Disney Has Lost $50 Billion So Far

Nobody is doing that. You are being controlled by a lying politician. Hitler demonized the Jews until the Germans believed him.
Your education is so incomplete you should be embarrassed.

Sorry, but no school should teach anything about sex or sexual orientation to 5 year old boys. You dont agree, that makes you wrong and pretty much no different than a person such as Hitler.

German demonized the Jews, long before Hitler was born. Germans demonized the Jews until Hitler believed them. You should really learn your history, seeings how you are part of the party that is repeating the bad parts of history.
Your education is so incomplete you should be embarrassed.

Sorry, but no school should teach anything about sex or sexual orientation to 5 year old boys. You dont agree, that makes you wrong and pretty much no different than a person such as Hitler.

German demonized the Jews, long before Hitler was born. Germans demonized the Jews until Hitler believed them. You should really learn your history, seeings how you are part of the party that is repeating the bad parts of history.
No school is teaching sex or sexual deviancy to children. You're being played.
For what?
Not encouraging sexual perversion?
Lol, Disney movies are rated g or pg 13 at most. So no grooming there sparky. As far as the gays go they have as much right to be and say what they are as your dumb fucking ass. Mean while people who know what their sexual orientation is are not worried about some one changing it. You dumb fucking repugs sure must be curious about perverse actions or ya wouldn't worry about so much. I personally am not worried.
Their content creators literally bragged about pushing their “not so secret gay agenda”.

Lets suppose that person had said, “I am pushing my not so secret Christian agenda”.

How would the left have responded?
Show me where they bragged or give me a seach argument that will pull up a report of it on something other than a right wing conspiracy pusher site. I'll read it, if you got it.
Lol, Disney movies are rated g or pg 13 at most. So no grooming there sparky. As far as the gays go they have as much right to be and say what they are as your dumb fucking ass. Mean while people who know what their sexual orientation is are not worried about some one changing it. You dumb fucking repugs sure must be curious about perverse actions or ya wouldn't worry about so much. I personally am not worried.
In the mean time, all the Woke shit on Cable has been cancelled because the ratings are in the toilet.
In the mean time, all the Woke shit on Cable has been cancelled because the ratings are in the toilet.
Lol, woke or not woke has nothing to do with it. If it is well written and well acted it stays. If it is not it does not. Go back to worrying about some one changing your sexual orientation it's all your good at. Mean while people who know who they are and their orientation will not worry to much about it but will laugh as you sit in a corner and sweat it out.
Lol, woke or not woke has nothing to do with it. If it is well written and well acted it stays. If it is not it does not. Go back to worrying about some one changing your sexual orientation it's all your good at. Mean while people who know who they are and their orientation will not worry to much about it but will laugh as you sit in a corner and sweat it out.
Why not tell this to the employees at Disney who overwhelmingly are protesting the change in language?
Maybe they are too close minded to be employed by Disney.

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