Did Nixon release China from it's shackles and create a monster?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Whenever Nixon comes up, the first subject is always Watergate. That usually either invokes groans, growls or eye rolls. Whatever your opinion is about Watergate, I would ask you to set that aside. Consider Nixon's role in turning an isolated clearly hostile Communist nation into a global, secretly hostile Communist/Capitalist monster. That certainly wasn't his intent as he was hoping to get some help to end the Viet Nam war among other things. But it seems to me there is no doubt he was the key that opened up US access to China and they took every advantage of our unwitting graciousness. This is an interesting speculative article on Nixon and China.

Where Would China Be Without Nixon? - The Globalist
Kissinger gave them the farm.

The political thinking back then was that if we advanced these societies to our ecomomic level, they would come to see the error of their ways and adopt American standards of democracy.

Stupid? Yes. It is unwise to help an ambitious enemy become as powerful as you are regardless of how noble your intentions may be. Unfortunately that thinking still persists to this day in certain circles, and has caused most of the planet's current anxiety.
As if China would never have engaged the global economy without Nixon.
Hard to say. It was worse under Mao in China.

In the 70s lots of things were made in Asia and exported to the West, in Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Not sure how Taiwan and Hong Kong could keep up after the shift of industry away from the US and Europe.

China did export a lot to Communist Block countries. The Soviet Union did too at the time, and also had more industries like the US.
Two Presidents share lots of blame for China now being a world threat...........Nixon and Clinton....Nixon for opending door and Clinton for letting them steal our nuclear secrets.

Most idiots in America think Russia is the big threat....But it is China that poses the real threat to America. Russia is just as worried about China as we are....being right on their border. Russia plays games with China like they are buddy-buddy but they both know better. Kinda like Stalin signing a non-aggression pact with Hitler.

And all those liberals who want to constantly attack Trump for being friendly with Putin have no clue. We need to set up some kind of alliance with Russia for our mutual protection fromChina.

Now I see China is blaming us for the corona virus....if they are unable to contain the virus and millions start dying...what will they do? I can see them going very radical. The economic impact alone will put them in dire straits.....who wants to buy stuff from China now?

In such a state if they see themselves weakening....they might strike out like in a pre-emptive strike thinking they must also weaken their enemies before they lose the strength to do so.
Kissinger gave them the farm.
The political thinking back then was that if we advanced these societies to our ecomomic level, they would come to see the error of their ways and adopt American standards of democracy.

Stupid? Yes. It is unwise to help an ambitious enemy become as powerful as you are regardless of how noble your intentions may be. Unfortunately that thinking still persists to this day in certain circles, and has caused most of the planet's current anxiety.

Similar to how integration was forced on everyone in America....the thinking being that we could help the negroes by letting them in White Schools....such a disaster. Our schools have gone steadily downhill as a result of that disastrous policy...not even to mention the economic costs of such stupidity.....bussing alone cost billions of dollars. Good teachers went elsewhere when the social engineers took over our schools.

The Failures of Integration - Center for American Progress

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