Diversity is our strength. It's also anti-democracy protests


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
When Jewish political efforts finally opened the floodgates to mass non-white immigration in 1965, the more thoughtful among us tried to warn our fellow Americans that the end result of such a stupid and reckless policy would be, in the words of Enoch Powell, "rivers of blood".

All of us who have tried over the years to sound the alarm have been viciously attacked at the first peep of warning. "Racist!" the Jewish press shrieked. "Xenophobe!", the Jewish comedians sneered. "Nazi!" the Jewish rabbis snarled. "Anti-Semite!" Jewish Hollywood spewed.

Our own people, dumb cattle, anxious for approval from their Jewish masters, aped the slurs or else were too timid to come to the defense of the few of us with the intelligence and courage to speak out.

The Third World flood isn't even slowing down. Eventually we will be annihilated; the country, awash in blood, will disintegrate. And there will be only Asia left to subdue so God's promise to the Jews that they will rule the world will be fulfilled.

Ah..stupid goyim. You are helpless to stop it. Nearly half of you are so stupid you actively oppose this one unexpected glimmer of hope--Donald Trump--that we might actually avoid our destruction. You actively join in the Jewish fury against our one hope.
they make so much of the popular vote but the difference is barely 200,000
it was an even split given the three other candidates, considering they took 5.5 million and no electorates

Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida were them main states he took that tipped the balance.


that is what this was all about
she was not change
they make so much of the popular vote but the difference is barely 200,000
it was an even split given the three other candidates, considering they took 5.5 million and no electorates

Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida were them main states he took that tipped the balance.


that is what this was all about
she was not change

You can deduct about 15 million illegal alien votes, plus another 10 million multiple voters moving from polling place to polling place in states like California, Florida, New York, and Chicago, some 5 million dead people who voted, etc., etc., from Perp Walk Hillary's totals, so no it wasn't even close in real life. 30 million would be a close estimate.

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