DeSantis takes another hit


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Just goes to show that DeSantis, like Trump, thinks he is a monarch. Too bad he doesn't have some legal training.
Every time Biden fucks up, you can bet the fake news will fabricate a story about a Trump or DeSantis failure. It's their way of deflecting criticism away from their dysfunctional ho. But right about now, nearly everyone realizes this Biden experiment has been and will continue to be the worst mistake this country has ever made. This man needs to go immediately. Our country won't withstand much more of his incompetence.

Just goes to show that DeSantis, like Trump, thinks he is a monarch. Too bad he doesn't have some legal training.

You are confused Moon Bat.

That piece of shit, The Worthless Negro, had most of his Presidential actions and EOs overturned by the courts. The most overturned President in history.

This is only some low level court and will go on to the Florida Supreme Court. Your filthy Moon Bat gloating may be premature.

DeSantis is trying to provide liberty for Floridians and that is a good thing.

If the Courts says he can't let parents make the decision with their on kids then this is just another example of why we can't depend on the courts to protect our freedom anymore than we can depend upon anybody else in government.

If the court takes freedom away from the parents in the public schools then all it will do is drive more attendance in private and charter schools. Fuck oppression. Masks don't work, the kids take them off several times during the school day and it is only a placebo for the uneducated and low information Karens.
u think he'll win re-election OP?
My nephew has turned Republican. My brother is rich and he interned for our republican friend this summer. He said he lied DeSantis for POTUS. I just snapchatted him that he's an idiot for trying to ban mask mandates and now he will NEVER be POTUS.
u think he'll win re-election OP?
Of course. He feels that even if he loses the mask battle, he wins for "supporting parents." But, if he thinks he can win the presidency in 2024, he has a long tough road to hoe.
You are confused Moon Bat.

That piece of shit, The Worthless Negro, had most of his Presidential actions and EOs overturned by the courts. The most overturned President in history.

This is only some low level court and will go on to the Florida Supreme Court. Your filthy Moon Bat gloating may be premature.

DeSantis is trying to provide liberty for Floridians and that is a good thing.

If the Courts says he can't let parents make the decision with their on kids then this is just another example of why we can't depend on the courts to protect our freedom anymore than we can depend upon anybody else in government.

If the court takes freedom away from the parents in the public schools then all it will do is drive more attendance in private and charter schools. Fuck oppression. Masks don't work, the kids take them off several times during the school day and it is only a placebo for the uneducated and low information Karens.
Freedom, freedom, freedom, the lonely Republican cry. Well, many of your ilk are exercising their freedom to clog up our hospitals and morgues. Bigly!!!
Freedom, freedom, freedom, the lonely Republican cry. Well, many of your ilk are exercising their freedom to clog up our hospitals and morgues. Bigly!!!

Thanks for your input Karen. Masks don't work. Kids being forced to wear masks really don't work.

My third grade granddaughter in a Florida school told us that the kids take off their masks several times a day. Even the teacher does it.

Not only do the masks not work but it is a joke to the kids. Even the CDS says the masks don't really work very well, especially the cloth ones that most kids wear.

However, facts never stop you Karens from demanding that our Liberty be taken away, does it Moon Bat?
Not only do the masks not work but it is a joke to the kids. Even the CDS says the masks don't really work very well, especially the cloth ones that most kids wear.
Masking works great for flu. Why do you think it might not work for Covid?

The U.S. saw about 700 deaths from influenza during the 2020–2021 season. In comparison, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates there were approximately 22,000 U.S. deaths in the prior season and 34,000 deaths two seasons ago.

I am not the OP, but it would not surprise me a bit. It is an interesting state. I just returned from there and heard nobody complaining about him.

I have found that gubernatorial races tend to be more local and capable of bucking the national trends. Midterms should favor the GOP next year and with DeSantis running for reelection in a Republican leaning state one would think he is safe, but if COVID continues to be a problem in the state they could turn on him while still supporting other Republican candidates. A good example is the 2014 midterms where Republicans shellacked the Democrats across the board, but the incumbent Republican governor in Pennsylvania lost to Tom Wolf, who is pretty far left for Pennsylvania, because people had issues with the GOP governor.
This is very good news.

Thank you for posting it.

While I am not a mask supporter by and large, I agree with this. The governor can refrain from instituting a state wide mandate if he so desires, but I think local governments should have the option of making their own decision based on the situation in their individual communities.
I have found that gubernatorial races tend to be more local and capable of bucking the national trends. Midterms should favor the GOP next year and with DeSantis running for reelection in a Republican leaning state one would think he is safe, but if COVID continues to be a problem in the state they could turn on him while still supporting other Republican candidates. A good example is the 2014 midterms where Republicans shellacked the Democrats across the board, but the incumbent Republican governor in Pennsylvania lost to Tom Wolf, who is pretty far left for Pennsylvania, because people had issues with the GOP governor.
I think he's safe if at state level, as they are like TN and seem satisfied generally. I do not think he has any attainable rungs up the ladder above to the national stage, as all these opinions and public attacks outside the state would actually come into play. In-state, not so much.

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