Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is an initiative which among other things....

Seeks to get more democrats promoted to positions of power, authority and influence so that the upcoming generations can be indoctrinated in the Marxist philosophy.

The government, large corporations, and academia have DEI programs now. All of these places are effectively controlled by Democrats.

It's even come to the point where private businesses are penalizing hiring managers for hiring the most qualified candidates, if the candidates happen to be White....

And we've got Black mayors holding parties with taxpayer funds where Whites are not invited...
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is an initiative which among other things....

Seeks to get more democrats promoted to positions of power, authority and influence so that the upcoming generations can be indoctrinated in the Marxist philosophy.

The government, large corporations, and academia have DEI programs now. All of these places are effectively controlled by Democrats.

It's even come to the point where private businesses are penalizing hiring managers for hiring the most qualified candidates, if the candidates happen to be White....

America First? Do you think we take anything coming out of Donald Trump's PAC on racial equity or diversity seriously?

Neither should YOU!
America First? Do you think we take anything coming out of Donald Trump's PAC on racial equity or diversity seriously?

Neither should YOU!
Nobody expects a pro-Hamas demafacsit to take anything on diversity and equality seriously.

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