Zone1 Did mankind's spirits exist prior to coming to this earth?

Did mankind's spirits exist prior to coming to this earth?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • No

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
English is only a an antiquated German dialect full of Latin expressions. And your grammar is for me like a prison.

Which translation? Ever thought about to think on your own and to try to understand what others think? What very most people say and think about agnosticism is just simple bullshit. Same had been the Nazis but they also had been pragmatists who tried to misuse all forms of spirituality.

The religion atheism has the same problem like all other religions. No one is a good persons only because he is an atheist and/or pure materialist. Example: The modern world replaced the word "compassion" (background: life is the same as to suffer) with "empathy" (background: brain structures show a special mix of electric and humoral - ah sorry: hormonal - activation). But what for is good empathy without moral value? For the creation of moral values and justice? Or means this only that a torturer needs empathy for to find out what hurts another person?

Do we? ... Do I? If "yes" - how do you know?

No. That's nonsense. I believe in god. I'm even very familiar "since ever" with god and I still remember for example how Jesus laughed when I found out that he is not existing. We often made jokes about his not-existence. Indeed it was a very amusing situation to find out that it is impossible to say that the own reality simulation is real while other reality simulations are unreal.

I'm like Arnold Terminator? - Or is Arny in reality no terminator?

My wife is also a Lutheran. She finds everything because she has a good relation to Saint Antonius.

I agree that senseless aggressive people make not a big sense - except to be no sparring partners.

You say here all monotheists are agnostics.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light. The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John bore witness about him, and cried out, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me ranks before me, because he was before me.’”) For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father’s side, he has made him known.

God likes jokes.

¿Brain? - what for heavens sake is a brain? I will ask my wife - she will know. I'm sure St Anthony will tell her where I've stashed it again.

Also a bug is language of god, is a song of god.

To have or not to have a conscience: We are "the crown" - we are responsible for all and every life on planet earth - what is perhaps also all and every life in the whole universe. But a so called "bad conscience" is in reality a good conscience. "Pain" forces us often to do the right things - but it's better to do the right things on reason it is just simple good to do so.

I'm sure I would love it to be a tree or a flower.

Heaven is full of bugs, trees and flowers. But is it full of human beings? Who knows?

I guess that's the most important reason for me why I do not like to be an atheist. What for heavens sake like atheists except egocentrism and the feeling only all others are idiots believing in the wrong paradox things while they believe not to believe?

PS: It's by the way not a question of belief that something existed once what you are now. If a time machine would exist I could go back a million years and could wipe you out of our history. That's what terminators are doing, isn't it? So something what you are now existed also a million years ago. Even when no one was able to see you a million years ago - your own pre-existence is nevertheless a reality.
1. Grammar is a prison for all of us.
2. The "translation" of sentence structure. I live in an area with Amish. They say things like "throw papa down the stairs his hat". So its interesting to reconstruct sentences to get the thought that is intended.
3. That's a deep discussion, the difference between "empathy" and "compassion". I never would have thought that a torturer has empathy just to know what hurts more. That might be called "brutality".
4. I think we agree on agnosticism since I can't think of a reply to contradict you.
5. I think Jesus likes a good joke too, but I'm not sure he thinks agnostics and atheists are funny.
6. I said "A belief in God is a belief without proof", and you said "all monotheists are agnostics." Interesting spin since monotheists can't "prove" God exists. But they don't have to, they simply believe he exists, so to them "belief" is proof.
7. John 1:1 a very cool passage.
8. "Jokes" are atheists who need a favor from God.
9. We got the words "consciousness" and "conscience" conflated. I agree conscience says that we need to manage our world for the best outcomes. But in the philosophical sense "consciousness" and a "soul" are gifts.
10. Heaven is supposed to be full of wonderful things. My wife would be very disappointed if there were no dogs.
11. True, atheists have no ultimate goal, its only "live life" and "live for today" like Roman Gladiators.
12. Can human souls be destroyed? Satan thinks they can. If you believe in God do you also have to believe in Satan? Is Satan's job to ruin souls? I think you agree that souls reincarnate until they are pure enough to pass on to heaven? So we are in purgatory?
1. Grammar is a prison for all of us.

Not in the German language. We have very strict rules, 50% exceptions from this rules and many regions with very differnt forms of thsi rules.

2. The "translation" of sentence structure. I live in an area with Amish. They say things like "throw papa down the stairs his hat". So its interesting to reconstruct sentences to get the thought that is intended.

One moment: Pennsylvania dutch is near to the Pfälzer German and as far as I can see to Yiddish (DeischeSteddel), Bairish and Alrman (languages in thr South of Germany).

3. That's a deep discussion, the difference between "empathy" and "compassion". I never would have thought that a torturer has empathy just to know what hurts more. That might be called "brutality".

You seem to think "brutality" is something what people do not learn. Institutions like secret services - for example GeStaPo, StaSi, KGB (but such organisations exists everywhere all over the planet - also in the English speaking world) cultivate methods "to convince" others. The so called "culture of death" is not stupid. Some say the devil is much more intelligent than anyone of us.

Everyone thinks "humanity" and "empathy" are positive values - but is this so? To burp is "human" for example - is "to burp" a value? And "empathy" means only to be able to mirror what the other person feels. But what to do with it? If you like to see the other person suffer - for example beaue this asshole had murdered your baby - then someone will perhaps feel joy when then other person feels pain. Compassion, sympathy and empathy have common elements - but are not the same. Also an autist for example is able to have compassion - even in case he has no empathy.

4. I think we agree on agnosticism since I can't think of a reply to contradict you.

So we have an "intersubjective agreement" now - what could mean we are not totally wrong. But this no guarantee.

5. I think Jesus likes a good joke too, but I'm not sure he thinks agnostics and atheists are funny.

For sure exists a reason why we have ¿still? to make a decision "pro god" or "contra god". But it could exist for example an atheist who is "pro god" because he respects all and every life - also unbornm life - while on the other side a short time ago I was shocked from a protestant bishop here in Germany who does not like to see that with every abortion dies a human being and that such a fact is not able to be ignored.

6. I said "A belief in God is a belief without proof", and you said "all monotheists are agnostics."

I said you say with this sentence also automatically "All monotheists are agnostics"

Interesting spin since monotheists can't "prove" God exists. But they don't have to, they simply believe he exists, so to them "belief" is proof.

It's really a serios problem of atheists that they believe not to believe. So they often think they know what they are indeed "only" able to believe. Christians have a very big tree of different priorities. What to do with a hat in a church is for example a very low priority.

7. John 1:1 a very cool passage.

Hmmm ... Also a very hot passage ...

"... In the beginning was the word ... "
Anton Zeilinger

8. "Jokes" are atheists who need a favor from God.

Everyone needs god - whether to know this or not to know this is something else. Everyone of us is subjective. No one of us is able to leave the universe alive.

9. We got the wrods "consciousness" and "conscience" conflated.

Murks (=bodge) ... my mistake. About "consciousness" I do not discuss. That's only a fake problem of atheists. "Conscious" needs a concrete context. A mouse knows what's a cat but is not able to know what is Saggitarius *. And to be "unconscious" has not only to do with not [to be able] to know something but has also to do with control of the own body.

I agree conscience says that we need to manage our world for the best outcomes.

So it is.

But in the philosophical sense "consciousness" and a "soul" are gifts.

Soul is something else. A short time ago I said somewhere else "soul" is perhaps in identity with the answer we are on this what had happened before us and called us into life. But then had happenend something what was unbelievable banal and a little strange - my old bike spoke with me - so I have to say I still do not know what is "soul". The spirit which is a living soul seems to be very independent from this what today is called "intellect" or "intelligence". But this is anyway no problem. Who trusts in god gives the own soul in the hand of god so whatever will happen - the own soul will have the very best place and will survive - forever.

10. Heaven is supposed to be full of wonderful things. My wife would be very disappointed if there were no dogs.

Sure are dogs in heaven - but no cats. Cats are devils. :lol:

11. True, atheists have no ultimate goal, its only "live life" and "live for today" like Roman Gladiators.

Not Bohemian Gladiators?

12. Can human souls be destroyed?

No idea.

Satan thinks they can.

Satan "thinks" - if he thinks at all - he can bring souls into a situation to make an irreversible wrong decision. Example: The drunkard devil Alexander murdered his best friend and was afterwards terribly sad that he had done so. What an asshole. And the whole world admires such assholes like Alexander the great.

If you believe in God do you also have to believe in Satan? Is Satan's job to ruin souls?

For sure exist challenges - example: the war in the Ukraine (=the borderland) is a challenge for the whole world now - so why should not exist a universal challenger (=Satan)?

I think you agree that souls reincarnate until they are pure enough to pass on to heaven? So we are in purgatory?

I have absolutelly not any problem with any idea in this context. God knows what's the best to do. Why should he not give someone a new chance? Why not nothing as atheists believe, why not the nirwana of Buddhist or the happy hunting grounds? Why not heaven and purgatory (a last cleaning place) before heaven? The only thing I "fear" is hell really could exist while I would be in heaven. In this case heaven would be a kind of hell for me because I could not be happy and I would need a team of people who would help me to close hell forever. Could also be an interesting job before and after the own death, isn't it? ...

Ô toi l'au-delà de tout,
Quel esprit peut te saisir?
Tous les êtres te célèbrent;
Le désir de tous aspire vers toi
O you beyond all,
What spirit can grasp thee?
All beings celebrate you;
The desire of all yearns for you
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Not in the German language. We have very strict rules, 50% exceptions from these rules and many regions with very different forms of these rules.

One moment: Pennsylvania dutch is near to the Pfälzer German and as far as I can see to Yiddish (DeischeSteddel), Bairish and Alrman (languages in the South of Germany).

You seem to think "brutality" is something what people do not learn. Institutions like secret services - for example GeStaPo, StaSi, KGB (but such organisations exists everywhere all over the planet - also in the English speaking world) cultivate methods "to convince" others. The so called "culture of death" is not stupid. Some say the devil is much more intelligent than anyone of us.

Everyone thinks "humanity" and "empathy" are positive values - but is this so? To burp is "human" for example - is "to burp" a value? And "empathy" means only to be able to mirror what the other person feels. But what to do with it? If you like to see the other person suffer - for example because this asshole had murdered your baby - then someone will perhaps feel joy when then other person feels pain. Compassion, sympathy and empathy have common elements - but are not the same. Also an autist for example is able to have compassion - even in case he has no empathy.

So we have an "intersubjective agreement" now - what could mean we are not totally wrong. But this no guarantee.

For sure exists a reason why we have ¿still? to make a decision "pro god" or "contra god". But it could exist for example an atheist who is "pro god" because he respects all and every life - also unborn life - while on the other side a short time ago I was shocked from a protestant bishop here in Germany who does not like to see that with every abortion dies a human being and that such a fact is not able to be ignored.

I said you say with this sentence also automatically "All monotheists are agnostics"

It's really a serious problem of atheists that they believe not to believe. So they often think they know what they are indeed "only" able to believe. Christians have a very big tree of different priorities. What to do with a hat in a church is for example a very low priority.

Hmmm ... Also a very hot passage ...

"... In the beginning was the word ... "
Anton Zeilinger

Everyone needs god - whether to know this or not to know this is something else. Everyone of us is subjective. No one of us is able to leave the universe alive.

Murks (=bodge) ... my mistake. About "consciousness" I do not discuss. That's only a fake problem of atheists. "Conscious" needs a concrete context. A mouse knows what's a cat but is not able to know what is Sagittarius *. And to be "unconscious" has not only to do with not [to be able] to know something but has also to do with control of the own body.

So it is.

Soul is something else. A short time ago I said somewhere else "soul" is perhaps in identity with the answer we are on this what had happened before us and called us into life. But then had happened something what was unbelievable banal and a little strange - my old bike spoke with me - so I have to say I still do not know what is "soul". The spirit which is a living soul seems to be very independent from this what today is called "intellect" or "intelligence". But this is anyway no problem. Who trusts in god gives the own soul in the hand of god so whatever will happen - the own soul will have the very best place and will survive - forever.

Sure are dogs in heaven - but no cats. Cats are devils. :lol:

Not Bohemian Gladiators?

No idea.

Satan "thinks" - if he thinks at all - he can bring souls into a situation to make an irreversible wrong decision. Example: The drunkard devil Alexander murdered his best friend and was afterwards terribly sad that he had done so. What an asshole. And the whole world admires such assholes like Alexander the great.

For sure exist challenges - example: the war in the Ukraine (=the borderland) is a challenge for the whole world now - so why should not exist a universal challenger (=Satan)?

I have absolutely not any problem with any idea in this context. God knows what's the best to do. Why should he not give someone a new chance? Why not nothing as atheists believe, why not the nirvana of Buddhist or the happy hunting grounds? Why not heaven and purgatory (a last cleaning place) before heaven? The only thing I "fear" is hell really could exist while I would be in heaven. In this case heaven would be a kind of hell for me because I could not be happy and I would need a team of people who would help me to close hell forever. Could also be an interesting job before and after the own death, isn't it? ...
1. I think you missed the point of "throw papa down the stairs.....his hat". Here we would say "throw papa's hat down the stairs".
2. Every so often we need very rough men to protect us. During the war on terror our CIA waterboarded suspects to stop terror attacks. I have no problem doing bad things to bad people. I do have a problem torturing political prisoners to keep power.
3. Revenge or vengeance for some horrible atrocity is easy to envision. I'm not sure I could "turn the other cheek" as opposed to doing 10x to the bad guys. Look at Gaza. Hamas killed 1400, so the IDF killed 30,000 and destroyed their homes. That is a tough decision for me. Is it okay to kill 30,000 women and children because Hamas killed 1400?
4. The Catholic church is not as vocal in opposing abortions as Protestant religions. Biden and Pelosi are supposed to be Catholic, but the church won't sanction them for their pro-abortion views. Hypocrite gutless Bishops.
5. Catholics believe in the Holy Ghost, no other religions do. Yet when I re-read John 1:1 I see divinely inspired beautiful writing, hardly that of an uneducated fisherman. Is the Holy Ghost the good ideas we think are our own but come from a higher power? Is divine intervention more common than we think or recognize?
6. True, no one leaves this life alive, unless you believe in "The Rapture" which Protestants say is when believers are scooped up into heaven, so the rest of us need to buckle up for what's coming.
7. LOL!! Your bike talks to you. That was funny. Here's hoping that our souls end up in a good place. My cousin is a priest, he always tells me "don't overthink it, all you need to know is that God loves you".
8. Dogs in heaven is good. I will have lots of company.
9. Atheists are like gladiators. There is no goal but to survive another day. When you die its over. Fini.
10. There are things like a "Ghost Box" that RedFront showed me where you can actually speak with devils and spirits. I don't need to do that. Maybe atheists need to buy a Ghost Box to see that there are "evil spirits"?
11. Ukraine is another puss case, where the EU and NATO deadbeats need to step up and support Ukraine more than they are doing. The US is not going to keep throwing money at Ukraine.
12. God's new chances are called reincarnation. I don't know what his trigger is for heaven or hell like a pass/fail grade. Probably the really bad people go to hell while the good people either get to heaven or get reincarnated to do better.
God loves you, so don't be a disappointment.
1. I think you missed the point of "throw papa down the stairs.....his hat". Here we would say "throw papa's hat down the stairs".

Last sentence is as well German and English grammar. But I understand your propblem. In a German sentence the most important things come at the end. In English the most important things come in the beginning. So native English speakers think we are weird while German native speakers think you are boring.

2. Every so often we need very rough men to protect us.

Eh? Two Ukrainian solders had been murdererd from a Russian here in Germany last week. mI egus them eina r4eoians wehy this had been toalaly drunken and unfortunatelly a German lady with a high tech frying pan from the 19th century was not present who had smiled the other day if they had heard them speaking about theri headache. So two human beings more are dead now and one human being moirte is in prison becasue of murder.

During the war on terror our CIA waterboarded suspects to stop terror attacks. I have no problem doing bad things to bad people.


I do have a problem torturing political prisoners to keep power.

Exactly. To defend our values by destryoping our values is more than only nonsense. But I also understood - concerte example now - a German policemen who threatened a prisoner to kill him if he will not tell him where is the child who this asshole had kidnapped. He kenw this child was buried in a box in a wood and if they wil not find teh child it will die. Unfortunatelly he was not able to save the child. But because of this extraordinary stressful situation he had to pay only some money and was not fired. Nevertrejls thsi ruiuned the reosiotn of one of my neighbors who misused this extraordinary strange situation and liked ot give all policemen the right to torture - as it had been under Adolf Hitler.

3. Revenge or vengeance for some horrible atrocity is easy to envision. I'm not sure I could "turn the other cheek" as opposed to doing 10x to the bad guys. Look at Gaza. Hamas killed 1400, so the IDF killed 30,000 and destroyed their homes. That is a tough decision for me. Is it okay to kill 30,000 women and children because Hamas killed 1400?

You are a victim of propaganda. I have on my own no reliable numerical data. I know that Hamas terrorists - who are also the government of the Palestinians in Gaza without elections since nearly 20 brainwashing years - murdered many vivisdorts of a music festival in Israel. I know that the Hamas kidnapped many people - and continued to murder kidnapped people. I know that not any government in the world is able to live with such a situation. I assume that most Palestinians do not fight the Hamas on their own. I assume that most people who had been killed from the Israeli had been Hamams terrorists. Abnd my expeoriscne teklls me that I do in general not know what's the best to do in this area of the world. And I know Palestinians broke then Olympic peace in Munich 1972. And I know Palestinian terrorists trained terrorists from the RAF (red army fraction) in the cold war. I assume that the KGB was main factor behind this German terrorist. And one of the leading men in this time of the KGB in the GDR ("Soviet -Germany") had been a man with the name Putin who started before this had happened a war against Europe in the Ukraine. I guess he likes to expand this war into a nuclear war. And I know the Rusisian army is also using weapons from the Iran.

And I heard from people in the near who lost family members - beloved family members - as well in this Hamas attack in Israel as in the following war on the Hamas of Israel in Gaza. And I heard the humanitarian situation in Gaza had been near a catastrophe but became meanwhile better because many people in the world care about this conflict.

My personal opinions? I see no problem when the Hamas will be wiped out. I have the feeling Putin and hsi KGB is the poison in the background. I guess a greater conflict escalation between Israel and the Iran will not happen.

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... 4. The Catholic church is not as vocal in opposing abortions as Protestant religions. Biden and Pelosi are supposed to be Catholic, but the church won't sanction them for their pro-abortion views. Hypocrite gutless Bishops.

Most Catholics in the world do not support our "hypocrite gutless bishops." You seem to think if the people are not good enough for a government then the government should fire the people.

5. Catholics believe in the Holy Ghost, no other religions do.

Red Indians speak about "the Great Spirit" as fas as I heard. Sounds very similiar.

Yet when I re-read John 1:1 I see divinely inspired beautiful writing, hardly that of an uneducated fisherman.

A fisherman in this time of history at Genezareth was the boss of about 20 people. And since when Jews are uneducated?

Is the Holy Ghost the good ideas we think are our own but come from a higher power? Is divine intervention more common than we think or recognize?

Jesus spoke about the Holy Spirit

6. True, no one leaves this life alive, unless you believe in "The Rapture" which Protestants say is when believers are scooped up into heaven, so the rest of us need to buckle up for what's coming.
7. LOL!! Your bike talks to you. That was funny.

God loves jokes. I thought I found out an answer - and god showed me that my bike was more modest than my worries.

Here's hoping that our souls end up in a good place. My cousin is a priest, he always tells me "don't overthink it, all you need to know is that God loves you".

How comes that he is right?

8. Dogs in heaven is good. I will have lots of company.

Today I met an old friend of mine - a cat. But do not tell your dogs.

9. Atheists are like gladiators. There is no goal but to survive another day. When you die its over. Fini.

What to fight for and specially also to know how to fight is very important.

10. There are things like a "Ghost Box" that RedFront showed me where you can actually speak with devils and spirits. I don't need to do that. Maybe atheists need to buy a Ghost Box to see that there are "evil spirits"?
11. Ukraine is another puss case, where the EU and NATO deadbeats need to step up and support Ukraine more than they are doing. The US is not going to keep throwing money at Ukraine.

:lol: I never understood why Donald Trump got more than one vote. But his brainless brainwash works.

12. God's new chances are called reincarnation. I don't know what his trigger is for heaven or hell like a pass/fail grade. Probably the really bad people go to hell while the good people either get to heaven or get reincarnated to do better.
God loves you, so don't be a disappointment.

I guess you understood absolutelly nothing from this what I said to you. Do not forget to leave Germany with all of your soldiers. Bye bye.
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Last sentence is as well German and English grammar. But I understand your propblem. In a German sentence the most important things come at the end. In English the most important things come in the beginning. So native English speakers think we are weird while German native speakers think you are boring.

Eh? Two Ukrainian solders had been murdered from a Russian here in Germany last week. mI egus them eina Russians why this had been totally drunk and unfortunately a German lady with a high tech frying pan from the 19th century was not present who had smiled the other day if they had heard them speaking about their headache. So two human beings more are dead now and one human being moirte is in prison because of murder.

Exactly. To defend our values by destroying our values is more than only nonsense. But I also understood - concert example now - a German policemen who threatened a prisoner to kill him if he will not tell him where is the child who this asshole had kidnapped. He knew this child was buried in a box in a wood and if they will not find the child it will die. Unfortunately he was not able to save the child. But because of this extraordinary stressful situation he had to pay only some money and was not fired. Nevertheless this ruined the _______ of one of my neighbors who misused this extraordinary strange situation and liked to give all policemen the right to torture - as it had been under Adolf Hitler.

You are a victim of propaganda. I have on my own no reliable numerical data. I know that Hamas terrorists - who are also the government of the Palestinians in Gaza without elections since nearly 20 brainwashing years - murdered many visitors of a music festival in Israel. I know that the Hamas kidnapped many people - and continued to murder kidnapped people. I know that not any government in the world is able to live with such a situation. I assume that most Palestinians do not fight the Hamas on their own. I assume that most people who had been killed from the Israeli had been Hamas terrorists. And my experience tells me that I do in general not know what's the best to do in this area of the world. And I know Palestinians broke then Olympic peace in Munich 1972. And I know Palestinian terrorists trained terrorists from the RAF (red army fraction) in the cold war. I assume that the KGB was main factor behind this German terrorist. And one of the leading men in this time of the KGB in the GDR ("Soviet -Germany") had been a man with the name Putin who started before this had happened a war against Europe in the Ukraine. I guess he likes to expand this war into a nuclear war. And I know the Russian army is also using weapons from the Iran.

And I heard from people in the near who lost family members - beloved family members - as well in this Hamas attack in Israel as in the following war on the Hamas of Israel in Gaza. And I heard the humanitarian situation in Gaza had been near a catastrophe but became meanwhile better because many people in the world care about this conflict.

My personal opinions? I see no problem when the Hamas will be wiped out. I have the feeling Putin and his KGB is the poison in the background. I guess a greater conflict escalation between Israel and the Iran will not happen.
1. boring isn't bad.
2. In the case of the kidnapped & buried kid, I am very fine torturing the kidnapper until he tells where the kid is. Here in the US our CIA "waterboarded" terrorists to disclose their plans for terror attacks. Waterboarding simulates drowning. The cop had the right idea, punishing him for trying to save a kid is heartless.
3. Can Hamas ever be wiped out? I don't think so, they just make more kids and train them to be terrorists.
Most Catholics in the world do not support our "hypocrite gutless bishops." You seem to think if the people are not good enough for a government then the government should fire the people.

Red Indians speak about "the Great Spirit" as far as I heard. Sounds very similar.

A fisherman in this time of history at Genezareth was the boss of about 20 people. And since when Jews are uneducated?

Jesus spoke about the Holy Spirit

God loves jokes. I thought I found out an answer - and god showed me that my bike was more modest than my worries.

How comes that he is right?

Today I met an old friend of mine - a cat. But do not tell your dogs.

What to fight for and specially also to know how to fight is very important.

I never understood why Donald Trump got more than one vote. But his brainless brainwash works.

I guess you understood absolutely nothing from this what I said to you. Do not forget to leave Germany with all of your soldiers. Bye bye.
1. Only the Pope can fire Bishops. We either follow them or go to a different church.
2. I think the Indians' "Great Spirit" is God.
3. 2000 years ago I think everyone was uneducated. They could read & write, but being sophisticated & eloquent takes skilled writing talent.
4. I also think God loves jokes.
5. Are you asking to prove that "God loves us"? Probably can't prove it, you either believe that or you don't.
6. I like cats that are good mousers. My wife hates mice more than cats.
7. We are having battles here in the US between parents and school boards pushing homosexuality and transsexualism. Parents think they should control their kid's sexuality and religious beliefs, and school boards think they need to teach "tolerance and inclusion".
8. I'm a Trump voter. Biden is ruining America. Trump is an asshole, but he knows how to run the country. Biden is a senile moron who lets his young commie staff run things and tell him what to read in the Teleprompter.
9. US soldiers are needed in the Pacific for China. The EU needs to step the fuck up to handle Russia. Not a difficult task, the Ukraine is doing the very hard work of hand to hand combat.
1. boring isn't bad.
2. In the case of the kidnapped & buried kid, I am very fine torturing the kidnapper until he tells where the kid is. Here in the US our CIA "waterboarded" terrorists to disclose their plans for terror attacks. Waterboarding simulates drowning. The cop had the right idea, punishing him for trying to save a kid is heartless.
3. Can Hamas ever be wiped out? I don't think so, they just make more kids and train them to be terrorists.
1. Only the Pope can fire Bishops. We either follow them or go to a different church.
2. I think the Indians' "Great Spirit" is God.
3. 2000 years ago I think everyone was uneducated. They could read & write, but being sophisticated & eloquent takes skilled writing talent.
4. I also think God loves jokes.
5. Are you asking to prove that "God loves us"? Probably can't prove it, you either believe that or you don't.
6. I like cats that are good mousers. My wife hates mice more than cats.
7. We are having battles here in the US between parents and school boards pushing homosexuality and transsexualism. Parents think they should control their kid's sexuality and religious beliefs, and school boards think they need to teach "tolerance and inclusion".
8. I'm a Trump voter. Biden is ruining America. Trump is an asshole, but he knows how to run the country. Biden is a senile moron who lets his young commie staff run things and tell him what to read in the Teleprompter.
9. US soldiers are needed in the Pacific for China. The EU needs to step the fuck up to handle Russia. Not a difficult task, the Ukraine is doing the very hard work of hand to hand combat.

We need the autocrat Donald Trump as less as we need his very best friend the tyrant Vladimir Putin. And what you call Christian religion I call "weird US-American pippifax and nonsense". And very clear: Someone who tries to justify torture as you are doing is no Christian at all. And as far as I know the USA never had been in any serios situation which could justify only one of the war crimes of the USA.
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We need the autocrat Donald Trump as less as we need his very best friend the tyrant Vladimir Putin. And what you call Christian religion I call "weird US-American pippifax and nonsense". And very clear: Someone who tries to justify torture as you are doing is no Christian at all. And as far as I know the USA never had been in any serious situation which could justify only one of the war crimes of the USA.
1. Trump is no friend of Putin. Angela Merkel was Putin's friend buying his gas so he could build his military. Trump said do not buy Putin's gas. Starve the beast.

2. US Catholics should be like German Catholics.

3. I can torture to save innocent life or lives with a clear conscience. We only torture bad guys. People who allow criminals to abuse them are "chumps" and sissies. (girly men) God hates cowards.

4. No clue what your last sentence is referring to. If its torturing the 9/11 planner, KSM? He was only waterboarded 183 times. I would have waterboarded him at least 3,000, for the 3,000 people he murdered.

1. Trump is no friend of Putin. Angela Merkel was Putin's friend buying his gas so he could build his military. Trump said do not buy Putin's gas. Starve the beast.

2. US Catholics should be like German Catholics.

3. I can torture to save innocent life or lives with a clear conscience. We only torture bad guys. People who allow criminals to abuse them are "chumps" and sissies. (girly men) God hates cowards.

4. No clue what your last sentence is referring to. If its torturing the 9/11 planner, KSM? He was only waterboarded 183 times. I would have waterboarded him at least 3,000, for the 3,000 people he murdered.

I'm feel sorry that I tried to speak seriosly with a supporter of the high traitor Donald Trump and a supporter of torture about essentials of the Christian religion which you are hopefully not totally misundertstood. My tolerance on reasons to be a Catholic not includes a support of crimes and/or criminals as long as this criminals do not really try to look for a new way of life without crimes.

1. Donald Trump is a clear enemy of Germany.

2. What you call "Catholic" seems to be the same what a man like Putin calls "orthodox".

3. To torture someone - what had happened damn seldom in the reality of the church - had happened in former times on reason to save the soul of a delinquent. It needed always a confession before someone was able to be convicted - what was clearly a totally wrong way because a confession under torture was always only a wrong confession. Background: Crimes had been confused with principles of therapy. But a therapy is not able to be forced against the free will of a person. A torturer thought he will save the other person while indeed he - and every supporter of torture - is indeed on his own in danger to go to hell.
That very seldom a wrong criminal behavior of someone is understandable and excuseable not means any Catholic should support torture - specially not in case when a rotten government or any other rotten organisation systematically tortures. Torture is a crime - to support torture a heavy sin. This I do not discuss with you. I inform you. That's all. Your problem is not primarily to try to save the souls of others - your problem is to save your own soul.

4. If you do not feel how your own violent ideas do punish you and all others around you then something is totally wrong with you. What about to try to think about that your nation murdered millions of Germans - although Germany never had done anything bad to the USA. Never! If only some Germans would be like you then you would live in a hell. But can t be you live indeed in a self-made hell on your own free will?
And that seems to be the main reason in general why so many US-Americans hate Germany without any plausible reason to have to do so. "You" are not able to forgive "us" the crimes which "you" did do on Germany. That's why you continuously use "our" crimes to justify what "you" are not able to justify. Your wrong forms of generalisation will help you nothing when god will ask you one day what you personally did do on what reason on this planet here. Try to speak with a priest about your weird violent fantasies and what this nonsense is doing with you. Do not be astonished when he will suggest to you to make a psychotherapy. This will be no evil will - this will be only the will to help you. But it is your own decision to try to become sane. Not the decision anyone else. I am convinced the future of all mankind will be a future without stupid violence - or there will be no future at all. For no one.

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1. I assume you are a card carrying atheist?
Unlike you I am not in need to carry around a card or bible around with me - to make a point.
2. We are on this "Religion Forum" to discuss religion. Not sure why you are here? Worried that you may be wrong about God?
It's a SECTION for religious topics, in a Forum called USMB, and not USMB supposedly being a religious FORUM
According to your mindset - the e.g. Middle-East section is only for people living in the Middle-East - right?
The books prove mathematically that we could not be here by random chance.
There is NO proof given at all for such a claim. Same bull as this "soul having 21 grams".

And stating that one is a Lutheran-Catholic :auiqs.jpg:, well the same screwed up mindset would apply towards someone stating that he is a Sunni-Shiite, or e.g. a Sunni-Hebrew.

Since it is obvious that you got no clue in regards to religion - but simply live off spreading absurd and non-proven religious claims, a further "discussion" with you is meaningless.
Unlike you I am not in need to carry around a card or bible around with me - to make a point.

It's a SECTION for religious topics, in a Forum called USMB, and not USMB supposedly being a religious FORUM
According to your mindset - the e.g. Middle-East section is only for people living in the Middle-East - right?

There is NO proof given at all for such a claim. Same bull as this "soul having 21 grams".

And stating that one is a Lutheran-Catholic, well the same screwed up mindset would apply towards someone stating that he is a Sunni-Shiite, or e.g. a Sunni-Hebrew.

Since it is obvious that you got no clue in regards to religion - but simply live off spreading absurd and non-proven religious claims, a further "discussion" with you is meaningless.
1. Make points? Sorry, you never make any points.
2. The Religion & Philosophy forum should be a place to discuss religion and philosophy. Religion is typically about a belief in God. If you don't believe in God it makes no sense to be on a religion forum, does it? You should be on a science or political forum where separation of church & state puts everyone on a level playing field. You discussing religion as an atheist is like a mathematician who always gets the wrong answer, but doesn't know why.
3. If your mindset is closed to the possibility of a supreme being designing our dimension and our universe, that is your choice. Bernard Haisch, an astrophysicist and an ex-seminarian wrote several books "proving" that there are many "finely-tuned" parameters to our universe that had to be "exactly" set or we would not be here. Here is a wiki sampling:

Martin Rees formulates the fine-tuning of the universe in terms of the following six dimensionless physical constants.[1][18]
  • N, the ratio of the electromagnetic force to the gravitational force between a pair of protons, is approximately 1036. According to Rees, if it were significantly smaller, only a small and short-lived universe could exist.[18] If it were large enough, they would repel them so violently that larger atoms would never be generated.
  • Epsilon (ε), a measure of the nuclear efficiency of fusion from hydrogen to helium, is 0.007: when four nucleons fuse into helium, 0.007 (0.7%) of their mass is converted to energy. The value of ε is in part determined by the strength of the strong nuclear force.[19] If ε were 0.006, a proton could not bond to a neutron, and only hydrogen could exist, and complex chemistry would be impossible. According to Rees, if it were above 0.008, no hydrogen would exist, as all the hydrogen would have been fused shortly after the Big Bang. Other physicists disagree, calculating that substantial hydrogen remains as long as the strong force coupling constant increases by less than about 50%.[16][18]
  • Omega (Ω), commonly known as the density parameter, is the relative importance of gravity and expansion energy in the universe. It is the ratio of the mass density of the universe to the "critical density" and is approximately 1. If gravity were too strong compared with dark energy and the initial cosmic expansion rate, the universe would have collapsed before life could have evolved. If gravity were too weak, no stars would have formed.[18][20]
  • Lambda (Λ), commonly known as the cosmological constant, describes the ratio of the density of dark energy to the critical energy density of the universe, given certain reasonable assumptions such as that dark energy density is a constant. In terms of Planck units, and as a natural dimensionless value, Λ is on the order of -3·10−122.[21] This is so small that it has no significant effect on cosmic structures that are smaller than a billion light-years across. A slightly larger value of the cosmological constant would have caused space to expand rapidly enough that stars and other astronomical structures would not be able to form.[18][22]
  • Q, the ratio of the gravitational energy required to pull a large galaxy apart to the energy equivalent of its mass, is around 10−5. If it is too small, no stars can form. If it is too large, no stars can survive because the universe is too violent, according to Rees.[18]
  • D, the number of spatial dimensions in spacetime, is 3. Rees claims that life could not exist if there were 2 or 4 spatial dimensions.[18] Rees argues this does not preclude the existence of ten-dimensional strings.[1]

4. If you can imagine the mass of the entire universe expanding from the big-bang, why didn't it collapse back on itself like a "black-hole"? Yet, there are millions of black-holes in the universe.

5. If you saw the debate in my post #75 there are good high-level arguments on both sides of the God v Atheist argument. If you say 21-grams is bullshit, that was a scientific study. Research it before dismissing it.

6. Lutherans & Catholics don't have major differences, as Zang already said.

7. LOL!! Don;t let the door to the religion forum hit your ass on the way out. <g>
I'm feel sorry that I tried to speak seriously with a supporter of the high traitor Donald Trump and a supporter of torture about essentials of the Christian religion which you are hopefully not totally misunderstood. My tolerance on reasons to be a Catholic not includes a support of crimes and/or criminals as long as this criminals do not really try to look for a new way of life without crimes.

1. Donald Trump is a clear enemy of Germany.

2. What you call "Catholic" seems to be the same what a man like Putin calls "orthodox".

3. To torture someone - what had happened damn seldom in the reality of the church - had happened in former times on reason to save the soul of a delinquent. It needed always a confession before someone was able to be convicted - what was clearly a totally wrong way because a confession under torture was always only a wrong confession. Background: Crimes had been confused with principles of therapy. But a therapy is not able to be forced against the free will of a person. A torturer thought he will save the other person while indeed he - and every supporter of torture - is indeed on his own in danger to go to hell.
That very seldom a wrong criminal behavior of someone is understandable and excusable not means any Catholic should support torture - specially not in case when a rotten government or any other rotten organisation systematically tortures. Torture is a crime - to support torture a heavy sin. This I do not discuss with you. I inform you. That's all. Your problem is not primarily to try to save the souls of others - your problem is to save your own soul.

4. If you do not feel how your own violent ideas do punish you and all others around you then something is totally wrong with you. What about to try to think about that your nation murdered millions of Germans - although Germany never had done anything bad to the USA. Never! If only some Germans would be like you then you would live in a hell. But can t be you live indeed in a self-made hell on your own free will?
And that seems to be the main reason in general why so many US-Americans hate Germany without any plausible reason to have to do so. "You" are not able to forgive "us" the crimes which "you" did do on Germany. That's why you continuously use "our" crimes to justify what "you" are not able to justify. Your wrong forms of generalisation will help you nothing when god will ask you one day what you personally did do on what reason on this planet here. Try to speak with a priest about your weird violent fantasies and what this nonsense is doing with you. Do not be astonished when he will suggest to you to make a psychotherapy. This will be no evil will - this will be only the will to help you. But it is your own decision to try to become sane. Not the decision anyone else. I am convinced the future of all mankind will be a future without stupid violence - or there will be no future at all. For no one.

0. As I said, Trump, as General Kelly describes him, is a very flawed man. But when you want to describe him as a "high-traitor" I have to push back. There is nothing Trump has done that is even on the scale of Biden's treason. Biden is the worst, by far.

Everything Biden, aka “poopy pants” touches turns to shit, here's a partial list:
How about showering with his daughter Ashley? How fucked-up is that?
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT for abandoning AFG
The French pulled their ambassador for abandoning AFG
China loves Biden for abandoning AFG’s motherlode of rare metals to them!
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline, that’s 500,000 bbls a day he killed.
Biden sold us out by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military and invade Ukraine, and his “war on energy” keeps fuel costs high. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent Hunter
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
Open borders is a catastrophe. Trump had it SOLVED. Now its infected migrants & fentanyl sent all over
Runaway inflation would get worse if the dems pass their "BBB" bill. That will be Solyndra on steroids, not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy’s park in San Francisco.
Biden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid EOs, he wants Russia to pump more oil?? WTF?
Biden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Biden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football, WTF???
Biden surrendered AFG leaving Americans, $billions of equipment, and interpreters to be slaughtered
Biden’s DOJ sent the FBI after parents (aka domestic terrorists) who dare to ask questions at school board meetings.
China just passed the US out with their new hypersonic missile.
Stupid Joe wants to pay MIGRANTS $450,000 for breaking US immigration LAWS??????
After promising we would have more than enough Covid testing kits, Joe LIED and FAILED.
Biden killed Israel’s EastMed gas pipeline to sell gas to the EU, Putin’s whore strikes again.
Biden killed the development of ANWR, but he’s begging Putin to pump more oil???
Biden’s “war on energy” is pushing gas and diesel to unaffordable levels, causing “runaway inflation”.
Biden is letting RUSSIA negotiate the new IRAN agreement???? WTF!!!!!!
Biden is giving baby formula to migrants when American babies can’t get formula????
Biden sold 1m bbls of SPR emergency oil to Sinopec, Hunter’s Chinese oil company, twice,that’s treason.
Biden is turning the US into a banana republic by misusing the FBI and IRS to harass opponents
Biden wants 87,000 armed IRS agents willing to KILL!! WTF???
Biden forgiving $127b of student loan debt (unconstitutional)
Biden stole classified documents, did he sell them to anyone? Is he a traitor for cash?
Biden let the Chinese spy balloon fly across the US and send back the data, TRAITOR.
Biden blew-up the Nord Stream pipelines?! WTF? That is an act of war against Russia.
How did Navy dropout Hunter Biden get to a $230,000,000 net worth? Selling access maybe?
Biden wants the army to make EV tanks weakening military readiness.
Biden’s extortion and bribery schemes are being outed by whistleblowers
Biden wants to bring Hamas migrants from Gaza into the US.
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid Joe

1. HOW IS TRUMP AN ENEMY OF GERMANY? Please list the reasons.

2. Putin seems to have the blessing of the Orthodox Church?! Must be paying a lot for it.

3. Can torture be justified? Not always, but sometimes. If the IDF got some Hamas guys who beheaded babies, or baked babies, and they knew where the hostages were being held, I have no problem torturing the crap out of them to find the hostages. That's my personal view. Its not "The Spanish Inquisition", just trying to save innocent lives while punishing bad/evil guys.

4. Are having violent ideas a "sin"? As you said, the Inquisition was horrific. But, there were times when Christianity had to be defended, the Crusades, or during famous battles where Christians defeated Muslims, or Mongols, or _________ throughout history. Sometimes violence is necessary. We have a "truism" here, "You only sleep well at night because very rough men are willing to do violence on your behalf".
... As you said, the Inquisition was horrific. ...

The inquisitions had been anything else than horrific. They had been in their time of history the most modern forms of system of justice. The problem is that still today people believe more in stupid political propaganda than they try to know what really had happened in history. The horror expression "advocatus diabolo" for example means only that also the devil has a right to be defended in front of a court. Today this job is called "defence lawyer".

To the rest of all the nonsense which you said here I say nothing because it is senseless to do so. Nevertheless let me say: Trump is a persona non grata in Germany. We see in this absurde man only a criminal. I would say "we" is in this case much more than 90% of all Germans.

Lang, lang fliogent Odins hraben
„Waʒ sculên wir Herfater sagēn?
So filu tumbheit, filu leid
Uf erdan wont thiu mennischeit“

Thār sprehht Allfater: „thaʒ scol werdan
Mit wīsheit segano ih erdan
Segan ubar tior unde wald
Hruggi mennisco, fridu weralt“

PS: (herfater ?= Herr Vater)
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The inquisitions had been anything else than horrific. They had been in their time of history the most modern forms of system of justice. The problem is that still today people believe more in stupid political propaganda than they try to know what really had happened in history. The horror expression "advocatus diabolo" for example means only that also the devil has a right to be defended in front of a court. Today this job is called "defence lawyer".

To the rest of all the nonsense which you said here I say nothing because it is senseless to do so. Nevertheless let me say: Trump is a persona non grata in Germany. We see in this absurde man only a criminal. I would say "we" is in this case much more than 90% of all Germans.
I was a Nikki Haley supporter because she beat Biden in the polls by much more than Trump.
But my fellow Republicans want Trump.
Biden is a criminal and Kamala Harris is a moron.
I don't like Trump, because he has no character or honor.
Biden is worse.

We generally have a "lesser of the evils" choice, but this year its terrible v horrible.
the fallacy christianity uses to give themselves an authenticity that has never existed nor ever will.

their religion of servitude and denial is madeup by them and no one else.
You should read it some time. Lots of good stuff in there.
their religion of servitude and denial is madeup by them and no one else.
The servant is always in on the action, and denying oneself of dangerous behaviors is a good thing. By denying myself of alcohol my blood pressure has normalized. Sadly, I'm five pounds overweight for not denying so much ice cream.