Dinesh D’Souza, Creator of ‘2000 Mules,’ Must Defend Film’s Election Denial Claims in Court

Desperate fantasy.

It's everyone else's you have no evidence. Because cult.
I challenge you to explain the convoluted reasoning that your feeble mind used to come to that stupid conclusion so that I may rip it to shreds with the tools of logic and sound reasoning and shove it up your ass, moron.

I predict that in a pathetic display of intellectual cowardice, you will scurry away from that challenge with your tail between legs like the yappy little bitch that you are.
You have no fucking clue what we are even talking about in this conversation, ignorant fool.

Piss off, low IQ moron.
Your idiotic lies are not complicated. And it's not my fault you have no evidence, so go cry to someone else.

What other argument or response des anyone need? You made up something g stupid, and noe you will fail to support it. When people then laugh at you, that's YOUR fault.
I challenge you to explain the convoluted reasoning that your feeble mind used to come to that stupid conclusion so that I may rip it to shreds with the tools of logic and sound reasoning and shove it up your ass, moron.

I predict that in a pathetic display of intellectual cowardice, you will scurry away from that challenge with your tail between legs like the yappy little bitch that you are.
You already know how this thing will end. Dinesh will end up like Rudy. Bankrupt and disgraced.
Your idiotic lies are not complicated.
Obvious projection.

I challenge you to quote the alleged lie and prove that it is a lie. Not just in this thread. You can search through all of my 30,875 posts and you will not find a lie in any of them.

The reason that I don't lie about politics is because, unlike you LWNJ morons, if the facts contradict my political opinions, I change my opinions rather than stupidly and fruitlessly try to change the immutable facts.

But again, I challenge you to quote the alleged lie and prove that it is a lie.
Obvious projection.

I challenge you to quote the alleged lie and prove that it is a lie. Not just in this thread. You can search through all of my 30,875 posts and you will not find a lie in any of them.

The reason that I don't lie about politics is because, unlike you LWNJ morons, if the facts contradict my political opinions, I change my opinions rather than stupidly and fruitlessly try to change the immutable facts.

But again, I challenge you to quote the alleged lie and prove that it is a lie.
Nobody gives a shit about your challenges. When you make up or believe idiotic lies, it isn't the world's job to prove them wrong. We learn that when we are children.
Nobody gives a shit about your challenges. When you make up or believe idiotic lies, it isn't the world's job to prove them wrong. We learn that when we are children.
You made specific accusations against me and when challenged to back them up with a logical reasoned argument, you displayed your pathetic intellectual cowardice by scampering away with your tail between your legs like a little bitchboy, just as I predicted you would, coward.

Face it, when you accused me of lying, you were projecting. You were talking about yourself.
LOL Retard thinks lying is protected by the First Amendment. :auiqs.jpg:
You can cheer for your Marxist government all you like and they can go about trying to crush the free speech of others but you CANNOT stop half the nation from seeing your bullshit tyranny and getting ready to answer it if you do it again in '24.
The Democrat Regime is using their "justice" system to squash all dissent.
It's all they have and the fools seem to think that because their media parrots the lies back to them, that everyone else MUST accept those lies for truth. Let's see how far that gets them when they try it again in '24.
You can cheer for your Marxist government all you like and they can go about trying to crush the free speech of others but you CANNOT stop half the nation from seeing your bullshit tyranny and getting ready to answer it if you do it again in '24.
:sleeping-smiley-015: Come back when you can respond without posting gibberish.
Conspiracy theorist and former Christian leader Dinesh D’Souza has failed to halt a defamation lawsuit brought against him and others behind the popular election denial film 2000 Mules and defend his widely debunked movie’s supposed evidence in a courtroom.

U.S. District Judge Steven D. Grimberg said last month he will allow the lawsuit against D’Souza and True the Vote to move forward.

The film, which aired on Christian TV networks and was shown in hundreds of churches, argues that human “mules” harvested 400,000 fake ballots to steal the 2020 election from its rightful winner, Donald Trump.

But one of the 2,000 alleged mules says he wasn’t stuffing ballot boxes all over Black areas of Atlanta, but merely depositing votes from his wife and children in a drop box, which is perfectly legal.

D’Souza and others also used video and photos of Allen in promotional appearances on Christian and conservative media outlets, including Tucker Carlson’s former show on Fox News, which earlier this year paid its own whopping defamation fine.

Andrews claims he and his family have suffered threats and many other harms. He sued D’Souza along with Salem Media Group, which helped finance the film, Regnery Publishing, and Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips of the group True the Vote, which promotes election conspiracies, and is facing a separate lawsuit.

Looks like the chickens are coming home to roost for these liars. Let's see if he pays up or like Giuliani, he claims bankruptcy.
How dare people sue over character assassinations, lies, and misinformation by those members of the party of God.
It's all they have and the fools seem to think that because their media parrots the lies back to them, that everyone else MUST accept those lies for truth. Let's see how far that gets them when they try it again in '24.
It's worked in the past, and it will continue to work in the future.

President William McKinley sends the battleship USS Maine to Havana to protect U.S. interests in Cuba. The Maine explodes in Havana Harbor, killing 266 men. An inquiry conducted by the U.S Navy concludes that the explosion was caused by the detonation of a mine under the ship.

Fueled by public outrage over the Maine's destruction, as well as concern for the Cuban rebels and opposition to European colonization of the Americas, on April 25, 1898, the United States declared war against Spain. "Remember the Maine!" became pro-war Americans' signature rallying cry.
You can cheer for your Marxist government all you like and they can go about trying to crush the free speech of others but you CANNOT stop half the nation from seeing your bullshit tyranny and getting ready to answer it if you do it again in '24.
How is a private prosecution over unfounded lies crushing freedom of speech ?
Conspiracy theorist and former Christian leader Dinesh D’Souza has failed to halt a defamation lawsuit brought against him and others behind the popular election denial film 2000 Mules and defend his widely debunked movie’s supposed evidence in a courtroom.

Looks like the chickens are coming home to roost for these liars. Let's see if he pays up or like Giuliani, he claims bankruptcy.


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