DeSantis just dropped out

Ayup. This is my shocked face. My guess is Ron's brand is too damaged to ever run again.
But it's not like you didn't see this coming. I just thought he'd wait until after he finished third in NH.


I'll catch hell for saying it... but Trump is the best and only chance Biden had to win.
And now it is sealed.
Republicans greatly underestimate the level and purity of hate Democrats have for Trump.
It doesn't matter if Trump was the Son of God himself, they will walk barefoot over broken glass to vote against him.

And another likelihood, is that the Democrats knew this would happen. And left Biden in till others dropped out. And in comes Newsome. Who would have lost against DeSantis. But will beat Trump.

I made this months ago - and I still believe it:

Ayup. This is my shocked face. My guess is Ron's brand is too damaged to ever run again.
But it's not like you didn't see this coming. I just thought he'd wait until after he finished third in NH.
Plan I read was he wanted to beat her up in SC....looks like that's out the window.
It's over for the "Meatball-Sub". Karl Rove and Jeb filled he and his wife's heads with delusions of grandeur that they could take on the mighty Trump and have smooth sailing towards the nomination. It failed!

True, DeSantis very much underestimated the stupidity of Trumptards.
It's over for the "Meatball-Sub". Karl Rove and Jeb filled he and his wife's heads with delusions of grandeur that they could take on the mighty Trump and have smooth sailing towards the nomination. It failed!

DeSantis is not ready for prime time, I doubt he ever will be. But I don't think his campaign realizes what is going on on the ground in New Hampshire. I normally don't like Gateway Pundit, but take this quote,

A poll conducted ahead of the Iowa caucuses by NBC News, the Des Moines Register, and Iowa pollster Selzer & Co. found that Haley supporters in Iowa are twice as likely to vote for Joe Biden as they are Donald Trump, should she not win the Republican nomination.

Hell, they should have rephrased the question, most of those "independent" voters that are voting for Haley, they would vote for Biden even if Haley was the nominee. There is a strong movement in New Hampshire to stop Trump. Millions of dollars have been spent. The strategy, registered Democrats switch to independent and vote for Haley in the Republican primary. All an effort to put wind in her sails and propel her over Trump. South Carolina is next, and you would think Haley would do well there, it is her home state. So, give her a close second, or maybe even a win in New Hampshire, and cut Trump off at the knees. But the reality is, it is meaningless.

There is an old saying, and I take it to heart. Give a fool a rope and he will use it to hang himself. THAT is the Republican party, we gave them a rope, Donald Trump, and they are foolish enough to hang themselves. No need to spend money to cut Trump off at the knees. Let him have the nomination, and watch the Republican party join the Know Nothings on the scrap heap of history.

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