Disrespect for the office of the Presidency

Obama was disrespectful to ALL white people when he used the term "typical white person" among other various racist insults

I saw this and thought it was funny as hell. I have been made fun many times over the years and have always found it better to laugh WITH THEM when I am the target of something funny.
Bush, Ford, Reagan all were fair game.
Democrats are sissy ass milk weak PC frauds. They can dish it out and can not take it.

Dems are sissies? Squeeze isnt a dem....
Once AGAIN for the slow readers...

You're talking about the individual person holding the office at the time. He's talking about the office itself.
Which is, amazingly, the topic of this thread.
Who knew.

For those of you (like Pogo) who have never read the United States Constitution, nor heard the oath of office being taken during the newly elected President's inauguration, those taking the position of the executive branch must "faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of their Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." That oath coincides with my previous reply of respecting the Constitution and abiding by its powers granted to him.... not exceeding those boundaries. The one who respects that office and its authority granted to him "BY THE PEOPLE", will gain the utmost respect for his position.

Better take a reading comprehension course before you embarrass yourself yet again.
The thread is about the office -- not the person who's in it.

Hey clueless... in order to engage in the discussion about respect for the office, you have to first learn the basics about who it is who REALLY owns that office. You may want to take the time to consider how our Founding Fathers felt about this "respect" for the office. In fact, you may remember these words if you really took the time to study the Declaration of Independence.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,..."
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For those of you (like Pogo) who have never read the United States Constitution, nor heard the oath of office being taken during the newly elected President's inauguration, those taking the position of the executive branch must "faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of their Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." That oath coincides with my previous reply of respecting the Constitution and abiding by its powers granted to him.... not exceeding those boundaries. The one who respects that office and its authority granted to him "BY THE PEOPLE", will gain the utmost respect for his position.

Better take a reading comprehension course before you embarrass yourself yet again.
The thread is about the office -- not the person who's in it.

Hey clueless... in order to engage in the discussion about respect for the office, you have to first learn the basics about who it is who REALLY owns that office. You may want to take the time to consider how our Founding Fathers felt about this "respect" for the office. In fact, you may remember these words if you really took the time to study the Declaration of Independence.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,..."


Irrelevant to the point. Spare me the yammer.
Better take a reading comprehension course before you embarrass yourself yet again.
The thread is about the office -- not the person who's in it.

Hey clueless... in order to engage in the discussion about respect for the office, you have to first learn the basics about who it is who REALLY owns that office. You may want to take the time to consider how our Founding Fathers felt about this "respect" for the office. In fact, you may remember these words if you really took the time to study the Declaration of Independence.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,..."


Irrelevant to the point. Spare me the yammer.

Not really. He was pointing out that we OWN the presidency. Why then are we supposed to have some vaunted respect for the office let alone the person in it. Further, it is stated that we the people have the right to abolish it. That does not seem like we are supposed to have any respect for it in general.
Sorry bout that,

1. Obama deserves no respect from anyone, he might if he wasn't so weak as a leader.
2. Soft as a kitten.
3. That's why Benghazi happened.
4. That's why Egypt is happening.
5. That's why Syria is happening.
6. All that bowing to the Saudi Kings is what did it, he's a real pussy.

Has nothing to do with the office...everything to do with the moron occupying it.
Sorry bout that,
Obama deserves no respect from anyone, he might if he wasn't so weak as a leader...... All that bowing to the Saudi Kings is what did it, he's a real pussy.
Fuck obama. He's a monkey faced degenerate.
..... all he has done is come down against white people at every opportunity
..... This President is only too willing to jump in and try to divide us based upon race, he hasn't changed since the "beer summit"
Big ears dumbo doesn't get any respect because he does not give any respect to the office. Fuck the bastard.
We should all respect the office. Respecting the office tells us we need to get rid of lying scumbuckets like the occupant we have now!
Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States

No. - President - Party
16 Abraham Lincoln Republican
32 Franklin D. Roosevelt Democratic
01 George Washington None
03 Thomas Jefferson Dem-Repub
26 Theodore Roosevelt Republican
28 Woodrow Wilson Democratic
33 Harry S. Truman Democratic
07 Andrew Jackson Democratic
34 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
11 James K. Polk Democratic
35 John F. Kennedy Democratic
02 John Adams Federalist
04 James Madison Dem-Repub
05 James Monroe Dem-Repub
36 Lyndon B. Johnson Democratic
44 Barack Obama Democratic
40 Ronald Reagan Republican
06 John Quincy Adams Dem-Repub
22/24 Grover Cleveland Democratic
25 William McKinley Republican
42 Bill Clinton Democratic
27 William Howard Taft Republican
41 George H. W. Bush Republican
08 Martin Van Buren Democratic
19 Rutherford B. Hayes Republican
38 Gerald Ford Republican
39 Jimmy Carter Democratic
21 Chester A. Arthur Republican
20 James A. Garfield Republican
31 Herbert Hoover Republican
30 Calvin Coolidge Republican
37 Richard Nixon Republican
23 Benjamin Harrison Republican
43 George W. Bush Republican
12 Zachary Taylor Whig
10 John Tyler Whig
18 Ulysses S. Grant Republican
09 William Henry Harrison Whig
13 Millard Fillmore Whig
14 Franklin Pierce Democratic
17 Andrew Johnson Democratic
15 James Buchanan Democratic
29 Warren G. Harding Republican

Barack Obama has been ranked as the nation's 14th best president - tied with Lyndon B. Johnson and James Monroe.

I doubt history will be kind to those who have denigrated the nation's first "black" president over the last 5 years!
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Has nothing to do with the office...everything to do with the moron occupying it.
Sorry bout that,
Obama deserves no respect from anyone, he might if he wasn't so weak as a leader...... All that bowing to the Saudi Kings is what did it, he's a real pussy.

We should all respect the office. Respecting the office tells us we need to get rid of lying scumbuckets like the occupant we have now!
Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States

No. - President - Party
16 Abraham Lincoln Republican
32 Franklin D. Roosevelt Democratic
01 George Washington None
03 Thomas Jefferson Dem-Repub
26 Theodore Roosevelt Republican
28 Woodrow Wilson Democratic
33 Harry S. Truman Democratic
07 Andrew Jackson Democratic
34 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
11 James K. Polk Democratic
35 John F. Kennedy Democratic
02 John Adams Federalist
04 James Madison Dem-Repub
05 James Monroe Dem-Repub
36 Lyndon B. Johnson Democratic
44 Barack Obama Democratic
40 Ronald Reagan Republican
06 John Quincy Adams Dem-Repub
22/24 Grover Cleveland Democratic
25 William McKinley Republican
42 Bill Clinton Democratic
27 William Howard Taft Republican
41 George H. W. Bush Republican
08 Martin Van Buren Democratic
19 Rutherford B. Hayes Republican
38 Gerald Ford Republican
39 Jimmy Carter Democratic
21 Chester A. Arthur Republican
20 James A. Garfield Republican
31 Herbert Hoover Republican
30 Calvin Coolidge Republican
37 Richard Nixon Republican
23 Benjamin Harrison Republican
43 George W. Bush Republican
12 Zachary Taylor Whig
10 John Tyler Whig
18 Ulysses S. Grant Republican
09 William Henry Harrison Whig
13 Millard Fillmore Whig
14 Franklin Pierce Democratic
17 Andrew Johnson Democratic
15 James Buchanan Democratic
29 Warren G. Harding Republican

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Barack Obama has been ranked as the nation's 14th best president - tied with Lyndon B. Johnson and James Monroe.

I doubt history will be kind to those who have denigrated the nation's first "black" president over the last 5 years!

Wiki is your source? :badgrin::cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Listen up shit stain any list that places woodrow wilson in the top ten best president shows that listen to be laughable.
Wilson the man who signed for an income tax, that took away the States checks and balances of the government. The man who basically created the mess we are in that is a fucked up list.
Anyone remember the routine insults the Left heaped on Bush? The Office of the President is fair game for ridicule now and forever more. That is now part of the job description.

Well yeah..I can remember it.

It was generally in the public space..not in the halls of congress to his face by elected officials.

The main problem with you folks is that not only do you hate the United States government, you want to destroy it.
Sorry bout that,

1. Obama deserves no respect from anyone, he might if he wasn't so weak as a leader.
2. Soft as a kitten.
3. That's why Benghazi happened.
4. That's why Egypt is happening.
5. That's why Syria is happening.
6. All that bowing to the Saudi Kings is what did it, he's a real pussy.


So 9/11 happened because Bush was 'soft as a kitten'? What about the attack on the Beirut barracks that left over 200 US Marines dead. That happen because Reagan was 'soft as a kitten'?

Barack Obama has been ranked as the nation's 14th best president - tied with Lyndon B. Johnson and James Monroe.

I doubt history will be kind to those who have denigrated the nation's first "black" president over the last 5 years!

Based on what?

That’s right, nothing. Yu have no idea how history will judge Obama because history has not had a chance to happen yet. Obama is not going to be judged on what is happening right now but rather what happens in the years to come. You can’t place him anywhere in the chart when he has not even finished his tenure yet anyway. Trying to rank Obama now is paramount to idiocy and one of the reasons that wiki is not a source.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Obama deserves no respect from anyone, he might if he wasn't so weak as a leader.
2. Soft as a kitten.
3. That's why Benghazi happened.
4. That's why Egypt is happening.
5. That's why Syria is happening.
6. All that bowing to the Saudi Kings is what did it, he's a real pussy.


So 9/11 happened because Bush was 'soft as a kitten'? What about the attack on the Beirut barracks that left over 200 US Marines dead. That happen because Reagan was 'soft as a kitten'?


1. 911 happened because we were lax during Clinton, and it spilled over to Bush.
2. Bush himself was strong.
3. Reagan thing in Lebanon wasn't due to weakness, we were there to help out, thou its not our business to help out, it was a mistake, so we left, Reagan was neither strong nor weak, he was just a politician that was a statesman.

Barack Obama has been ranked as the nation's 14th best president - tied with Lyndon B. Johnson and James Monroe.

I doubt history will be kind to those who have denigrated the nation's first "black" president over the last 5 years!

Based on what?

That’s right, nothing. Yu have no idea how history will judge Obama because history has not had a chance to happen yet. Obama is not going to be judged on what is happening right now but rather what happens in the years to come. You can’t place him anywhere in the chart when he has not even finished his tenure yet anyway. Trying to rank Obama now is paramount to idiocy and one of the reasons that wiki is not a source.

Don't blame Wiki -- what was quoted (and what's on the Wiki page) is several poll reports. The report of those polls IS accurate and substantiated; it's the poll itself that is flawed for even suggesting a sitting POTUS can be rated, but that's not Wiki's fault. The first and main entry on that page (called "Scholar Survey Results") correctly lists only the names of O'bama and Bush II with no rankings.
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Has nothing to do with the office...everything to do with the moron occupying it.
Sorry bout that,
Obama deserves no respect from anyone, he might if he wasn't so weak as a leader...... All that bowing to the Saudi Kings is what did it, he's a real pussy.

We should all respect the office. Respecting the office tells us we need to get rid of lying scumbuckets like the occupant we have now!
Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States

No. - President - Party
16 Abraham Lincoln Republican
32 Franklin D. Roosevelt Democratic
01 George Washington None
03 Thomas Jefferson Dem-Repub
26 Theodore Roosevelt Republican
28 Woodrow Wilson Democratic
33 Harry S. Truman Democratic
07 Andrew Jackson Democratic
34 Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
11 James K. Polk Democratic
35 John F. Kennedy Democratic
02 John Adams Federalist
04 James Madison Dem-Repub
05 James Monroe Dem-Repub
36 Lyndon B. Johnson Democratic
44 Barack Obama Democratic
40 Ronald Reagan Republican
06 John Quincy Adams Dem-Repub
22/24 Grover Cleveland Democratic
25 William McKinley Republican
42 Bill Clinton Democratic
27 William Howard Taft Republican
41 George H. W. Bush Republican
08 Martin Van Buren Democratic
19 Rutherford B. Hayes Republican
38 Gerald Ford Republican
39 Jimmy Carter Democratic
21 Chester A. Arthur Republican
20 James A. Garfield Republican
31 Herbert Hoover Republican
30 Calvin Coolidge Republican
37 Richard Nixon Republican
23 Benjamin Harrison Republican
43 George W. Bush Republican
12 Zachary Taylor Whig
10 John Tyler Whig
18 Ulysses S. Grant Republican
09 William Henry Harrison Whig
13 Millard Fillmore Whig
14 Franklin Pierce Democratic
17 Andrew Johnson Democratic
15 James Buchanan Democratic
29 Warren G. Harding Republican

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Barack Obama has been ranked as the nation's 14th best president - tied with Lyndon B. Johnson and James Monroe.

I doubt history will be kind to those who have denigrated the nation's first "black" president over the last 5 years!

07 Andrew Jackson Democratic

really by who

after the treatment he served on the indians
Hey clueless... in order to engage in the discussion about respect for the office, you have to first learn the basics about who it is who REALLY owns that office. You may want to take the time to consider how our Founding Fathers felt about this "respect" for the office. In fact, you may remember these words if you really took the time to study the Declaration of Independence.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..."


Irrelevant to the point. Spare me the yammer.

Not really. He was pointing out that we OWN the presidency. Why then are we supposed to have some vaunted respect for the office let alone the person in it. Further, it is stated that we the people have the right to abolish it. That does not seem like we are supposed to have any respect for it in general.

Yeah really. The poster jumped in on an exchange that wasn't even his, which is why he doesn't understand what it is. The point he's making here is irrelevant to any of it; he's just trolling. The original point itself was settled way back.
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Sorry bout that,

1. Obama deserves no respect from anyone, he might if he wasn't so weak as a leader.
2. Soft as a kitten.
3. That's why Benghazi happened.
4. That's why Egypt is happening.
5. That's why Syria is happening.
6. All that bowing to the Saudi Kings is what did it, he's a real pussy.


So 9/11 happened because Bush was 'soft as a kitten'? What about the attack on the Beirut barracks that left over 200 US Marines dead. That happen because Reagan was 'soft as a kitten'?


Clinton and Carter set up those! They weakened the military, did not take stern steps when needed, and were the real pussies!
Fuck obama. He's a monkey faced degenerate.

Lol! Haven't visited this thread in days. This is a good quote to come in on. An embarrassing racially motivated comment by one of USMB's resident sub-human dregs!

I'm glad this is still a civil discussion :laugh:

i too have not been here in a few days i enjoy coming in to see your fucking head explode ha ha :lmao: seeing your monkey faced MF'er presidunce as a degenerate really chaps your ass..., and that is a good thing, as far as i care :up:

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