Describe your thoughts/feelings RE what is going on in the US these days..


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
I did not write the following (found it this morning when reading some spiritual writings) but it sums up what Christians and others of good faith think and feel in these days of… elites against non-elites… baby killing and stolen elections... status quo corruption in our (US) capitol. My comments are in brackets [ ]

How good is God.. to those who are pure of heart. Yet my feet came close to stumbling.. had almost slipped, for I was filled with envy when I saw how the wicked prosper [Why was my first thought of Nancy Anti-Catholic Pelosi? .. and bidum].. no pains.. no share in men’s sorrows.. not stricken like others. [They] wear their pride like a necklace.. clothe themselves with violence. Their hearts overflow with malice, their minds seethe with plots. They scoff; they speak with malice.. they plan oppression.. their tongues dictate to the earth. So the people turn to follow them and drink in all their words. They say “How can God know? Does [He] take any notice? ..Such are the wicked.. untroubled, they grow in wealth.

How useless to keep my heart pure and wash my hands in innocence, when I was stricken all day long, suffered punishment day after day.”

Then I said

“If I were to speak like [them] I should abandon the faith of God’s people.”

To be near God is my happiness..
I did not write the following (found it this morning when reading some spiritual writings) but it sums up what Christians and others of good faith think and feel in these days of… elites against non-elites… these days of baby killing and stolen elections and status quo corruption in the US capitol

How good is God.. to those who are pure of heart. Yet my feet came close to stumbling.. had almost slipped, for I was filled with envy when I saw how the wicked prosper.. no pains.. no share in men’s sorrows.. [Why do I think of Pelosi and bidumb?].., not stricken like others. [They] wear their pride like a necklace.. clothe themselves with violence. Their hearts overflow with malice, their minds seethe with plots. They scoff; they speak with malice.. they plan oppression.. their tongues dictate to the earth. So the people turn to follow them and drink in all their words. They say “How can God know? Does [He] take any notice? ..Such are the wicked.. untroubled, they grow in wealth.

How useless to keep my heart pure and wash my hands in innocence, when I was stricken all day long, suffered punishment day after day.”

Then I said

“If I were to speak like [them] I should abandon the faith of God’s people.”

To be near God is my happiness..

-Psalm 73 (easy to remember since 1973 was the year baby killing became legal in the US)
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I did not write the following (found it this morning when reading some spiritual writings) but it sums up what Christians and others of good faith think and feel in these days of… elites against non-elites… these days of baby killing and stolen elections and status quo corruption in the US capitol

How good is God.. to those who are pure of heart. Yet my feet came close to stumbling.. had almost slipped, for I was filled with envy when I saw how the wicked prosper.. no pains.. no share in men’s sorrows.. not stricken like others. [They] wear their pride like a necklace.. clothe themselves with violence. Their hearts overflow with malice, their minds seethe with plots. They scoff; they speak with malice.. they plan oppression.. their tongues dictate to the earth. So the people turn to follow them and drink in all their words. They say “How can God know? Does [He] take any notice? ..Such are the wicked.. untroubled, they grow in wealth.

How useless to keep my heart pure and wash my hands in innocence, when I was stricken all day long, suffered punishment day after day.”

Then I said

“If I were to speak like [them] I should abandon the faith of God’s people.”

To be near God is my happiness..

-Psalm 73 (easy to remember since 1973 was the year baby killing became legal in the US)
Gag me with a spoon and choke me in the shallow water
I did not write the following (found it this morning when reading some spiritual writings) but it sums up what Christians and others of good faith think and feel in these days of… elites against non-elites… these days of baby killing and stolen elections and status quo corruption in the US capitol

How good is God.. to those who are pure of heart. Yet my feet came close to stumbling.. had almost slipped, for I was filled with envy when I saw how the wicked prosper.. no pains.. no share in men’s sorrows.. [Why do I think of Pelosi and bidumb?].., not stricken like others. [They] wear their pride like a necklace.. clothe themselves with violence. Their hearts overflow with malice, their minds seethe with plots. They scoff; they speak with malice.. they plan oppression.. their tongues dictate to the earth. So the people turn to follow them and drink in all their words. They say “How can God know? Does [He] take any notice? ..Such are the wicked.. untroubled, they grow in wealth.

How useless to keep my heart pure and wash my hands in innocence, when I was stricken all day long, suffered punishment day after day.”

Then I said

“If I were to speak like [them] I should abandon the faith of God’s people.”

To be near God is my happiness..

-Psalm 73 (easy to remember since 1973 was the year baby killing became legal in the US)
No, but we have to make sure socialists don't steal another election.
another great scripture vis a vis all the insanity in our crazy world

Luke 1619

one of the most interesting parables Jesus ever told..

basically, tells us that things will be "bass -ackwards" in this life, but

just in the next..
There's some guy in Texas offering $25 thousand for each case of voter fraud.

If you have evidence of voter fraud, you should collect the reward.

One man collected, but it was Republicans who cheated. A man turned in the vote for his recently deceased wife.
I did not write the following (found it this morning when reading some spiritual writings) but it sums up what Christians and others of good faith think and feel in these days of… elites against non-elites… baby killing and stolen elections... status quo corruption in our (US) capitol. My comments are in brackets [ ]

How good is God.. to those who are pure of heart. Yet my feet came close to stumbling.. had almost slipped, for I was filled with envy when I saw how the wicked prosper [Why was my first thought of Nancy Anti-Catholic Pelosi? .. and bidum].. no pains.. no share in men’s sorrows.. not stricken like others. [They] wear their pride like a necklace.. clothe themselves with violence. Their hearts overflow with malice, their minds seethe with plots. They scoff; they speak with malice.. they plan oppression.. their tongues dictate to the earth. So the people turn to follow them and drink in all their words. They say “How can God know? Does [He] take any notice? ..Such are the wicked.. untroubled, they grow in wealth.

How useless to keep my heart pure and wash my hands in innocence, when I was stricken all day long, suffered punishment day after day.”

Then I said

“If I were to speak like [them] I should abandon the faith of God’s people.”

To be near God is my happiness..

Malice, ignorance and racism wrapped up in religious hypocrisy.
I've come to enjoy watching it!

Hey, I'm almost 80. Our one son is well over 50 and childless.

Through buying "staples" when on sale over the last year we have enough to keep going for our projected lifetimes. That includes fuel for cooking, heating and a water sources. More clothing that we could dream of outliving.

At this point it really won't matter whether the currency is inflated to the point of becoming worthless.

As it see it an indoctrinated population with no sense of national pride has elected something that will bloom into a full Chavez-type shell of a country. Will China step in to pick up the pieces? Will it matter whether they do or don't?

You voted for it - you got it - now suck it up and enjoy it.
I've come to enjoy watching it!

Hey, I'm almost 80. Our one son is well over 50 and childless.

Through buying "staples" when on sale over the last year we have enough to keep going for our projected lifetimes. That includes fuel for cooking, heating and a water sources. More clothing that we could dream of outliving.

At this point it really won't matter whether the currency is inflated to the point of becoming worthless.

As it see it an indoctrinated population with no sense of national pride has elected something that will bloom into a full Chavez-type shell of a country. Will China step in to pick up the pieces? Will it matter whether they do or don't?

You voted for it - you got it - now suck it up and enjoy it.

You don't get Chaavez until you destroy the middle class.
I did not write the following (found it this morning when reading some spiritual writings) but it sums up what Christians and others of good faith think and feel in these days of… elites against non-elites… these days of baby killing and stolen elections and status quo corruption in the US capitol

How good is God.. to those who are pure of heart. Yet my feet came close to stumbling.. had almost slipped, for I was filled with envy when I saw how the wicked prosper.. no pains.. no share in men’s sorrows.. [Why do I think of Pelosi and bidumb?].., not stricken like others. [They] wear their pride like a necklace.. clothe themselves with violence. Their hearts overflow with malice, their minds seethe with plots. They scoff; they speak with malice.. they plan oppression.. their tongues dictate to the earth. So the people turn to follow them and drink in all their words. They say “How can God know? Does [He] take any notice? ..Such are the wicked.. untroubled, they grow in wealth.

How useless to keep my heart pure and wash my hands in innocence, when I was stricken all day long, suffered punishment day after day.”

Then I said

“If I were to speak like [them] I should abandon the faith of God’s people.”

To be near God is my happiness..

-Psalm 73 (easy to remember since 1973 was the year baby killing became legal in the US)
They caught the fraudsters...two in Texas and one in Pennsylvanian. If there are others...they are few an far between. Your problem is you are making a serial liar who has had the "massive voter fraud" lie in his pocket since 2015. You are part of the problem.....people that believe liar like trump need to look in the mirror.

trump has divided the nation the most since the Civil War....all because the idiot cannot admit he lost in November 2020. IF YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN....QUIT LYING!
I did not write the following (found it this morning when reading some spiritual writings) but it sums up what Christians and others of good faith think and feel in these days of… elites against non-elites… these days of baby killing and stolen elections and status quo corruption in the US capitol

How good is God.. to those who are pure of heart. Yet my feet came close to stumbling.. had almost slipped, for I was filled with envy when I saw how the wicked prosper.. no pains.. no share in men’s sorrows.. [Why do I think of Pelosi and bidumb?].., not stricken like others. [They] wear their pride like a necklace.. clothe themselves with violence. Their hearts overflow with malice, their minds seethe with plots. They scoff; they speak with malice.. they plan oppression.. their tongues dictate to the earth. So the people turn to follow them and drink in all their words. They say “How can God know? Does [He] take any notice? ..Such are the wicked.. untroubled, they grow in wealth.

How useless to keep my heart pure and wash my hands in innocence, when I was stricken all day long, suffered punishment day after day.”

Then I said

“If I were to speak like [them] I should abandon the faith of God’s people.”

To be near God is my happiness..

-Psalm 73 (easy to remember since 1973 was the year baby killing became legal in the US)
My thoughts are that justice will be served when Trump and the entire Trump crime family, and their cohorts are in leg irons and jump suits at Levenworth. Trump is poison and an exitential threat to the Republic. It's the zombie apacolyps that must be stopped. They do not know that they are dead and they will eat your brain if you let them, as so many others have

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My thoughts are that in my lifetime there has been ONE President who stood against both sides. He put everything on the line to try and break the political establishment. He never took a salary while doing so. I hope either he, or his sons or daughter are able to finish the job. Our entire political system is broken and it sucks.

Something has to be done. The time for action is long overdue.
You don't get Chaavez until you destroy the middle class.

This is exactly what the Democrats are doing. Inflation doesn't affect the ultra-wealthy nor the ultra-poor who get cost of living raises in their checks. Inflation hurts the working class all the way up to what the Democrats consider "rich".

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