DHS and Illegal Immigration Funding Showdown

Should the Republicans stick to their guns on this bill?

  • Yes, the GOP should stand strong and pass the House Bill.

  • No, the GOP should separate the DHS funding fromt the illegal immigration funding.

  • Other and I'll explain in my post.

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Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Who will blink first? The House of Representatives who have passed a bill that would fund the Department Of Homeland Security through September while defunding what they deem President Obama's illegal executive orders to accommodate illegal immigrants?

Or the Senate where the Democrats are filibustering to prevent a vote on that bill and instead want to separate the two things so they can pass the DHS funding and continue to filibuster defunding of illegal immigration. And President Obama who says he will veto the bill if it does pass?

DHS funding runs out on February 27. If the Congress fails to pass a bill, who will be blamed for yet another government shut down? The Republicans? Or the Democrats?

House passes bill to defund Obama s immigration orders TheHill
McConnell to the rescue....With a stand only bill for DHS long term funding...why is the GOP lead Congress in a rut already?
Are they in a rut? For six years we have been hearing about how the GOP has done nothing but obstruct what Obama and the Democrats have wanted to do. Now it is the Democrats that are obstructing a bill that would fund the DHS because they don't like the part that would defund some of the illegal immigration.

So who is in a rut? The bill would have passed by now if it had not been for the Democrat fillibuster in the Senate.

It looks unlikely that Senate Republicans will go along with McConnell's bill but if they do, it is anybody's guess whether the House will back down.
They should absolutely continue to refuse to discuss, debate, negotiate or, horror of all horrors, compromise cuz they're the Do Nothings and should never appear to actually do their job.
I agree with Luddy, they never do their jobs they just fight over gov't funding instead.
The issue is this: will the GOP favor getting rid of the EO more than funding the security of the homeland? If the DHS is not funded, and a terrorist strike occurs here, the American people will not be saying, "Way to stick to your principles, GOP!"
So everybody agrees? The GOP should go along with what the Democrats and/or the President want or they are the problem? Every time? Is that what you guys are saying here?
Stand alone bills are a necessity...

Is that a recent thing? Almost all those great bills those horrible obstructionist Republicans blocked or tried to block all those six years had stuff in them the Republicans couldn't stomach, and the Democrats refused to allow to be voted on as stand alone bills.
Those were bills such as the budget or the deficit. HSA funding is of equal seriousness. Immigration is simply not as important as the security of the homeland.

This difference is one of kind not degree.

We can afford, since there is an alternative, to see if the federal judiciary will overturn the EO on procedural violations.
In light of these most recent terrorist threats, the defunding of Homeland Security even more ridiculous and irresponsible.

Republicans are enemies of the US.
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