Deputies arrest protester who helped pull down Durham confederate statue


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Deputies arrest protester who helped pull down Durham Confederate statue
Takiyah Thompson is led away by deputies. She admitted to climbing the ladder to help topple the Confederate statue.

DURHAM, North Carolina - Durham County sheriff's deputies arrested a woman who said she took part in toppling the Confederate statue in downtown Durham. More arrests are expected.

It's good this pos loser was arrested hopefully the rest of them get it.
All those who participated should be charged with destroying public property.
Hopefully this sends a message to those who are one step away from physically tearing this country apart.
whomever pulled it down should be arrested and charged and tried.

I just dont understand how we have become so lawless.
It's a conditioned response. The natural behavior of a group who has for the last 8 years been able to run wild, without consequence of the law. Look at the ages of these people. For most of their semi adult life theyve know no consequence for breaking the law. But their Black knight is gone now. Times are a changin'...
whomever pulled it down should be arrested and charged and tried.

I just dont understand how we have become so lawless.

What the hell was in these peoples heads?
it's just madness! everyone has gone mad! :eek:

And your side needs to answer for their behavior since the election. You guys have sparked all of this.
Sure... :rolleyes:... it's ALWAYS someone else's fault....
They should be arrested. They broke the law. As much as I want those statues down, you cannot tear a statues because you feel like it. Its vandalism.

If people want these statues down, they need to contact their local city councilman and go through the correct channels. Vandalism is never an option.
Deputies arrest protester who helped pull down Durham Confederate statue
Takiyah Thompson is led away by deputies. She admitted to climbing the ladder to help topple the Confederate statue.

DURHAM, North Carolina - Durham County sheriff's deputies arrested a woman who said she took part in toppling the Confederate statue in downtown Durham. More arrests are expected.

It's good this pos loser was arrested hopefully the rest of them get it.

She will get a lawyer from the ACLU or the SPLC and will be free as a bird by tomorrow.
whomever pulled it down should be arrested and charged and tried.

I just dont understand how we have become so lawless.
It's a conditioned response. The natural behavior of a group who has for the last 8 years been able to run wild, without consequence of the law. Look at the ages of these people. For most of their semi adult life theyve know no consequence for breaking the law. But their Black knight is gone now. Times are a changin'...

Deputies arrest protester who helped pull down Durham Confederate statue
Takiyah Thompson is led away by deputies. She admitted to climbing the ladder to help topple the Confederate statue.

DURHAM, North Carolina - Durham County sheriff's deputies arrested a woman who said she took part in toppling the Confederate statue in downtown Durham. More arrests are expected.

It's good this pos loser was arrested hopefully the rest of them get it.

She will get a lawyer from the ACLU or the SPLC and will be free as a bird by tomorrow.

The SPLC maybe, but I doubt the ACLU will get involved as they have never been ones to support property damage, even government property.

BLM of course will get involved, as the moron linked Cops to the KKK.
Good. Anyone engaging in vandalism of public/private property should arrested and punished.
All those who participated should be charged with destroying public property.
Hopefully this sends a message to those who are one step away from physically tearing this country apart.

Just goes to show how these trendy leftist have been brought up by liberal leftist ass parents who gave these losers their way all through life and never taught them how to respect others people's property, not their own Country.
Sounds like the Bill Alyres Cult
Good. Anyone engaging in vandalism of public/private property should arrested and punished.

I'd say 6 months in jail, a $25k fine, AND she has to help put it back up as community service.

Works for me. Two more have been arrested in connection with this vandalism as well. These are the pending charges:
  • Disorderly conduct by injury to a statue (Class II Misdemeanor)
  • Damage to real property (statue as a fixture (Class I Misdemeanor)
  • Participation in a riot with property damage in excess of $1,500 (Class H Felony)
  • Inciting others to riot where there is property damage in excess of $1,500 (Class F Felony)

I am not sure what level of jail and fine is associated with these charges, though. I can barley keep the laws in the Commonwealth straight. lol

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