DIED SUDDENLY - Full Documentary

Yes, us smart people have gotten vaxxed, worn masks and social distanced as sensibly called for without complaint. Even your hero Trump got vaxxed and you know you'd never be allowed to bet anything of substance so stop kidding yourself, wanker. Grow up and try to enjoy social life for a change.

Happy Turkey Day.

I did nothing and I am one that was to have the worst outcome if I got it.

Got it, had a mild flu for 3 days.

What else you got?
Yes, us smart people have gotten vaxxed, worn masks and social distanced as sensibly called for without complaint. Even your hero Trump got vaxxed and you know you'd never be allowed to bet anything of substance so stop kidding yourself, wanker. Grow up and try to enjoy social life for a change.

Happy Turkey Day.
i feel sorry for you.
i feel sorry for you.
Ah, you have the sads? :finger3: Poor baby :itsok:
One of the more common types of sudden arrhythmic death syndrome, Long QT syndrome, happens in an estimated one out of 2,000 newborns. Another type, Brugada syndrome, happens in less than 1% of the population. An estimated one in 10,000 people has CPVT.

Each year, about 200,000 Americans die from sudden cardiac arrest. About 4,000 children and young adults die each year from a SADS condition.
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OP's video @ timepoint 13:51: "They need to figure out what it is."

We must link back to Eddie Holmes (Marie Bashir Institute, Sydney, Australia) for some answers to this question:

@ 23 Nov: 'Now even Eddie Holmes) seems to have forgotten pangolins in favor of raccoon dogs....And Eddie hasn't recanted his support for natural origin.'

Eddie Holmes's co-author on papers is Yong-Zhen Zhang of the Beijing CDC. Zhang published on SFTS (severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome) from a Chinese tick (Hubei Province). SFTS is a bandavirus (phlebovirus), one fibrin link to phleboviruses is here:

11 Nov 2017 Phlebovirus / Fibrin
'....hemosiderin-laden macrophages around extended microvessels with perivascular inflammatory cell infiltration and intravascular fibrin deposition.'

So in a natural infection the virus may cause the fibrin deposition. In mRNA vaccination, the spike alone, produced by the host's cells, may cause the fibrin deposition.

Heartland bandavirus from the same Chinese tick in Oklahoma, Missouri and Tennessee, circa 2009.
And Jikky's thread @10h, we are introduced to a new term, amyloid-fibrinogen aggregation.'

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