Dimms say they want a minority or a woman for POTUS, yet they vote for old white men

There are more women than men in America. If they got their shit together they could easily run the country.

It’s difficult for me to accept their cries that the right are misogynistic homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic racists.....when they are the same.

2 rich old White Guys are who the Dimms have picked?
They went for the oldest dude ever... so old that all his supporters have already moved on.

Biden is the past, Trump is the future.
Blame the Dems themselves they are the one that voted out the women.
Prog women do not have to work as hard as non Prog women. So their skill are honed only so much. They have to come across as strong and as a woman. Repubs have been gifted by Trump who throws the verbage around as a Prog does.
Old white men are homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic misogynistic racists, but that who they vote for?

Just awesome hypocrisy!
Dimms cry about misogyny, then tear down Tulsi Gabbard. Just amazing.
1. In fact, they may soon have a woman of color as president.

2. It is widely expected that the Dem convention will insist that a lady of color be the vice president.

3. Since both Senator Sanders and Mr. Biden are elderly (and the latter is clearly suffering from mild dementia), the vice president may sooner rather than later find herself in the Oval Office.
Because when you actually go into that voting booth, you are not voting for a Demographic; you are voting for a PERSON.

Americans will vote for a woman, a Black, an Asian, a jew, or a homosexual. Obviously. And those who vote AGAINST such as a result of bigotry are nullified by those who vote FOR them for the same reason. To wit, those who voted against HRC BECAUSE she was a woman were more than nullified by those who voted FOR her mainly because she was a woman. Same for the other demographics.

Maybe - just maybe - we are not seeing great people of protected groups running for office because they (the outstanding members of the demographic groups) have better opportunities in the Real World, and don't want to go through the bullshit of public life.

The Democrats are greatly hindered by the out-sized influence of Whack-a-doodles in their primary process. The tiny percentage of Americans who favor, for example, open borders and "comprehensive immigration reform," the Green New Deal, "free" healthcare for all, and so on, virtually control the process, thus ensuring that any rational, mainstream candidate is weeded out almost immediately.
If you are a Dimm who did not vote for a woman, are you a misogynist?

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