Did Nancy Try To Out-AOC AOC?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Her outburst about imprisoning the President ain't sitting well with the Rat Media. They know these things have to be implied, alluded to, "people-are-saying" kind of comments, not said out loud. So if Fancy is all that astute, a political genius, a master of the "wrap-up smear", how did this happen? Truth of the matter is, she's been saying it all along only this time she got ratted out by the Rats..There is a move afoot by AOC and her comrades to take the gavel from the senile old hag....Nancy knows it and tried to out-crazy the crazies but it didn't work and now she's screwed.


Liberal MSNBC hosts rip Pelosi’s call to jail Trump: ‘Stuff we used to see in Pakistan’
This will eventually get bloody. There really is no stopping the inevitable.

I say let it happen.
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This will eventually get bloody. There really is no stopping the inevitable.

I say let it happen.

Remember, she told her caucus she'd only be Speaker for 4 years this time. They didn't realize she didn't mean it until it was too late to stop her. All she's interested in is keeping the gavel so she can steer legislation that benefits her net worth.
Her outburst about imprisoning the President ain't sitting well with the Rat Media. They know these things have to be implied, alluded to, "people-are-saying" kind of comments, not said out loud. So if Fancy is all that astute, a political genius, a master of the "wrap-up smear", how did this happen? Truth of the matter is, she's been saying it all along only this time she got ratted out by the Rats..There is a move afoot by AOC and her comrades to take the gavel from the senile old hag....Nancy knows it and tried to out-crazy the crazies but it didn't work and now she's screwed.


Liberal MSNBC hosts rip Pelosi’s call to jail Trump: ‘Stuff we used to see in Pakistan’
Anyone remember this?
Her outburst about imprisoning the President ain't sitting well with the Rat Media. They know these things have to be implied, alluded to, "people-are-saying" kind of comments, not said out loud. So if Fancy is all that astute, a political genius, a master of the "wrap-up smear", how did this happen? Truth of the matter is, she's been saying it all along only this time she got ratted out by the Rats..There is a move afoot by AOC and her comrades to take the gavel from the senile old hag....Nancy knows it and tried to out-crazy the crazies but it didn't work and now she's screwed.


Liberal MSNBC hosts rip Pelosi’s call to jail Trump: ‘Stuff we used to see in Pakistan’
Anyone remember this?

Those were such beautiful words to hear! It was so euphoric.
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Quick Nancy-you better cut some kind of deal.

They got her in a box canyon...she's climbing the walls but she can't get out. My guess she'll have a "family emergency" and disappear.....hopefully back to the needle and fecal littered streets of her district never to be seen again.
If they give the idiot the boot, just what do you suppose will take over? A normal rational conservative mind that loves America?

Trust me. Something far worse.

Think about that.
This will eventually get bloody. There really is no stopping the inevitable.

I say let it happen.

Remember, she told her caucus she'd only be Speaker for 4 years this time. They didn't realize she didn't mean it until it was too late to stop her. All she's interested in is keeping the gavel so she can steer legislation that benefits her net worth

There IS NO LAW AGAINST Congressional Insider Trading.

You or I do it? We're going to Prison. Period.

Anybody that doesn't realize there IS a Deep State is too stupid to live.

Why Congressional Insider Trading Is Legal - and Profitable - Investment U

How Congress Quietly Overhauled Its Insider-Trading Law
This will eventually get bloody. There really is no stopping the inevitable.

I say let it happen.

Remember, she told her caucus she'd only be Speaker for 4 years this time. They didn't realize she didn't mean it until it was too late to stop her. All she's interested in is keeping the gavel so she can steer legislation that benefits her net worth.

Cattle Futures
There IS NO LAW AGAINST Congressional Insider Trading.

You or I do it? We're going to Prison. Period.

Anybody that doesn't realize there IS a Deep State is too stupid to live.

Why Congressional Insider Trading Is Legal - and Profitable - Investment U

How Congress Quietly Overhauled Its Insider-Trading Law

That's true...stock tips are the currency of bribes for the last 30 years. Pelousy was so blatant in her holding up the Visa IPO until she had her buy orders in place that a janitor at the DOJ could have indicted her. She's gotten away with stealing millions by getting her developer husband (who's said to have mob ties) no-bid contracts. Together they're worth almost $90M.
There IS NO LAW AGAINST Congressional Insider Trading.

You or I do it? We're going to Prison. Period.

Anybody that doesn't realize there IS a Deep State is too stupid to live.

Why Congressional Insider Trading Is Legal - and Profitable - Investment U

How Congress Quietly Overhauled Its Insider-Trading Law

That's true...stock tips are the currency of bribes for the last 30 years. Pelousy was so blatant in her holding up the Visa IPO until she had her buy orders in place that a janitor at the DOJ could have indicted her. She's gotten away with stealing millions by getting her developer husband (who's said to have mob ties) no-bid contracts. Together they're worth almost $90M.
With the government, it isn't so much stock tips. It is entire industries. It is small countries. It is far more than stock tips.

The best part is the the dumb sheeple democrat voters believe in the campaign cliches and the commiecrat platform.

What is pathetic is how they actually think the democrats will "tax the rich" without any loopholes. THEY ARE FUCKING RICH!!!! Do these braindead assholes ever wonder why corporations donate to the democrat party?

In the end it is all about annihilating the middle class and creating a new world order under the International flag.
AOC: I’m outraged that Mitch McConnell killed the House border bill I voted against! Tapper asks the obvious question

“Four Democrats…voted against the bill.”

Last weekend when AOC and three other like-minded Reps. (Pressley, Omar, and Tlaib) signed a joint statement demanding that the House bill abolish ICE as a starting point. Here’s a bit of that joint statement:

These radicalized, criminal agencies are destroying families and killing innocent children. It is absolutely unconscionable to even consider giving one more dollar to support this President’s deportation force that openly commits human rights abuses and refuses to be held accountable to the American people…

We must be equitable in our outrage. We must abolish ICE.​

That was too extreme even for the Democrats in the House who passed a $4.5 billion border bill that included some controls on how money could be spent but did not attempt to abolish ICE. But guess who didn’t vote for the House bill:

The bill passed 230-195. Four Democrats — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib — voted against the bill. They said Sunday they would not vote for it as long as it funded Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP).​

AOC had no part in this bill except to argue that it wasn’t nearly radical enough for her taste. Why is she acting as if Mitch McConnell shot her dog?

AOC’s claim that Mitch McConnell killed the House bill is false. McConnell let the Senate vote and the House bill was rejected 55-37. This outcome was entirely predictable given that Trump had already threatened to veto it even if it were passed.

AOC is furious that Mitch McConnell let the Senate vote to reject a bill she also voted against. As for her claim that “The GOP is heightening children‘s pain for political gain,” that’s nonsense too. There’s no political gain in failing to appropriately care for migrant children. The political gain being sought is Democrats like AOC who are telling people that Border Patrol is “killing innocent children” and comparing overwhelmed detention centers to concentration camps. It’s incredible that the same person making Holocaust comparisons has the gall to claim her opponents are playing politics with children.

Jake Tapper asked AOC about not voting for the House bill she is outraged didn’t pass in the Senate. She admits her no vote was about abolishing ice. Tapper points out that opposing the Senate bill and the House bill makes it seem like she’s more concerned about sending signals on her progressive issues than getting help to CBP and the kids who need it. AOC says she wanted a clean bill with no riders and poison pills. So why did she demand that Pelosi add stuff to the House bill that made it less palatable to the Senate? She literally did the opposite of what she says she wanted to see here, i.e. a clean bill where people are thinking about kids instead of politics.

This is not her best moment but will any of her devoted fans care? They never seem to:

It seems the pressure is getting to team AOC:

Whoa. @AOC’s chief just deleted this. pic.twitter.com/xRJphPAkwb

— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) June 27, 2019

Waiting for the mob of slavering fanboys to enter my mentions to explain to me that actually, it's A Good Thing that AOC's chief-of-staff and primary moneyman described all the most electorally vulnerable members of her caucus as irredeemable Jim Crow-era racists.

— Esoteric Jeff (@EsotericCD) June 27, 2019

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