Disease X: New strain of bird flu kills 40% of those who contract it 100's dead in China


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
‘DISEASE X’: New Strain Of Bird Flu Kills 40% Of Those Who Contract, 100s Dead In China
A “new” strain of deadly bird flu dubbed “Disease X” by the World Health Organization (WHO) has killed hundreds of people in China, and is just three mutations away from becoming transmissible between humans, according to experts.

Oh and imagine the mass numbers of them comingg here illegaglly. Briningg all their fkn diseases with them.
And lmfao those who pay no attention and take prescautions that's a good thing we'll have less of you. lol
AAaaannn don't forget to taket hose little ole vaccines that help destroy your immunity, that will help lessen the lower echelons of society too. lol
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There are mass numbers of Chinese coming here illegally?

Oh I guess you missed those coming up fro Mexico, you don't know as much as you " THINK" you do ...

YEAH they come here illegaglly too. wtf have you been. lol

it's also called. DROP A KID AND YOU ARE A CITZEN D.A.
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There are mass numbers of Chinese coming here illegally?

For those who have NO WORLDLY KNOWLEDGE about reality and facts.

There are mass numbers of Chinese coming here illegally?

Oh I guess you missed those coming up fro Mexico, you don't know as much as you " THINK" you do ...

YEAH they come here illegaglly too. wtf have you been. lol

it's also called. DROP A KID AND YOU ARE A CITZEN D.A.

This article is about China. What does that have to do with Mexico? You know they are two different countries, right?
‘DISEASE X’: New Strain Of Bird Flu Kills 40% Of Those Who Contract, 100s Dead In China
A “new” strain of deadly bird flu dubbed “Disease X” by the World Health Organization (WHO) has killed hundreds of people in China, and is just three mutations away from becoming transmissible between humans, according to experts.

Oh and imagine the mass numbers of them comingg here illegaglly. Briningg all their fkn diseases with them.
And lmfao those who pay no attention and take prescautions that's a good thing we'll have less of you. lol
AAaaannn don't forget to taket hose little ole vaccines that help destroy your immunity, that will help lessen the lower echelons of society too. lol
It’s called socialism
The OP is fine because he bought some of Alex’ Magic Elixir. It’s made from the blood of lizard-humans and renders all deep state diseases impotent.
As there are idiots who make fun here is a news flash THIS IS AIR BORNE............
The OP is fine because he bought some of Alex’ Magic Elixir. It’s made from the blood of lizard-humans and renders all deep state diseases impotent.

LEts hope your ass is the first one to get it because your already low IQ weak mind can only use the source because IDIOTS CAN'T READ THE LINKS CLICK THE LINKS AND SEE WHERE IT COMES FROM. WHICH PROVES THAT YOU ARE AT RETARD IQ LEVEL DUMB ASS.

Their report, The Characteristics of Pandemic Pathogens, concludes that the culprit is less likely to be one of the headline-grabbing diseases that currently cause frightening outbreaks such as Ebola, carried in bodily fluids, or Zika, which is spread by mosquitoes.

Instead Disease X, as it has been dubbed by the World Health Organization, is most likely to be a virus that can spread through the air.

Disease X: The pathogens behind the next global pandemic


Serious enough to have a dril for it too STUPID ASS


JHSPH Center for Health Security
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As there are idiots who make fun here is a news flash THIS IS AIR BORNE............

You breathe don’t you? That means that stupid is airborne. We’ve survived that.


There were " SOME" who survived the black plaque too fool, but if you wonder around like a DUMB ass who doesn't take precatutions because oh the BIG BAD TOUGH AMERICA WILL HAVE A VACCINE READY TO DO THINK AGAIN DIP SHITTIOUS..

In response, governments and health authorities have attempted to bound the problem by compiling both formal and informal lists of the pathogens most likely to cause severe epidemics or pandemics. Notable examples include the WHO’s R&D Blueprint and the CDC’s Bioterrorism Agents list. While these lists serve important planning or regulatory functions, they also can inhibit a comprehensive understanding of the biological threat landscape. As the 2009 emergence of the pandemic H1N1 influenza virus in Mexico (rather than Southeast Asia) and the importation of Zika virus to the Americas demonstrate, surprise has been the norm.

We believe this stems, in part, from list-based thinking. That’s why we were so pleased to see WHO include “Disease X” in this year’s update of the R&D Blueprint, as a reminder of the importance of constant vigilance and preparedness. This theme will feature prominently in the Clade X tabletop exercise that our Center is conducting this week.

For the past several months, my colleagues and I have been working to identify some common characteristics of pandemic pathogens. We hope our findings will spur more nuanced assessments of biological threats. I encourage you to check out our recently released final report.

There is one major finding from that report I want to highlight here.



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