Dershowitz: Mueller report will be 'devastating' for the President

"Alan Dershowitz, a frequent defender of President Donald Trump, said special counsel Robert Mueller’s report will be “devastating” for the president."


From the moment the Democrats lost the election we all knew this was coming - not so much as a 'factual' report but more like their 'revenge' on Trump beating Hillary.

From before the election the Democrats had 3 goals:

- Prevent Trump from winning.

- Impeaching / Mailing him if he won

- Undermine his entire Presidency, damaging it and him as much as possible if they could not successfully carry out the 1st 2.

Mueller's witch hunt has been a disastet:
1. It failed to expose / create any crime of Illegal collusion between Trump and Russia

2. It did e pose a great deal of crime by the Democrats, specifically that of Hillary and Obama's Cabinet, and the Doe I aM Counsel himself
- Mishandling Classified, Obstruction, Perjury, Collusion, Tampering with Witness Testimony, Conspiracy, Collusion, Sedition...

3. The only inductments in the witch hunt, aside from the decades-old crime Manafort was charged with but his Hillary-connected accomplice John Podesta was protected from, were a handful of questionable indictments and convictions - the result of well-crafted PERJURY TRAPS. Considering Mueller's and Rosenstein's documented past of sending innocent people to jail, those should be thrown out.

So, the only thing the treasonous Conspirators have left to salvage their reputations, save their attempted coup, and possibly keep themselves out of prison is to author the biggest false narrative / most politically damning report they can possibly manufacture!

It's not like they have not had practice. Evidence exposed how CIA Director Brennan, NIA Clapper, and FBI Counter-Intelligence Expert Strzok collaborated in authoring an Intel Community Assessment and an Intel Community Report. They used these reports that were based off the that they illegally used to 1) Brief / Lie To Congress to open the investigation of the non-existent illegal Trump Collusion, 2) to get co-conspirator Mueller, who had already been working with the FBI's foreign spy and the DOJ, as Special Vounsel, & 3) to illegally get warrants to spy on Trump and his team during an election.

The fact that Mueller will attempt to make this report make Trump sound like a cross between a serial killer, the head of ISIS, and Hitler himself reincarnated is NOT a shock at all.

What will be / would be a shock is if Mueller TOLD THE TRUTH:


Mueller report will be 'devastating' for the president: Frequent Trump defender

Deshowitz is a faux news shill. His opinion is meaningless. My guess is he realized he destroyed what little credibility he had left and is now trying to regain some.

Not gonna work.
That may be, but he is right this time.

Mueller had 1 job as Special Counsel - torpedo Impeachment, Indictment, or devastating political undermining of the President.

He was part of the pan even before being named Special Counsel. SON's Oher testified before Congress that he and Brit Spy Steele, working for Comey/the FBI, were already talking to and working with Mueller even before being named Special Counsel.

Collaboration, collusion, conspiracy....all the evidence you need right there to go after Oher, Steele, Comey, & Mueller...
No, he's likely not right. My opinion is he's preemptively trying to minimize the effects by limiting them to "political".
"Alan Dershowitz, a frequent defender of President Donald Trump, said special counsel Robert Mueller’s report will be “devastating” for the president."


From the moment the Democrats lost the election we all knew this was coming - not so much as a 'factual' report but more like their 'revenge' on Trump beating Hillary.

From before the election the Democrats had 3 goals:

- Prevent Trump from winning.

- Impeaching / Mailing him if he won

- Undermine his entire Presidency, damaging it and him as much as possible if they could not successfully carry out the 1st 2.

Mueller's witch hunt has been a disastet:
1. It failed to expose / create any crime of Illegal collusion between Trump and Russia

2. It did e pose a great deal of crime by the Democrats, specifically that of Hillary and Obama's Cabinet, and the Doe I aM Counsel himself
- Mishandling Classified, Obstruction, Perjury, Collusion, Tampering with Witness Testimony, Conspiracy, Collusion, Sedition...

3. The only inductments in the witch hunt, aside from the decades-old crime Manafort was charged with but his Hillary-connected accomplice John Podesta was protected from, were a handful of questionable indictments and convictions - the result of well-crafted PERJURY TRAPS. Considering Mueller's and Rosenstein's documented past of sending innocent people to jail, those should be thrown out.

So, the only thing the treasonous Conspirators have left to salvage their reputations, save their attempted coup, and possibly keep themselves out of prison is to author the biggest false narrative / most politically damning report they can possibly manufacture!

It's not like they have not had practice. Evidence exposed how CIA Director Brennan, NIA Clapper, and FBI Counter-Intelligence Expert Strzok collaborated in authoring an Intel Community Assessment and an Intel Community Report. They used these reports that were based off the that they illegally used to 1) Brief / Lie To Congress to open the investigation of the non-existent illegal Trump Collusion, 2) to get co-conspirator Mueller, who had already been working with the FBI's foreign spy and the DOJ, as Special Vounsel, & 3) to illegally get warrants to spy on Trump and his team during an election.

The fact that Mueller will attempt to make this report make Trump sound like a cross between a serial killer, the head of ISIS, and Hitler himself reincarnated is NOT a shock at all.

What will be / would be a shock is if Mueller TOLD THE TRUTH:


Mueller report will be 'devastating' for the president: Frequent Trump defender


I don't think so, and I'll tell you why. If Mueller had anything "devastating", it would have been unveiled before the election.

The results of the election are insufficient for the Far Left to actually seize power in America and get rid of Trump. The Mule wants to finish up, and if he thought that shooting his wad by releasing the report would be Trump's coup de grace, he would have done it when it could achieve maximum effect.
"Alan Dershowitz, a frequent defender of President Donald Trump, said special counsel Robert Mueller’s report will be “devastating” for the president."


From the moment the Democrats lost the election we all knew this was coming - not so much as a 'factual' report but more like their 'revenge' on Trump beating Hillary.

From before the election the Democrats had 3 goals:

- Prevent Trump from winning.

- Impeaching / Mailing him if he won

- Undermine his entire Presidency, damaging it and him as much as possible if they could not successfully carry out the 1st 2.

Mueller's witch hunt has been a disastet:
1. It failed to expose / create any crime of Illegal collusion between Trump and Russia

2. It did e pose a great deal of crime by the Democrats, specifically that of Hillary and Obama's Cabinet, and the Doe I aM Counsel himself
- Mishandling Classified, Obstruction, Perjury, Collusion, Tampering with Witness Testimony, Conspiracy, Collusion, Sedition...

3. The only inductments in the witch hunt, aside from the decades-old crime Manafort was charged with but his Hillary-connected accomplice John Podesta was protected from, were a handful of questionable indictments and convictions - the result of well-crafted PERJURY TRAPS. Considering Mueller's and Rosenstein's documented past of sending innocent people to jail, those should be thrown out.

So, the only thing the treasonous Conspirators have left to salvage their reputations, save their attempted coup, and possibly keep themselves out of prison is to author the biggest false narrative / most politically damning report they can possibly manufacture!

It's not like they have not had practice. Evidence exposed how CIA Director Brennan, NIA Clapper, and FBI Counter-Intelligence Expert Strzok collaborated in authoring an Intel Community Assessment and an Intel Community Report. They used these reports that were based off the that they illegally used to 1) Brief / Lie To Congress to open the investigation of the non-existent illegal Trump Collusion, 2) to get co-conspirator Mueller, who had already been working with the FBI's foreign spy and the DOJ, as Special Vounsel, & 3) to illegally get warrants to spy on Trump and his team during an election.

The fact that Mueller will attempt to make this report make Trump sound like a cross between a serial killer, the head of ISIS, and Hitler himself reincarnated is NOT a shock at all.

What will be / would be a shock is if Mueller TOLD THE TRUTH:


Mueller report will be 'devastating' for the president: Frequent Trump defender


Well, Trump threatened not to recognize the election if Hillary won. Seems gloves are off and will remain off for a long time in bullshit partisan politics.
"Alan Dershowitz, a frequent defender of President Donald Trump, said special counsel Robert Mueller’s report will be “devastating” for the president."


From the moment the Democrats lost the election we all knew this was coming - not so much as a 'factual' report but more like their 'revenge' on Trump beating Hillary.

From before the election the Democrats had 3 goals:

- Prevent Trump from winning.

- Impeaching / Mailing him if he won

- Undermine his entire Presidency, damaging it and him as much as possible if they could not successfully carry out the 1st 2.

Mueller's witch hunt has been a disastet:
1. It failed to expose / create any crime of Illegal collusion between Trump and Russia

2. It did e pose a great deal of crime by the Democrats, specifically that of Hillary and Obama's Cabinet, and the Doe I aM Counsel himself
- Mishandling Classified, Obstruction, Perjury, Collusion, Tampering with Witness Testimony, Conspiracy, Collusion, Sedition...

3. The only inductments in the witch hunt, aside from the decades-old crime Manafort was charged with but his Hillary-connected accomplice John Podesta was protected from, were a handful of questionable indictments and convictions - the result of well-crafted PERJURY TRAPS. Considering Mueller's and Rosenstein's documented past of sending innocent people to jail, those should be thrown out.

So, the only thing the treasonous Conspirators have left to salvage their reputations, save their attempted coup, and possibly keep themselves out of prison is to author the biggest false narrative / most politically damning report they can possibly manufacture!

It's not like they have not had practice. Evidence exposed how CIA Director Brennan, NIA Clapper, and FBI Counter-Intelligence Expert Strzok collaborated in authoring an Intel Community Assessment and an Intel Community Report. They used these reports that were based off the that they illegally used to 1) Brief / Lie To Congress to open the investigation of the non-existent illegal Trump Collusion, 2) to get co-conspirator Mueller, who had already been working with the FBI's foreign spy and the DOJ, as Special Vounsel, & 3) to illegally get warrants to spy on Trump and his team during an election.

The fact that Mueller will attempt to make this report make Trump sound like a cross between a serial killer, the head of ISIS, and Hitler himself reincarnated is NOT a shock at all.

What will be / would be a shock is if Mueller TOLD THE TRUTH:


Mueller report will be 'devastating' for the president: Frequent Trump defender

There won't be any facts within Mueller's report. It will be a work of fiction because he will refuse to cover how Clinton and Obama paid for and procured Russian Propaganda, Fed that to The FBI and DOJ through their willing accomplices, and then used it in a FISA Court to submit False Affidavit's and Illegally spy on President Trump and his family.
Existing Testimony / Evidence has already been revealed detailing how Hillary acquired the Russian-authored Dossier from Brit spy Steele - working for Comey / the FBI - through DOJ employee Oher's wife, a 'Russian expert' working at Fusion GPS
What "existing testimony/evidence has already been revealed..." regarding right-wing rationalizations concerning why Trump has repeatedly sought to do business deals in a notoriously corrupt police state?

Bruce Ohr, the DOJ official Trump is attacking on Twitter, explained

"The Steele dossier is a document that alleged Trump was under the influence of Russian intelligence services, who had also compiled blackmail material on him.

"Steele was working for a company called Fusion GPS, founded by a former Wall Street Journal journalist named Glenn Simpson.

"And though the FBI began to examine ties between Trump and Russia after George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign aide, told an Australian diplomat that Russia had damaging information on Hillary Clinton, many on the right believe the dossier was responsible for the launch of the Russia investigation.

"Ohr met and emailed multiple times with Steele, who had been on the FBI payroll in the past as a source.

"According to emails revealed by the Hill earlier this month, contact between Ohr and Steele went on for more than a decade, from 2002 to 2017 — including after the FBI suspended its relationship with Steele because he shared information with the media."

Ohr and Steele were communicating for more than a decade before the Dossier was written, so why would their correspondence be more troubling to you than the many credible suggestions of Russian money laundering against Trump and his crime family?
Well, Trump threatened not to recognize the election if Hillary won.


Trump expressed concerns over the potential for Hillary Clinton and her team to CHEAT to win....AND HE WAS 100% CORRECT TO WORRY, AS HISTORY/EVIDENCE SHOWS!

- Rigged Primaries

- Cheated in Debates

- Engaged in Primary Election Fraud

- Stole Bernie Sander's earned Nomination

- Violated both Election and Campaign Finance laws

- Got caught paying groups to sent thugs to beat and bloody Americans - Trump supporters at Trump rallies

- Illegally colluded with and PAID foreign spies (working for Obama's/Comey's FBI and with Mueller before Mueller was named Special Counsel) and Russians for their help in trying to win the Presidency

HILLARY CLINTON, not Donald Trump, was the one who openly declared:


....and HILLARY (and Obama's treasonous Cabinet / Agency Directors) have proven since Hillary lost the election that THEY are the dangers she warned everyone about!
"When Mueller does his final report, will he be covering all of his conflicts of interest in a preamble, will he be recommending action on all of the crimes of many kinds from those “on the other side”(whatever happened to Podesta?), and will he be putting in statements from hundreds of people closely involved with my campaign who never met, saw or spoke to a Russian during this period? So many campaign workers, people inside from the beginning, ask me why they have not been called (they want to be). There was NO Collusion & Mueller knows it!" - President Trump
Existing Testimony / Evidence has already been revealed detailing how Hillary acquired the Russian-authored Dossier from Brit spy Steele - working for Comey / the FBI - through DOJ employee Oher's wife, a 'Russian expert' working at Fusion GPS
What "existing testimony/evidence has already been revealed..." regarding right-wing rationalizations concerning why Trump has repeatedly sought to do business deals in a notoriously corrupt police state?

Bruce Ohr, the DOJ official Trump is attacking on Twitter, explained

"The Steele dossier is a document that alleged Trump was under the influence of Russian intelligence services, who had also compiled blackmail material on him.

"Steele was working for a company called Fusion GPS, founded by a former Wall Street Journal journalist named Glenn Simpson.

"And though the FBI began to examine ties between Trump and Russia after George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign aide, told an Australian diplomat that Russia had damaging information on Hillary Clinton, many on the right believe the dossier was responsible for the launch of the Russia investigation.

"Ohr met and emailed multiple times with Steele, who had been on the FBI payroll in the past as a source.

"According to emails revealed by the Hill earlier this month, contact between Ohr and Steele went on for more than a decade, from 2002 to 2017 — including after the FBI suspended its relationship with Steele because he shared information with the media."

Ohr and Steele were communicating for more than a decade before the Dossier was written, so why would their correspondence be more troubling to you than the many credible suggestions of Russian money laundering against Trump and his crime family?
You slid right on past the fact that Oher testified that he - Oher, STEELE, and MUELLER had been communicating / working together before any investigation of Trump had been opened and before Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel.

That means Mueller had already been collaborating with the DOJ (Rosenstein / Oher) and the FBI / Foreign Spies while the plan to deceitfully / illegally use the dossier to lie to Congress to get an investigation started and to illegally use the dossier to illegally obtain warrants was being concocted / hatched.

This is all any half-assed lawyer needs to prove:
- Illegal collusion / conspiracy between the DOJ, FBI, and future Special Counsel Mueller
- Significant Conflict of Interest, enough to have prevented Mueller from EVER being named Special Counsel
"When Mueller does his final report, will he be covering all of his conflicts of interest in a preamble....

You REALLY think Mueller is going to list at the very beginning all of his devastating Conflicts of Interest that should have ever prevented him from being named Special Counsel, that includes:

Evidence shows he, as Director of the FBI in 2014, hid crimes perpetrated by Russians in their attempt to acquire Uranium One and 20% of the US supply of Uranium, crimes that included extortion, Bribery (US politicians getting paid HUGE sums of money by the Hillary getting $140+ million from the Russian leading the KGB Bank's effort to buy Uranium One / acquire the uranium)...

Mueller was criminally protective of the FBI, as recent evidence shows he targeted, set-up, and sent to prison an FBI whistleblower that exposed wrong-doing in and embarrassed the FBI...

He has a documented history of intentionally sending innocent people to prison, breaking laws and withholding evidence to do so.....

He is old friends with Rosenstein and Comey...

He perpetrated the crime of Obstruction by refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas....

He loaded his Special Counsel team with rabidly partisan Trump-hating DNC / Hillary donors and even a lawyer who works / worked for Hillary....



"Alan Dershowitz, a frequent defender of President Donald Trump, said special counsel Robert Mueller’s report will be “devastating” for the president."


From the moment the Democrats lost the election we all knew this was coming

Mueller is a REPUBLICAN (appointed by a REPUBLICAN AAG) who was working on this report ever since our clown POTUS decided it was a good idea to fire the REPUBLICAN FBI Director, after telling him to squash an ongoing investigation.

"You know"? By now what you should know is that people roll their eyes at the stupid shit you call knowledge.
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Dershowitz is a true liberal (not a leftist) like me. I disagree with him on many issues, but our principles are the same, so I can respect him for his opinions.

I think the report will be devastating, but not because it is any sort of indictment of Trump or the validity of the election results. It will be devastating because it will be full of complete bullshit and nonsense, couple with a dash of double standard and nitpicking that the communist media will run with like it is all true.

The goal of Mueller and this report?

2020 election.

It is purely political ass hurt and election weaponizing.

If the GOP has any nut sack remaining, I expect EVERY future president to have a special counsel following his/her ass around "finding" any and every smidgen of "wrong-doing" to be used against him/her. There will never be another 2-term president after this.

Bank on it.... (or don't bank on it, because the GOP is nutless).
  • So Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, The DNC paid $14 Million Dollars for the Dirty Dossier.

  • They didn't want anyone to know about it, so with the help of The Podesta Group, they laundered the money through COIE Lawfirm to Fusion GPS who then funneled the money to Chris Steele, and Skirpal (yes the one who was nearly poisoned to death).

  • This money was then distributed to contacts in Russia and in Russian Intelligence and associates of Skirpal and Steele to gather some time lines dates etc. and then to manufacture propaganda which would coincide with some legitimate dates that president Trump may have been in Russia or was engaged in legitimate and legal business dealing with Russia. The Propaganda package was approved by Putin and what we used to call The KGB, and once cleared to shipped back to The Clinton Campaign....

  • Once the Dirty Kremlin Dossier was composed by Foreign Spies, it was transported by Steele to Clinton Advisor, close friend and ally, Sid Blumenthal. Sid Blumenthal went over it again with Christopher Steele refining it. Christopher Steele at the time was discussing it's contents with Mueller, James Comey, Oher and Strozk far in advance of any so called investigations were even hinted at.

  • Blumenthal then hands the Dirty Dossier over to John McCain and John Kerry who took their respective copies to The DOJ and FBI, who were already briefed on it's contents far before the Dirty Dossier arrived. Steele, in order to create a scheme of circular collaboration reached out to media outlets, Yahoo News for one ( Radical Left Wing Propaganda Operation imo), to tell his story before the Dossier was handed over to The Russian Moles handpicked by Obama in The DOJ and FBI.

  • Russian Collaborator KERRY AND MCCAIN were informed that the "Opposition Research" was funded by Clinton, Obama and the DNC, and they delivered it like a Russian Courier would deliver microfilm to already awaiting accomplices in The FBI and DOJ. They knew who paid for it in advance and they knew it was Russian Sourced, but in their zeal to help drag Clinton's carcass across the finish line they turned their backs on America and did Russia's bidding and delivered the package to Washington.

  • The Russian Moles in The FBI and DOJ then delivered the "Dirty Bomb" in to The FISA court to weaponize it against an American Citizen and Rival Candidate of Hillary Clintons. Donald Trump represented a huge threat to both Russia, Obama and his Fake Legacy, and Hillary Clinton as well as the Socialist Marxist Democrat party. Yates, Strozk, McCabe, Comey, Ohr, Baker, Page, Rosenstein, all participated in the "Insurance Policy" plot.

  • False affidavits based on ,......QUOTE: COMEY" Salacious and Unverifiable (LIES) Information were fed to The FISA COURT in a plot to give Clinton and Obama access via Illegal Wire Taps in to the Trump Campaign, Trump Tower, and on The President, his family, associates, friends and volunteers in an unprecedented never before attempted Mass Surveillance Campaign against a Presidential Candidate.

There is no other way to describe this but TREASON, ESPIONAGE, a FAILED COUP and a MASSIVE COVERUP by Obama, Clinton, The DNC, and all The Russian Collaborators who willingly and knowingly solicited Russia and Putin's help to defeat Donald Trump in the 2016 election and depose him in a COUP Attempt afterwards.

I personally think the only remedy is LIVE TELEVISED HANGINGS or these Conspirators face a FIRING SQUAD and that too should be televised NATIONWIDE so this never happens again. Mueller also should step down being that he was one of the conspirators.

We don't want to execute a president who collaborated with Putin to defraud our elections, so Obama should be censured publicly and shamed in to a reclusive, private and wealthy lifestyle.

Hillary Clinton should not be executed, but anyone who helped her should be. The Clinton Foundation should be dissolved and it's assets forfeited to The Government where it will be used to build a wall and reinforce border security.

I personally think these Treasonous Bastards never thought they'd fail. "Hillary in a Landslide" They thought for sure Putin could drag the tired old hag across the finish line.
When they failed, they put a Cover Up operation in Full Gear, and that is what has led us to where we are today, and Comey handing off the Cover Up Operation to Mueller without missing a step.
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Dershowitz is a true liberal (not a leftist) like me. I disagree with him on many issues, but our principles are the same, so I can respect him for his opinions.

I think the report will be devastating, but not because it is any sort of indictment of Trump or the validity of the election results. It will be devastating because it will be full of complete bullshit and nonsense, couple with a dash of double standard and nitpicking that the communist media will run with like it is all true.

The goal of Mueller and this report?

2020 election.

It is purely political ass hurt and election weaponizing.

If the GOP has any nut sack remaining, I expect EVERY future president to have a special counsel following his/her ass around "finding" any and every smidgen of "wrong-doing" to be used against him/her. There will never be another 2-term president after this.

Bank on it.... (or don't bank on it, because the GOP is nutless).
The goal of Mueller is a Dem win in the 2020 election?

Mueller is a life long Republican...appointed by Bush to head the FBI back in 2001 and appointed by Republican AG to investigate here
Dershowitz is a true liberal (not a leftist) like me. I disagree with him on many issues, but our principles are the same, so I can respect him for his opinions.

I think the report will be devastating, but not because it is any sort of indictment of Trump or the validity of the election results. It will be devastating because it will be full of complete bullshit and nonsense, couple with a dash of double standard and nitpicking that the communist media will run with like it is all true.

The goal of Mueller and this report?

2020 election.

It is purely political ass hurt and election weaponizing.

If the GOP has any nut sack remaining, I expect EVERY future president to have a special counsel following his/her ass around "finding" any and every smidgen of "wrong-doing" to be used against him/her. There will never be another 2-term president after this.

Bank on it.... (or don't bank on it, because the GOP is nutless).
The goal of Mueller is a Dem win in the 2020 election?

Mueller is a life long Republican...appointed by Bush to head the FBI back in 2001 and appointed by Republican AG to investigate here

These fools will come up with all kinds of half baked nonsense to rationalize away the simple fact that the guy they voted for is a pathological liar and a crook.
Dershowitz is a true liberal (not a leftist) like me. I disagree with him on many issues, but our principles are the same, so I can respect him for his opinions.

I think the report will be devastating, but not because it is any sort of indictment of Trump or the validity of the election results. It will be devastating because it will be full of complete bullshit and nonsense, couple with a dash of double standard and nitpicking that the communist media will run with like it is all true.

The goal of Mueller and this report?

2020 election.

It is purely political ass hurt and election weaponizing.

If the GOP has any nut sack remaining, I expect EVERY future president to have a special counsel following his/her ass around "finding" any and every smidgen of "wrong-doing" to be used against him/her. There will never be another 2-term president after this.

Bank on it.... (or don't bank on it, because the GOP is nutless).
The goal of Mueller is a Dem win in the 2020 election?

Mueller is a life long Republican...appointed by Bush to head the FBI back in 2001 and appointed by Republican AG to investigate here
An (R) next to any person's name does not insulate them from corruption, ambition, and incompetence or bias.

Mueller is all of those. He has no respect for attorney client privilege. He has no respect for Due Process. He also has no respect for his own investigation hiring a series of Trump Haters so corrupt that he had to fire half of his staff and most of them are now under criminal investigation for trying to launch a coup against President Trump.

He has sent innocent men to jail, altered evidence and tampered with witness statements and he was also found to have manufactured evidence. All of this is documented.

Anyone trusting anything Mueller does and says, including you radical leftists are being played for fools.

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