DeSantis says big tech marginalizing truth tellers on Covid killed people


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2021
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis addressing the media. Short story, people died because of the jab and Florida is going to take action to bring accountability. DeSantis does what he says. This will be interesting.

"The tech companies are trying to — before Musk on Twitter, Twitter was — they’re trying to use massive power, massive ability to shape the narrative, to enforce orthodoxy and to marginalize descending views,” DeSantis said.

“And so the orthodoxy they want is not your values or my values.

“I can tell you that right now.”

“And so, you know, and you see it,” he continued.
“And so this was one thing when they were talking about Hunter Biden, but there’s a hundred other examples that they’re going to be able to show.

“And how they marginalized people that were speaking the truth on Covid was really, really damaging.

“And it ended up killing people because people would tell the truth and they were getting de-platformed on Twitter.

“We also going to be doing some stuff because I have a surgeon general in Florida, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, who’s been really, really strong at just fighting back against the narrative and the phony things that people are trying to do and focus on the evidence,” he said.

“So, you know, we are going to work to hold these manufacturers accountable for this mRNA, because they said there were no side effects,” he added.

“And we know that there have been, a lot.

“And so we did a study in Florida and you saw an 86% increase in cardiac-related activity from people 18 to 39 from mRNA shots.

“And so we’re going to be doing some stuff to bring accountability there because I think it’s just something where…”

“You know, we wouldn’t let them mandate on you in Florida,” the governor continued after applause from the crowd.

“You know, because like Orange County wanted to fire firefighters, Gainesville wanted to fire people, but even the corporations like Disney wanted to fire…

“So we said ‘no’ across the board. So everybody had the ability to opt-out of anything they were trying to impose on you.”

“But there were other people around the country that got forced to take this,” he continued.

“And then what they’re not allowed to sue or get any type of recourse when this is not something that they wanted to do. so this is something that we’re gonna lead on in Florida.

“So we’re going to have probably some announcements over the next three or four weeks on that.”
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis addressing the media. Short story, people died because of the jab and Florida is going to take action to bring accountability. DeSantis does what he says. This will be interesting.

"The tech companies are trying to — before Musk on Twitter, Twitter was — they’re trying to use massive power, massive ability to shape the narrative, to enforce orthodoxy and to marginalize descending views,” DeSantis said.

“And so the orthodoxy they want is not your values or my values.

“I can tell you that right now.”

“And so, you know, and you see it,” he continued.
“And so this was one thing when they were talking about Hunter Biden, but there’s a hundred other examples that they’re going to be able to show.

“And how they marginalized people that were speaking the truth on Covid was really, really damaging.

“And it ended up killing people because people would tell the truth and they were getting de-platformed on Twitter.

“We also going to be doing some stuff because I have a surgeon general in Florida, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, who’s been really, really strong at just fighting back against the narrative and the phony things that people are trying to do and focus on the evidence,” he said.

“So, you know, we are going to work to hold these manufacturers accountable for this mRNA, because they said there were no side effects,” he added.

“And we know that there have been, a lot.

“And so we did a study in Florida and you saw an 86% increase in cardiac-related activity from people 18 to 39 from mRNA shots.

“And so we’re going to be doing some stuff to bring accountability there because I think it’s just something where…”

“You know, we wouldn’t let them mandate on you in Florida,” the governor continued after applause from the crowd.

“You know, because like Orange County wanted to fire firefighters, Gainesville wanted to fire people, but even the corporations like Disney wanted to fire…

“So we said ‘no’ across the board. So everybody had the ability to opt-out of anything they were trying to impose on you.”

“But there were other people around the country that got forced to take this,” he continued.

“And then what they’re not allowed to sue or get any type of recourse when this is not something that they wanted to do. so this is something that we’re gonna lead on in Florida.

“So we’re going to have probably some announcements over the next three or four weeks on that.”

Sounds libertarian.

If he remains strong on the border and remains strong on promises if he wins, he could yet be a force against Trump. It's too early to say and Trump is good at game theory, but he can't be a predictable "tough on crime, we own your life" conservative. People want liberty and accountability, everywhere.
The tilting point on evidence for the horrific effects of the killer shots has already been well and truly reached .
We are now right at the more advanced point where the truth is seeping out slowly but steadily into and through the MSM universe .

Although a proportion of the Gullible and Compliant will never be able to process a completely different narrative to the one provided by the establishment , enough Sheeple will rise in anger and with extreme violence .

Regrettable , but I will not blame them . Am not sure how you restrain people who have had family and dear ones deliberately murdered .
The tilting point on evidence for the horrific effects of the killer shots has already been well and truly reached .
We are now right at the more advanced point where the truth is seeping out slowly but steadily into and through the MSM universe .

Although a proportion of the Gullible and Compliant will never be able to process a completely different narrative to the one provided by the establishment , enough Sheeple will rise in anger and with extreme violence .

Regrettable , but I will not blame them . Am not sure how you restrain people who have had family and dear ones deliberately murdered .

You get to wondering about the abject panic that must be going on at the pharma companies and in the govt.

Could they squirrel their way out of this? And what form would that take?
There is no going after pharma because of the COVID shotz they are protected ,

Yeah, they're so deadly that the pharmas required govts to give them full indemnity.............and they did. Next, pharmas demanded the chemical components in the drug be locked for 75 years. And yet, most people never questioned anything and continued to take these deadly injections. Its mind boggling.
Yeah, they're so deadly that the pharmas required govts to give them full indemnity.............and they did. Next, pharmas demanded the chemical components in the drug be locked for 75 years. And yet, most people never questioned anything and continued to take these deadly injections. Its mind boggling.
At a minimum, proper warnings were not given. Just as likely is that adverse reactions data was suppressed, opening the door for civil and legal actions.
There is no evidence this vaccine is any more dangerous than any of the others, you are just bombarded with irrelevant cases of problems which are all basically temporary and there aren't many of them in comparison to what you people think. Thanks for keeping the pandemic going you're the greatest.
There is no evidence this vaccine is any more dangerous than any of the others, you are just bombarded with irrelevant cases of problems which are all basically temporary and there aren't many of them in comparison to what you people think. Thanks for keeping the pandemic going you're the greatest.

There is massive evidence and the trickle is turning into a roar.
Yeah, they're so deadly that the pharmas required govts to give them full indemnity.............and they did. Next, pharmas demanded the chemical components in the drug be locked for 75 years. And yet, most people never questioned anything and continued to take these deadly injections. Its mind boggling.
And all of that is absolutely typical or total bs, brainwashed functional moron anti-American fear mongering dingbat.
No, it's not. The injection is killing and causing injury to millions. Just because you refuse to look at facts is on you.
All you have is crap propaganda. Or let's see a link to any respected outlet or organization. You believe ridiculous conspiracy theories about everything. You believe all the GOP and Democrat election officials lie along with all the lawyers and judges in the country and all the newspapers and journalistic outlets are all lying and only your most ridiculous pundits on Murdoch or Internet conspiracy nut jobs know the truth. It's pathetic you're pathetic you are a disgrace and causing incredible destruction in American Society and culture based on hateful incredibly divisive garbage.
All you have is crap propaganda. Or let's see a link to any respected outlet or organization. You believe ridiculous conspiracy theories about everything. You believe all the GOP and Democrat election officials lie along with all the lawyers and judges in the country and all the newspapers and journalistic outlets are all lying and only your most ridiculous pundits on Murdoch or Internet conspiracy nut jobs know the truth. It's pathetic you're pathetic you are a disgrace and causing incredible destruction in American Society and culture based on hateful incredibly divisive garbage.
Sadly, you can't see or hear or discern truth. Hundreds of billions of ads by phizer on all major networks, cable news, social media.................. and you don't even wonder or ask questions that these news channels are pushing a narrative for phizer and the govt. As I was saying. Its mind boggling that people are unable to see the truth. The deception is very deep. Sadly, millions and millions more are going to suffer from these injections.
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Sadly, you can't see or hear or discern truth. Hundreds of billions of ads by phizer on all major networks, cable news, social media.................. and you don't even wonder or ask questions that these news channels are pushing a narrative for phizer and the govt. As I was saying. Its mind boggling that people are unable to see the truth. The deception is very deep. Sadly, millions and millions more are going to suffer from these injections.
And then you woke up from your nightmare.
As the scientific evidence accrues, the most serious information-compromised will have been the prisoners who do not have RFK Jr.'s book, The Real Anthony Fauci.

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