Did you accomplish much in life?

Man of Ethics

Gold Member
Feb 28, 2021
I did not accomplish much. Not much success. I am 52.

Even in Politics I influenced very few people.

Please tell me about you.
Always a tough question. A person has to define 'accomplish'. A stay at home parent who raised 4 kids might be said to have accomplished more than a guy who spent his life accumulating wealth, having a good time and contributing nothing.

In a way..is hard to think that one can make that call, about themselves.

Addressing you specifically, you cannot know who you influenced or not--the casual talk you had with someone might have been the seminal moment in their lives, leading to great things. Just because you don't know your impact..does not mean you had none~

For me...some days it's Ozymandias and Kansas--Dust in the Wind. Some days I look at my children and my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren...and am totally content.

BTW..52 is a bit young for such summing up. I'd advise not spending too much time in the rear-view mirror, lest you miss the good stuff still to come.
For me...some days it's Ozymandias and Kansas--Dust in the Wind. Some days I look at my children and my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren...and am totally content.
Best Wishes to you! Thank you.

I am 52. I am not married and have no children.

I have put a lot of work into online arguments only to reach a very small audience.

Purpose in life gets lost in everyday worries, entertainment, and online arguments. How can I be more productive?
I accomplished the goals I set for myself as a teen but in a small way, not the big way I wanted. I am 62 have no debts own my own home and am financially stable for that I am thankful.
I accomplished the goals I set for myself as a teen but in a small way, not the big way I wanted. I am 62 have no debts own my own home and am financially stable for that I am thankful.

Much better off then me!

I wasted too much time in online flame wars since 2000. Aspies will be Aspies!
I did not accomplish much. Not much success. I am 52.

Even in Politics I influenced very few people.

Please tell me about you.

I exposed Canada and our crooked, cowardly covert police.

Not at all what I wanted to accomplish in life, I tried to get out of the grip of these lying cowards, but that's what Canada insisted.

Their wish has been my command.
Best Wishes to you! Thank you.

I am 52. I am not married and have no children.

I have put a lot of work into online arguments only to reach a very small audience.

Purpose in life gets lost in everyday worries, entertainment, and online arguments. How can I be more productive?
Walk away from the keyboard...find what you love..and do it. People are NOT persuaded by argument. Contrary to popular belief.
They are persuaded by action.
If you are feeling some angst--define why...and renew yourself.
To see yourself only in the reflection of others is to always see a lie. To see yourself only from the inside looking out is also a lie.

The truth lies somewhere in the middle, IMHO~

Myself...I've resolved to let others do the summing up...after I'm gone.
I exposed Canada and our crooked, cowardly covert police.

Not at all what I wanted to accomplish in life, I tried to get out of the grip of these lying cowards, but that's what Canada insisted.

Their wish has been my command.
Did you reach a big audience?

I argued intensely since 2000 and reached only a small audience.
Expert woodworker/ beach house builder. I've been a custom furniture builder, swamp logger, soldier, shrimper, cook and other things i'll not talk about. I paint, chainsaw sculpt and sing karaoke for pastimes. I'm married to the nicest lady in the world and we have a wonderful life. I have created thousands of beautiful things, lived on my own terms, been generous and righteous to my fellow man, live in a sportsman's paradise and sleep the sleep that is the reward for a clean conscience.
I turned 72 today. I have a good marriage and a few fast friends, whom I treasure. I had a reasonably successful career based on a good education which I got for myself. I will have no financial issues going forward, and can provide for my only son and grandchildren - handsomely, in fact.

My current life is mostly a cornucopia of self-indulgence...golf, bowling, bike riding, hiking, motorcycling, trips to the gym, vacationing, and a lot of eating. I can't think of anything significant I've accomplished either professionally or personally. Getting an education is not an accomplishment, it is a proto-accomplishment, for which I take little credit. Being a Veteran is something I'm generally proud of, but I accomplished nothing more than avoiding trouble while I was in. I got the awards and promotions that any competent human would have gotten.

The highlight of my career, ironically, was its ups and downs. I left and was asked to leave more than a dozen companies and organizations over a career lasting from roughly 1973 to 2016. The nature of the work I did was that I was invaluable when times were good, but superfluous when times were bad, so the first sign of a business downturn put a figurative target on my back - big salary and no value.

As a result, I got a half-assed education and more than a passing knowledge of railroading, mass transit, steelmaking, nuclear power, water and wastewater treatment, and Federal Government procurement. I have war stories to bore just about anyone.

My obituary will be either very short or very boring. Nothing significant to report.
Did you reach a big audience?

I argued intensely since 2000 and reached only a small audience.

WAY more than Canada anticipated, this is without question. Many more than even I anticipated since I wrongly assumed these sons of dogs would change their ways. Abusive/unaccountable systems don't do that.

Once I started to feel an unbearable injustice I was like a dog on a bone. Phone calls to foreign governments, media, emails to foreign police agencies, allies overseas. members of the U.N multiple times before key UN votes (Security Council when Harper was in power and again when Trudeau was in power).

One action I have never taken in my life, and I've been sliced with a knife, had a baseball bat inches from my head, been jumped multiple time since I was a kid...I don't back down when I am in the right. I'm a death before dishonour type of soul.

I engaged in dropping dirty cops names, corporate plain clothed creeps, specific details. I would often cc our PM, Premier and/or Mayor or T,O, police chiefs. I reached out to multiple major U.S police agencies so they could operate as they deemed necessary based on the information I had. If I was crazy, then put that in your notebook. If my details checked out, then take a note of it and heed my warning.

I knew I couldn't win, my life has been stolen, but I could ensure the long term impact on Canada and on policing in our major cities would take a hit. It's the right of ALL free citizens to experience Due Process, Rule of Law, transparency of allegations and the ability to defend oneself.

Once that is stolen, it's a game of letting allies know "THIS is the country you believe is your friend and shares your values. We do NOT". It puts American lives in jeopardy overseas and it harms YOUR global interests when you align yourself with bad actors who pretend to be just like you.

For the record, to this day, after all the abuses I have been through, many of them documented on this site, I still do not have a record nor allegations against me. Even if I did, I would have been pardoned of it a very long time ago.

All of this to protect their cult and the truth of what scumbags they are. F 'em.

TL, DR LOL! (I type between 65-72 wpm, so this is common, not intentional).
I haven’t managed to do much of anything or influence others.
But I speak out what I believe to be the truth, whether anyone listens or not. And I won’t spend an exorbitant amount of time trying to change one person. I will just move on.
I did not accomplish much. Not much success. I am 52.

Even in Politics I influenced very few people.

Please tell me about you.

Depends wholly on the type of scales you use to measure success in life. Simply surviving five decades on planet Earth during this Age of unrivaled human evil sounds like bloody success in life to me.
Best Wishes to you! Thank you.

I am 52. I am not married and have no children.

I have put a lot of work into online arguments only to reach a very small audience.

Purpose in life gets lost in everyday worries, entertainment, and online arguments. How can I be more productive?
Not married and no children?

Damn, that in itself is an accomplishment!

I haven’t managed to do much of anything or influence others.
But I speak out what I believe to be the truth, whether anyone listens or not. And I won’t spend an exorbitant amount of time trying to change one person. I will just move on.
I once influenced someone not to eat their lunch

So there I was, sitting in the break room at work, and I see some poor sap walk in to heat up their sandwich in a microwave wrapped in plastic. Then I start to feeling ornery. So once their sandwich was done heating up, I casually looked over and said, "Be careful of those hydrocarbons from the saran wrap leaching onto your sandwich. Naturally, I made the whole thing up knowing it would ruin their appetite, so they just threw the damn thing away.

Don't get me wrong, I felt bad, I do have a conscience, but I laughed more than I felt bad.
I haven’t managed to do much of anything or influence others.
But I speak out what I believe to be the truth, whether anyone listens or not. And I won’t spend an exorbitant amount of time trying to change one person. I will just move on.
Screw trying to influence others. It's vanity by another name.
Listen, just because you have never influenced anyone in your entire life is no reason to feel so bad about yourself.

It's Ok.
I certainly have influenced people but it is not the point of anything I do.

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