Did the Tea Party cause our problems or cause them to get worse?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
First let me start off by saying BOOOOOOSH was a spending fool too and he did in fact leave Obama a cluster fuck of a mess. So hopefully we can dispense with the distractions and diversions and focus on our CURRENT FISCAL MESS.

Obama was elected because he said he understood the problems and assured us that he could fix them. Here we are nearly 3 years later and things are in fact worse than when he started. He spent his first year and a half pushing policies that the public protested by the millions because they disagreed by margins of 60% or more. He ended up doing all this behind closed doors. The very doors that he promised to keep open. He had to bribe people in both parties to support him because even with complete control of both houses his agenda wasn't liked. Now keep in mind those bribes are the very same thing that led to Blago's trials and the very things that Pelosi promised to clean out of the swamp. Now in that 2 years did Obamas policies help our crippled economy? I think not. At least there is no proof that anyone can point to thats irrefutable.

Essentially you can thank Obama for the Tea Party. He caused their creation because of his push for far left policies and uninhibited spending. The people protested in the millions, marched on the mall, screamed to the hills at town hall meetings and wrote their congressmen/women in mass. It all fell on def ears as congress wanted the bribes and kickbacks more than they wanted to listen to the people. I guess they thought they could say "look what I got for you, so re-elect me". Problem is, the people didn't want the freebies, they wanted fiscal discipline. Obama, Dem's and moderates all heard them loud and clear in November though.

Now fast forward to November 2010. After being tired of being ignored the people of our great country go to the polls in mass and put the Tea Party (TP) in power in the house. All be it the power is very limited as the senate is still held by the democrats. Thus we have a divided govt. We have a divided govt because the democrats wouldn't listen. Its your own fault people, you should have listened.

Anyhow the TP has had how many of their policies enacted upon and put into law? None that I know of. They're all sitting, collecting dust in the senate. How is it the TP is ruining our country when their contributions like the peoples voices have been pushed to the side? You literally cant blame them for any of this mess. NONE OF IT. They didn't spend it. They didn't vote for it. They didn't ask for it. They're here to try to fix it.

Then the debt debate comes to the fore front. Their ideas were kicked to the curb by the left. They kicked the lefts ideas to the curb. We were at an impasse and the moderates won with a bill that got neither side what they wanted and the people lose out because the spending is only marginally slowed. That marginal gain is all the TP can celebrate. If the ridiculous acronym of hostage taker can be applied to the TP it can certainly be said about the left as they both held fast to their convictions to the end. Thats how divide govt works. Dont like it, dont spend like there is no tomorrow.

Which brings me to my next point. What ails this country? Three things can not be denied by anyone.
1) Our spending is out of control
2) our debt is strangling our economy
3) taxes do not control our debt or spending.
The proof for number one is our staggering debt. Number two is a result of number one. And finally number three has never stopped us from spending more. In fact it enables us to spend even more. For the people to trust congress to use our taxes wisely and feel at ease about a rise in the taxes you have to display an ability to use OUR MONEY in a manner that reflects the will of the people. Shoving Ocare and Frank Dodd down our throats does not build confidence. Nor do all the numerous regulations that Obama is bypassing congress and using executive orders to enact. IE.. EPA regulations

Now the left is referring to the TP as terrorists, extreme, hostage takers and all other manner of ridiculous nonsense. Which in it self is absurd because they wont even call terrorists, terrorists. When Gabby was shot the left decried rhetoric of this nature yet here we are. Me thinks the left has a short memory, especially when it doesn't suit their agenda.

Now we've about come full circle so what lays before us? An upcoming budget debate that is surely to be contentious. A looming election that has me wondering if the left has learned the lessons of 2010. The last time you guys used all this extreme rhetoric and ignored the people what happened? what was it? .........a "shellacking" The people want spending cut and fiscal sanity to return
something like 66% approve of cut cap and balance
Something in the 70%'s approve of a balanced budget amendment
A large % approve of tax hikes on the rich but thats hardly a fair poll for 2 reasons its not the "shared sacrifice" Obama keeps calling for and its a poll asking people if they care if someone else pays instead of them. Besides we all know tax increases wont curb the underlying problem of spending too much, it will only further enable it.

Here we are nearly 3 years later on course to spend nearly 7 trillion dollars and what do we have to show for it? Not a damn thing. EXCEPT A DEBT THAT IS STRANGLING US.
Did the TP accumulate this debt? Did they spend it? Did they ask for it?

In finishing off my rant let me say a few final things. I thought about this all damn day while I was at work. It came up because of all the false blame being tossed around on here in the last couple days. I came home spent an hour gathering my thoughts, organizing them and typing them here. Only to find that for some reason I had been logged out while typing it and when I hit submit it was all lost because I had to log back in. So I angrily retyped it and now its not as organized or thought out as it was.... sorry
Anyhow I know Ill get the usual idiots come in with one liners because thats what sparked this WALL-O-TEXT in the first place. To the others, I look forward to seeing your thoughts and maybe we can debate rationally.

PS. I know the TP isn't right on every issue, no one ever is. But I personally agree with their fiscal approach and believe it deserves respect. Also Im quite aware that they didnt cause our problems.
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Did the Tea Party cause our problems or cause them to get worse?

First let me start off by saying BOOOOOOSH was a spending fool too and he did in fact leave Obama a cluster fuck of a mess. So hopefully we can dispense with the distractions and diversions and focus on our CURRENT FISCAL MESS.

Obama was elected because he said he understood the problems and assured us that he could fix them. Here we are nearly 3 years later and things are in fact worse than when he started. He spent his first year and a half pushing policies that the public protested by the millions because they disagreed by margins of 60% or more. He ended up doing all this behind closed doors. The very doors that he promised to keep open. He had to bribe people in both parties to support him because even with complete control of both houses his agenda wasn't liked. Now keep in mind those bribes are the very same thing that led to Blago's trials and the very things that Pelosi promised to clean out of the swamp. Now in that 2 years did Obamas policies help our crippled economy? I think not. At least there is no proof that anyone can point to thats irrefutable.

Essentially you can thank Obama for the Tea Party. He caused their creation because of his push for far left policies and uninhibited spending. The people protested in the millions, marched on the mall, screamed to the hills at town hall meetings and wrote their congressmen/women in mass. It all fell on def ears as congress wanted the bribes and kickbacks more than they wanted to listen to the people. I guess they thought they could say "look what I got for you, so re-elect me". Problem is, the people didn't want the freebies, they wanted fiscal discipline. Obama, Dem's and moderates all heard them loud and clear in November though.

Now fast forward to November 2010. After being tired of being ignored the people of our great country go to the polls in mass and put the Tea Party (TP) in power in the house. All be it the power is very limited as the senate is still held by the democrats. Thus we have a divided govt. We have a divided govt because the democrats wouldn't listen. Its your own fault people, you should have listened.

Anyhow the TP has had how many of their policies enacted upon and put into law? None that I know of. They're all sitting, collecting dust in the senate. How is it the TP is ruining our country when their contributions like the peoples voices have been pushed to the side? You literally cant blame them for any of this mess. NONE OF IT. They didn't spend it. They didn't vote for it. They didn't ask for it. They're here to try to fix it.

Then the debt debate comes to the fore front. Their ideas were kicked to the curb by the left. They kicked the lefts ideas to the curb. We were at an impasse and the moderates won with a bill that got neither side what they wanted and the people lose out because the spending is only marginally slowed. That marginal gain is all the TP can celebrate. If the ridiculous acronym of hostage taker can be applied to the TP it can certainly be said about the left as they both held fast to their convictions to the end. Thats how divide govt works. Dont like it, dont spend like there is no tomorrow.

Which brings me to my next point. What ails this country? Three things can not be denied by anyone.
1) Our spending is out of control
2) our debt is strangling our economy
3) taxes do not control our debt or spending.
The proof for number one is our staggering debt. Number two is a result of number one. And finally number three has never stopped us from spending more. In fact it enables us to spend even more. For the people to trust congress to use our taxes wisely and feel at ease about a rise in the taxes you have to display an ability to use OUR MONEY in a manner that reflects the will of the people. Shoving Ocare and Frank Dodd down our throats does not build confidence. Nor do all the numerous regulations that Obama is bypassing congress and using executive orders to enact. IE.. EPA regulations

Now the left is referring to the TP as terrorists, extreme, hostage takers and all other manner of ridiculous nonsense. Which in it self is absurd because they wont even call terrorists, terrorists. When Gabby was shot the left decried rhetoric of this nature yet here we are. Me thinks the left has a short memory, especially when it doesn't suit their agenda.

Now we've about come full circle so what lays before us? An upcoming budget debate that is surely to be contentious. A looming election that has me wondering if the left has learned the lessons of 2010. The last time you guys used all this extreme rhetoric and ignored the people what happened? what was it? .........a "shellacking" The people want spending cut and fiscal sanity to return
something like 66% approve of cut cap and balance
Something in the 70%'s approve of a balanced budget amendment
A large % approve of tax hikes on the rich but thats hardly a fair poll for 2 reasons its not the "shared sacrifice" Obama keeps calling for and its a poll asking people if they care if someone else pays instead of them. Besides we all know tax increases wont curb the underlying problem of spending too much, it will only further enable it.

Here we are nearly 3 years later on course to spend nearly 7 trillion dollars and what do we have to show for it? Not a damn thing. EXCEPT A DEBT THAT IS STRANGLING US.
Did the TP accumulate this debt? Did they spend it? Did they ask for it?

In finishing off my rant let me say a few final things. I thought about this all damn day while I was at work. It came up because of all the false blame being tossed around on here in the last couple days. I came home spent an hour gathering my thoughts, organizing them and typing them here. Only to find that for some reason I had been logged out while typing it and when I hit submit it was all lost because I had to log back in. So I angrily retyped it and now its not as organized or thought out as it was.... sorry
Anyhow I know Ill get the usual idiots come in with one liners because thats what sparked this WALL-O-TEXT in the first place. To the others, I look forward to seeing your thoughts and maybe we can debate rationally.

PS. I know the TP isn't right on every issue, no one ever is. But I personally agree with their fiscal approach and believe it deserves respect.

Did the Tea Party create 14.3 trillion in red ink? Are they responsible for this incompetent government expansion and cost?

There's your answer.
Did the Tea Party cause our problems or cause them to get worse?


So far the Tea Party are the only ones who have been calling things correctly all along. They have the right stuff that it would take to fix a lot of the problems that the liberals and progressives have created.
Did the Tea Party cause our problems or cause them to get worse?



THEY ALL BE SAINTS and ways mores intelligents thans thoses ins thes Tea's Party's. wes knows cuse yous alls tells uss sos
They are most guilty of not being ambivalent.....agree or disagree with their proposed solutions, at least they care enough to take a stand. Too many, sitting on the sidelines for too long, are a big part of what brought us to this mess. Many people who got involved for the first time in politics have chosen one path or another, but I respect the passion on both sides. It's part of what still makes this a great country.
The Tea Party forced politicians to defend their spending policies. I'd call it a win-win but lefties who don't want to be bothered until we become parasites on the world economy probably disagree.
Did the Tea Party cause our problems or cause them to get worse?

Yes, they didn't work hard enough in 2010 to eliminate the scourge that it Regime Obama. Had they put some serious effort into it both House AND Senate would be either Republican or Independent (there is no "Tea Party" in the classic sense). With fiscal sanity rushing at him, Our Kenyan President would have a simple choice: Resign or be impeached.

Simple enough that even He could understand it.
The Tea Party has effectively caused the USA to look at itself through a new lense which needed doing. The momentum and passion is impressive. Philosophically, the concepts are not new and nor are the problems the country faces today.

The hardcore in your face tactics might serve them better by toning it down a notch now that they've arrived at the table.
The Tea Party has effectively caused the USA to look at itself through a new lense which needed doing. The momentum and passion is impressive. Philosophically, the concepts are not new and nor are the problems the country faces today.

The hardcore in your face tactics might serve them better by toning it down a notch now that they've arrived at the table.

Interesting thought, though gay marriage forces success in New York (and elsewhere) suggest that "in-your-face" works most effectively.
The fact is that the majority of Tea Partiers were ardent bush supporters.

And you were a Obama supporter, I guess there is no hope for you? People change and most if not damn near all the TP people have, just like you. In fact as much as you might hate it you sound more and more like a TP person day by day.

I'm not part of the TP but I admit it's amazing because they have actually done very very well.
The fact is that the majority of Tea Partiers were ardent bush supporters.

And you were a Obama supporter, I guess there is no hope for you? People change and most if not damn near all the TP people have, just like you. In fact as much as you might hate it you sound more and more like a TP person day by day.

I'm not part of the TP but I admit it's amazing because they have actually done very very well.

they have not changed a bit could Bush have ran for a third term they would have voted for him.
They are still joined at the hip by their hatred of all things percieved to be liberal.
Unless that liberal is a republican.

and btw I voted for Obama as the lesser of the percieved evils.
Looking back it would have been better if McCain had been elected and the right had to eat the blame for the recession.
But in any case my county and state went for McCain. so my vote was a moot point.
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The fact is that the majority of Tea Partiers were ardent bush supporters.

And you were a Obama supporter, I guess there is no hope for you? People change and most if not damn near all the TP people have, just like you. In fact as much as you might hate it you sound more and more like a TP person day by day.

I'm not part of the TP but I admit it's amazing because they have actually done very very well.

they have not changed a bit could Bush have ran for a third term they would have voted for him.
They are still joined at the hip by their hatred of all things percieved to be liberal.
Unless that liberal is a republican.

Must suck batting .000
And you were a Obama supporter, I guess there is no hope for you? People change and most if not damn near all the TP people have, just like you. In fact as much as you might hate it you sound more and more like a TP person day by day.

I'm not part of the TP but I admit it's amazing because they have actually done very very well.

they have not changed a bit could Bush have ran for a third term they would have voted for him.
They are still joined at the hip by their hatred of all things percieved to be liberal.
Unless that liberal is a republican.

Must suck batting .000

Yep the TP sucks.
Well that took alot of thought, thanks. :eusa_whistle:

It was so obvious, it didn't need any thought.

Do you care to elaborate on my post and give me the opportunity to discuss it with you. Ya know like you would want from me of your posts? Or just stick with the head in the sand one liners routine?

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Do it, Rtard is not even funny to watch get owned like RW/TM.

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