarian, and they know the Libertarians (as the third largest party in the US) has NO CHANCE at all.
They have zero governors
They have zero senators
They have zero members of the House
They have zero state senators
They have one state house member (Jarrod Sammis in Vermont) and guess what, he was elected as a REPUBLICAN and then switched and will lose his seat and never again get back into the state House.
They have 322 other elected officials (think dog catchers).

So, many Libertarians will think "hmm, I don't like the Democrats", so they vote for the Republicans. They probably don't like the Republicans either, but what choice do they have?
Vote Libertarian, get Democrats. Vote Republican, get Republican.
Which do they prefer?
In Germany they could vote Libertarian and know their vote counts, but the US doesn't have DEMOCRACY. So, they get to vote for two asshole parties.
One man, who planned to make the voter fraud claim if Hillary had won, stood behind a podium and lied. That is no reason to doubt our elections, since all the claims of "massive voter fraud " have been proven false. Even his AG at the time called them BS.

trump is doing Poootin's bidding as he tries to cast doubt on our election process. You want a voting process deep in authoritarianism, check out Russia's.
We don’t need to look to Russia. Just look here. Is the DOJ or FBI trustworthy? After all the lies and bullshit do you still trust them? How about the CDC? Any questions there? They did just fine right? Next pandemic we should ignore all their lies and go get the next shot that does nothing, and wear a mask.

For the most part I used to until 2020.
Okay so you don't trust them any more.

So what. Don't vote.

For the most part I used to until 2020.

Hillary didn't in 2016. Neither do I.
Next time? When the November 2024 election everything goes better; the Democrats will have four more years in the White House, the Senate will have a larger Democrat Caucus and large caucus Democrats in the H. of Rep.

Then in 2025 the Supreme Court will add three more justice seats and a new Chief Justice if the way the Republican Party continues as they are acting; and as the six current members who are not aware of We the People.

BTW: as too the "bullets for ballots" be assured there will be another WACO leader and the kooks*** will burn.

***In re: You are a domestic terrorist.
Cheating or any thing resembling cheating will not be tolerated. Bullet or and open fair election
The problem isn't elections but selecting candidates from two parties that actually work with each other, and in favor of Wall Street.
And they were so good at it that you all had not one bit of actual evidence it took place.

Sucks to be you
You really don't get it, do you? When 70+ million other Americans distrust the results, that matters. You'll be seeing why, very quickly when the perception of cheating is repeated in '24. Think of it this way... imagine that it's YOU who feels there is plenty of evidence of wrongdoing that's being ignored. How would YOU react to that? Would you just shrug and say, oh well, I guess I MUST OBEY a government that I think is illegitimate?

When this happens again, this whole experiment in freedom is DONE. The resistance won't be a 4-hour riot in DC. It will be lawlessness so widespread that DC's best efforts will be useless. There aren't enough cops, troops, or cells to FORCE COMPLIANCE of tens of millions of others who are as hard-headed as YOU.
You really don't get it, do you? When 70+ million other Americans distrust the results, that matters. You'll be seeing why, very quickly when the perception of cheating is repeated in '24. Think of it this way... imagine that it's YOU who feels there is plenty of evidence of wrongdoing that's being ignored. How would YOU react to that? Would you just shrug and say, oh well, I guess I MUST OBEY a government that I think is illegitimate?

When this happens again, this whole experiment in freedom is DONE. The resistance won't be a 4-hour riot in DC. It will be lawlessness so widespread that DC's best efforts will be useless. There aren't enough cops, troops, or cells to FORCE COMPLIANCE of tens of millions of others who are as hard-headed as YOU.
This time hopefully law enforcement will use bullets.

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