Deranged man pushes Asian woman to death at Times Square subway station


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020
Another murder of an Asian woman. Something evil is going on with these perps.

A deranged homeless man allegedly shoved an Asian woman to her death in front of an oncoming subway train Saturday morning in Times Square, police said.

The horrifying episode unfolded at 9:40 a.m. just nine minutes after the man was caught on video on the platform at the Times Square station at West 42nd Street and Broadway, police said.

Michelle Alyssa Go, 40, was waiting on the southbound platform when she was shoved onto the train tracks and struck by an R train, police said.

“This incident was unprovoked and the victim does not appear to have any interaction with the subject,” Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell said in a late afternoon press briefing in the station.

The suspect had first approached another woman, who was not Asian, who became alarmed and moved away, said Assistant Chief Jason Wilcox of the NYPD Detective Bureau.

“She feels that he was about to physically push her onto the train,” he said. “As she’s walking away she witnesses the crime where he pushes our other victim in front of the train.”

Where the hell was Bernhard Goetz while this was happening?
Another murder of an Asian woman. Something evil is going on with these perps.

A deranged homeless man allegedly shoved an Asian woman to her death in front of an oncoming subway train Saturday morning in Times Square, police said.

The horrifying episode unfolded at 9:40 a.m. just nine minutes after the man was caught on video on the platform at the Times Square station at West 42nd Street and Broadway, police said.

Michelle Alyssa Go, 40, was waiting on the southbound platform when she was shoved onto the train tracks and struck by an R train, police said.

“This incident was unprovoked and the victim does not appear to have any interaction with the subject,” Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell said in a late afternoon press briefing in the station.

The suspect had first approached another woman, who was not Asian, who became alarmed and moved away, said Assistant Chief Jason Wilcox of the NYPD Detective Bureau.

“She feels that he was about to physically push her onto the train,” he said. “As she’s walking away she witnesses the crime where he pushes our other victim in front of the train.”

Black Lives Matter, those of oriental chicks not so much in New York. I suspect that DA Bragg will release Mr. Martial ROR to protect him from the Yakuza gangsters at Rikers who will want to split his wig.
Black Lives Matter, those of oriental chicks not so much in New York. I suspect that DA Bragg will release Mr. Martial ROR to protect him from the Yakuza gangsters at Rikers who will want to split his wig.

Uh, anyone who calls Asian women "Oriental chicks" has kind of forfeited his right to be taken seriously.

What's pretty clear is this man is mentally ill, because we let 250,000 mentally ill people live on the streets where they can't take care of themselves .
Uh, anyone who calls Asian women "Oriental chicks" has kind of forfeited his right to be taken seriously.

What's pretty clear is this man is mentally ill, because we let 250,000 mentally ill people live on the streets where they can't take care of themselves .

You have no qualifications to determine this fellow in "mentally ill" at all. Even if you are a Vienna-trained psycho analyst, you've never examined this individual.

For all you know, he's just a hateful human being.
You have no qualifications to determine this fellow in "mentally ill" at all. Even if you are a Vienna-trained psycho analyst, you've never examined this individual.

For all you know, he's just a hateful human being.

Yeah, I don't think you need a degree to tell that.

I am willing to bet when we find out more about this guy, we are going to find a long history of mental illness.

But in case there was any doubt, here's the follow up story from the New York Compost.

“Yeah because I’m God. Yes I did. I’m God, I can do it,” Martial shouted to a gaggle of reporters, adding “she stole my f—ing jacket, that’s why,” when asked about his motive.

Bragg told reporters Saturday afternoon that New Yorkers would not have to worry about Martial — an ex-con who was released from state prison last year after a two-year stint for robbery — getting set free to allegedly kill again. He was charged with murder Saturday night, police said.

"He’s been on medication for over 20 years and in and out of mental hospitals in New York,” a woman who identified herself as Martial’s sister, Josette, told The Post.

So not surprisingly, our inability to create programs to effectively treat the mentally ill has had an effect.
Another murder of an Asian woman. Something evil is going on with these perps.

A deranged homeless man allegedly shoved an Asian woman to her death in front of an oncoming subway train Saturday morning in Times Square, police said.

The horrifying episode unfolded at 9:40 a.m. just nine minutes after the man was caught on video on the platform at the Times Square station at West 42nd Street and Broadway, police said.

Michelle Alyssa Go, 40, was waiting on the southbound platform when she was shoved onto the train tracks and struck by an R train, police said.

“This incident was unprovoked and the victim does not appear to have any interaction with the subject,” Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell said in a late afternoon press briefing in the station.

The suspect had first approached another woman, who was not Asian, who became alarmed and moved away, said Assistant Chief Jason Wilcox of the NYPD Detective Bureau.

“She feels that he was about to physically push her onto the train,” he said. “As she’s walking away she witnesses the crime where he pushes our other victim in front of the train.”

If you ever lived in big cities like SF and NYC you'll know that scumbags like this are a dime a dozen....and it's been this way for at least 100 years.
The key is not allowing society to collapse from within.....and that is what the Deep State is pushing us toward.
It's about time that no elderly Asian be by her-, himself on public transportation.

S/he should be accompanied by young males that are constantly watching for, uh, certain suspicious characters.
Uh, anyone who calls Asian women "Oriental chicks" has kind of forfeited his right to be taken seriously.

What's pretty clear is this man is mentally ill, because we let 250,000 mentally ill people live on the streets where they can't take care of themselves .

Don't say "we let 250,000 mentally ill people live on the streets." If you look at the top ten cities in the US which have the highest number of homeless, none of them are being administrated by people whose policies and ideologies I agree with.

Democrats, every stinking one of them...

Can't force someone to take their Haldol, are you suggesting that it be made mandatory and the court ruling be overturned.
I'd have no problem mandating people take their medications. I have no problem institutionalizing incurables for life, instead of what they've done with this guy for the last 20 years, institutionalize him for a few days, drug him up, and when he remembers his name, put him back on the street until he forgets to take his drugs again.

Don't say "we let 250,000 mentally ill people live on the streets." If you look at the top ten cities in the US which have the highest number of homeless, none of them are being administrated by people whose policies and ideologies I agree with.

Wow, yeah, the Homeless live where other people live.

YOu realize that the urban areas are more important to the country than the rural inbred areas, right?

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