DNC Pushes Ad That Mitt Loves Firing People

Did DWS take Romney's words out of context? The comments from her that I find don't seem to (DNC boss: Mitt Romney callous, insensitive - MJ Lee - POLITICO.com). Indeed, she volunteers that he was talking about insurance providers, then correctly notes that his statement about firing people was made more generally.

Even if DWS did take Romney's words out of context, it would be far from the most dishonest thing that either political party does. See, eg, Romney's own "pants on fire" statements on politifact.

I don't have a moral problem with what Romney said, but it was politically boneheaded. His biggest political liability may be that he made a lot of money at Bain by firing people (among other things of course), so what does he say? "I like being able to fire people". Asking the DNC to ignore that is like leaving a nice juicy ham on the floor overnight and expecting your dog to leave it alone.

If your company isn't adequate with providing a service, and as a result you find yourself losing equity, you should take no issue to firing someone. That is how capitalism works. If you hire someone who can not perform their job, I'd rather a more qualified individual take over than allow an organization to go bankrupt. Perhaps then you won't be left with companies that are "too big to fail" and you'd save taxpayers the headache of seeing good money being thrown at bad corporations.
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Romney also said the GM bailout "would never work."

The Dems are already showing that in tv ads in Michigan.
In 2004 when John Kerry said he was for the 87 billion before he was against it, Republicans took that totally out of context and got plenty of mileage out of it.

Now, it's just Romney's turn in the barrel.

And that attitude is what is wrong with our political system. The 'Mom, he did it too' bullshit. Why the hell we cannot just all demand higher standards of all our politicians is beyond me. Why the left cannot grab their own by the throat and demand honesty and integrity, and why the right cannot do likewise with theirs is incomprehensible.

With this country's concern for jobs and desiring something more than an unemployment check, this attack ad is not going to register with the American people. If the Democrats believe focusing on what Mitt just said will be effective, then Obama WILL lose re-election because their nit picking complaints will put them further out of touch with mainstream voters.
You make Mormons sound like the Borg.

The effects of Obama's policies are what gives us confidence. Under normal circumstances we would be joking about how badly Obama was gonna lose right now.

Democrats don't hate Mormons. Harry Reid is a Mormon. It was never an issue when he ran. However Democrats want to assume that Republicans are so prejudice that they wouldn't elect one. Funny thing is, they once thought the same about blacks. Actually they used to think the same thing about Catholics before JFK was elected. Good thing not everyone is as close-minded as you seem. There are enough Democrats that are fed up with Obama, Independents that fear Obama's policies, and Republicans that are open-minded enough to elect a Mormon. Republicans love proving Democrats wrong.

Harry Reid represents a state that is largely Morman. As far as close-minded...well Sport I have read the Book of Mormon. AKA I'm well informed about that cult. Most Americans have not read the crazy Morman Doctrine and have not really had to bone up on what a Morman really is. That will change over the next 8 months and I predict confidently that Americans will reject it along with Romney.

I doubt most people could stay awake long enough to read the Book of Mormon along with the Pearls of Great Price, or the Doctrine and Covenants.

I wonder if everyone were to read the Koran they would be so quick to defend Muslims. Well, they do because our media encourages them to. They could do the same for Mormons, who don't believe it's okay to lie to infidels and don't produce thousands of bigots willing to murder anyone who doesn't follow their radical religion. It's kind of flabbergasting that you have such a hardon for a religion that only wants to whorship God the way they want.

Why is this the case?

Because the left will use any tactic to fool the public into voting for their substandard candidate in light that Harry Reid is a Mormon. His being Mormon isn't an issue.

The fact that Obama claims to be against Gay marriage doesn't stop gays from supporting him. You're counting on bigotry to defeat Romney. I'm counting on Republican voters being rational. I wouldn't expect that from Democrats.

You need to get it out of your head that I am a democrat. I voted for Bush. I had "hope" that he would take council from his father whom I was very happy with and also voted for. I even drove out to Boeing field in Seattle to wave at him and give him personal support on one of his trips out here. Do you really think a democrat would do that? Unfortunately the little fuckwit scamp George took council from Karl Rove and Dickless Cheney and lied us into an unneccesary war costing nearly a trillion dollars and over 4500 lives of Americas finest. At the same time..."I don't think about Ossama much".. REALLY??? All the while deregulating the financial pirates to the point that they brought my country to its financial knees. 8 years of fear mongering??? No sir I have not abandoned the republican party. The republican party has abandoned reason, responsibility and me.
I'm waiting patiently for someone of substance to arise out of the garbage heap that is now my party but it appears it will not be in this election cycle.
Maybe my brain is too stupid to understand it, but i'll never understand how firing one person and replacing that person with someone more capable of doing the job is wrong and/or immoral.

:lol: Yeah, when you craft the question that way I'm sure you dont understand how someone could disagree. It's like the salesman that called me about life insurance and said "Is 20 minutes too much to ask for to protect your family?"

He was shocked when I said "Yes". :badgrin:

Look all over this board, you see democrats and even republicans attacking Romney for firing people, you know a basic aspect of capitalism.

That's why the economy hasn't improved much in three years. When you hold onto advisors who make the same suggestions over and over again, and refuse to replace them with individuals that hold a fresh set of ideas, a stagnant failed administration is all you'll have left. How serious can you be perceived with creating jobs, if you push the same failed close minded concepts and expect somehow those same results will change the next time around?
Because there's no punishment for doing it.

So you only do something that is right if there is a punishment for not doing it? Oh. That's an interesting concept. I try to do the right thing, because it is the right thing. Again, I'm learning more about why this country is a clusterfuck. People like you are the cause.

Do you act like a rude, vulgar, dishonest, obnoxious bitch on this forum because you believe it's the right thing to do, or because you can't be punished for it?


Are you suggesting no one on the left has ever made those type of comments? Better give me a minute to put on some waders because it's about to get very deep in here.
Harry Reid represents a state that is largely Morman. As far as close-minded...well Sport I have read the Book of Mormon. AKA I'm well informed about that cult. Most Americans have not read the crazy Morman Doctrine and have not really had to bone up on what a Morman really is. That will change over the next 8 months and I predict confidently that Americans will reject it along with Romney.

I doubt most people could stay awake long enough to read the Book of Mormon along with the Pearls of Great Price, or the Doctrine and Covenants.

I wonder if everyone were to read the Koran they would be so quick to defend Muslims. Well, they do because our media encourages them to. They could do the same for Mormons, who don't believe it's okay to lie to infidels and don't produce thousands of bigots willing to murder anyone who doesn't follow their radical religion. It's kind of flabbergasted that you have such a hard on for a religion that only wants to worship God the way they want.

Why is this the case?

Because the left will use any tactic to fool the public into voting for their substandard candidate in light that Harry Reid is a Mormon. His being Mormon isn't an issue.

The fact that Obama claims to be against Gay marriage doesn't stop gays from supporting him. You're counting on bigotry to defeat Romney. I'm counting on Republican voters being rational. I wouldn't expect that from Democrats.

You need to get it out of your head that I am a democrat. I voted for Bush. I had "hope" that he would take council from his father whom I was very happy with and also voted for. I even drove out to Boeing field in Seattle to wave at him and give him personal support on one of his trips out here. Do you really think a democrat would do that? Unfortunately the little fuckwit scamp George took council from Karl Rove and Dickless Cheney and lied us into an unneccesary war costing nearly a trillion dollars and over 4500 lives of Americas finest. At the same time..."I don't think about Ossama much".. REALLY??? All the while deregulating the financial pirates to the point that they brought my country to its financial knees. 8 years of fear mongering??? No sir I have not abandoned the republican party. The republican party has abandoned reason, responsibility and me.
I'm waiting patiently for someone of substance to arise out of the garbage heap that is now my party but it appears it will not be in this election cycle.

I think you ask too much of the system.

I also think most of your complaints originate from leftist propaganda.

Anyway, I sympathize.

I figure Obama needs to send the ATF after a child molesting, Polygamy based religious compound somewhere in Texas.

Btw, did you know Barack Senior was a serial Bigamist???
This is about as dishonest as you can get.

Mitt Romney said he likes being able to fire his insurance company if they don't provide the service he wants.
DNC Chairwoman Debby Wassurman-Schultz jumped on this to imply Mitt just loves to fire people.

FOXNews called her on it this morning and she refused to admit that she was taking the sound bite out of context.

I think anyone who uses the comment is being totally dishonest.

Btw, John Huntsman jumped on the comment too, so to be fair, some Repugs tend to be just as deceptive as the DNC.

It does not matter. This country will not elect a Morman to the white house.

If Obama wants to make this about "religion", do you think that will be enough to those voters waiting over 40 weeks for work by giving this president a pass for playing politics over jobs? Do you think he will put the nation and jobs FIRST over "special interest", and allow the Keystone pipeline to go through BEFORE this next Presidential election?
I am curious how the fundamentalists group of americans would view a Romney vs Obama election.

They view Obama as the antichrist, and many view mormons as infidels or cult members or at minimum not christians.

I can imagine a whole lot of rapture predictions.
It does not matter. This country will not elect a Morman to the white house.

If a Mormon gets the Republican nomination, I bet you they will.

Uh, no, they won't.

YOu realize there are a lot of us out here who just don't like you guys, right?

I think any GOP candidate would have had a hard time beating Obama. He's likable, historic, and frankly, says the things people want to hear. But nominating Mitt Romney, a guy with a weird religion and a slimy business history who says these incredibly insensitive things... well, that's just digging yourself deeper into the hole.

Like pushing for unemployment extensions OVER compromising with Republicans to get Americans back to work? Obama did say he would not support the Keystone pipeline, but unemployment extensions was pushed as the greater need for the American people. I don't believe "party politics" is what voters are looking to this President for, they would rather this President take more seriously those opportunities that creates employment. Have you seen how this has effected in Obama's approval polls remaining low?
A lie is a lie....no matter how you rationalize it, no matter how you excuse, no matter how you spin it.

Fact check: Obama's 'lazy' comment taken out of context

"Republican presidential candidates Rick Perry and Mitt Romney both claim President Obama said that "Americans are lazy." He didn't. To the contrary, Obama has consistently and repeatedly praised American workers as the "most productive in the world," a bit of boosterism he has repeated dozens of times.."


When they said he said Americans are lazy, I am sure you said the same thing here. Lies are lies.

If not, shut the fuck up.

Obama: "You know, we've been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades. We've kind of taken for granted, well, people will want to come here, and we aren't out there hungry selling America, and trying to attract new businesses into America."

People will want to come here is referring to CEO business will want to establish their business here in America. Note the specific key words this President chose: "want to come here".

. . . and we aren't out there selling America, and trying to attract new businesses into America. This is in reference to the American people not doing their part in "selling America" through their consumer choices. So yes, Obama is putting blame to businesses desiring to build in the United States on Americans. How else can such a comment be viewed?
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It does not matter. This country will not elect a Morman to the white house.

If a Mormon gets the Republican nomination, I bet you they will.

Of course you would. That is because you support Mormans. You are what is called a "homer" in gambling. A lot of money is made off of "homers" in betting. Why do you think Romney after spending 8 years running for POTUS can't bust high twenties in polls?

The repubs are tearing him to shreads,relative to the time and treasure he has invested, on his baggage without even mentioning he belongs to a cult which demands loyalty over all else. Just wait until he becomes the GOP nomination. The gloves will come off and the media will gobble up his fortune baiting him by beating the country over the head about his faith. This effort will cost the LDS and Romney much of their wealth. They won't be able to help themselves as the circus transforms from a gauranteed to fail presidential bid to an attempt by the media to destroy the LDS. They will do this not because they hate Mormans...they will do it because they want all of your money and the fact that they can.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Winning that gay thingy in CA was the worst thing that could have happened to you guys. It gave you false hope and now you are over reaching. Be carefull when you over reach..shit gets bit off. :lol:

The religion argument will not stick, it hasn't worked for Obama's reverend Wright, and that minster was shown spewing out hate speech in his church. The only reason Mitt was receiving a minor lead in the voting polls (until New Hampshire), was due to the current Republican split. However, when you look at the reason behind the voters decision, conservative positions of a candidiate doesn't mark that high on the list. The economy is still the number one concern of many voters today. If you think Obama can get away with negative ads that concentrate on anything else, he will be in for a rude awaking come 2013.
Also, I get a little tired of the whole JFK comparison. First, JFK nearly lost. Second, for every protestant a-hole unwilling to pull a lever for JFK, there was a Catholic who was. There are not enough MOrmons to make up for all the Baptists the GOP is going to lose on this one. (And LDS largely vote GOP anyway, so there's not a lot of gain to be had.)

I don't recall there being a lot of LDS in New Hampshire behind the Romney voting results. Judging by the views of the concerns surrounding voters there, Mormonism doesn't rank high on the list of concerns. Care to show me a recent voting poll in this 2012 election process, when pressed with a decision between the two, voters care more that a candidate is a Mormon over an issue like the economy? Like the chance many thought of a community organizer without much prior experience becoming President, I believe you might be in for a sleeper of a surprise.
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A lie is a lie....no matter how you rationalize it, no matter how you excuse, no matter how you spin it.

Fact check: Obama's 'lazy' comment taken out of context

"Republican presidential candidates Rick Perry and Mitt Romney both claim President Obama said that "Americans are lazy." He didn't. To the contrary, Obama has consistently and repeatedly praised American workers as the "most productive in the world," a bit of boosterism he has repeated dozens of times.."


When they said he said Americans are lazy, I am sure you said the same thing here. Lies are lies.

If not, shut the fuck up.

Obama: "You know, we've been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades. We've kind of taken for granted, well, people will want to come here, and we aren't out there hungry selling America, and trying to attract new businesses into America."
People will want to come here is referring to CEO business will want to establish their business here in America. Note the specific key words this President chose: "want to come here".

. . . and we aren't out there selling America, and trying to attract new businesses into America. This is in reference to the American people not doing their part in "selling America" through their consumer choices. So yes, Obama is putting blame to businesses desiring to build in the United States on Americans. How else can such a comment be viewed?
It can be viewed exactly as it was intended, the GOVERNMENT has been lazy, not the American people CON$ are so quick to blame in Obama's name.

Here is the whole statement with the part CON$ deliberately leave out, which clearly puts the blame and the solution on government agencies!

OBAMA: Well, this is an issue, generally. I think it's important to remember that the United States is still the largest recipient of foreign investment in the world. And there are a lot of things that make foreign investors see the U.S. as a great opportunity -- our stability, our openness, our innovative free market culture.
But we've been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades. We've kind of taken for granted -- well, people will want to come here and we aren't out there hungry, selling America and trying to attract new business into America. And so one of things that my administration has done is set up something called SelectUSA that organizes all the government agencies to work with state and local governments where they're seeking assistance from us, to go out there and make it easier for foreign investors to build a plant in the United States and put outstanding U.S. workers back to work in the United States of America.
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This is about as dishonest as you can get.

Mitt Romney said he likes being able to fire his insurance company if they don't provide the service he wants.
DNC Chairwoman Debby Wassurman-Schultz jumped on this to imply Mitt just loves to fire people.

FOXNews called her on it this morning and she refused to admit that she was taking the sound bite out of context.

I think anyone who uses the comment is being totally dishonest.

Btw, John Huntsman jumped on the comment too, so to be fair, some Repugs tend to be just as deceptive as the DNC.

It does not matter. This country will not elect a Morman to the white house.

If Obama wants to make this about "religion", do you think that will be enough to those voters waiting over 40 weeks for work by giving this president a pass for playing politics over jobs? Do you think he will put the nation and jobs FIRST over "special interest", and allow the Keystone pipeline to go through BEFORE this next Presidential election?

Ha...Ha.... :lol: Obama has to do no such thing. The over reaching RW Supreme court has made it easy for any Dem PAC to say whatever they want with the citizens united ruling. What's good for the goose...blah...blah...blah... Obama can just declare he dissagrees with the avalanche of propaganda about cults etc.. and can offer Romney a face to face opportunity to defend his religion/cult in front of the American public. Obama won't get a scratch..nary a blemish.. He only has to sympathise with the Mittens about how he is being abused in the media unfairly and everything. To top it off there is no obligation for these PACs to divulge who is really behind them so there will be no link to Obama. The RW is so stupid that they think all this recently built in underhandedness only works for them... Goes under the heading...BE CAREFULL WHAT YOU ASK FOR...YOU MIGHT JUST GET IT...Ha...Ha...:lol:
Romney also said the GM bailout "would never work."

The Dems are already showing that in tv ads in Michigan.

Yet, this administration is still throwing taxpayer money (through government incentives) into a car that couldn't even meet it's goal of just 10,000 cars. Not to mention a vehicle that was proven on more than one occasion, to have serious safety concerns. The fact this administration was willing to throw so much funding into Solyndra, doesn't speak well for the Chevy Volt when it comes to sound financial decisions. Whether a car like the Volt is a success or a failure should be based upon the consumer market, not on a government administration who doesn't have a great track record for picking sound corporate investments. You can not push ideology onto what consumers can't afford and don't have the desire to get behind (based on 2011 sales).

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