Did trump cancel

I was responding to someone wondering why on a political message board people were talking about trump. What does Biden have to do with that? Or is your automatic response to anything about trump literally always "but biden"?

So President Trump's probable opponent in the Presidential race has nothing to do with the race.



This thread is good news to me. Proof that leftist vermin have nothing better to do than hang on every word President Trump speaks, so I don't need to be so diligent about always posting links to his rallies.

Y'all are watching as closely as we are so you won't miss one.

I've never watched him. I get everything he says from people on this board.
No link?
What are the odds that the OP will cry if this gets moved or closed?
And he was just whining about zone violations yesterday.
Why provide a link? You will just say it's a lie because it's not pro trump.
I've never watched him. I get everything he says from people on this board.

Who, precisely, on this board, other than you leftist liars, has mentioned anything about a conspicuous absence of any President Trump rallies?


Sorry, I have someplace I have to be, so I'll have to catch your answer -- :abgg2q.jpg: -- later.

Rallies are key to winning the presidential election. It was such a good indicator last time. I hope Trump has plenty of red hat gatherings we can make fun of.
Yeah at least for a day in the area of the trump rally all the knuckle draggers are in one spot away from civilized society.

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