Depraved 19-Year Old Women Videos Herself Having Sex With Dog


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2020
Hayward Wisconsin
Utterly depraved, I think we can safely assume this women votes, if she votes at all, for the party of sexual groomers, pedophiles, trans-kooks, and of course bestiality, this is so fucking depraved, so Satanic, well we know one thing, Joe Biden and his "ahh" administration very likely has her back!

How can sex with a dog be in the card deck for anyone when a dog's delivery isn't going to be anything like what a human will bring to the picture?

God bless you and the dog always!!!

Bestiality is the natural progression of depravity. Next it will be children forced to have sex with animals, duly filmed and photographed. That's just the direction we are going.
Bestiality is the natural progression of depravity. Next it will be children forced to have sex with animals, duly filmed and photographed. That's just the direction we are going.
American women have combined to murder 70-million babies, with abortionists literally industrializing the murder, of the most innocent possible expression of human life, when they can do that shit, then there is no evil act of depravity which is a bridge to far, pure sociopathy, literal total depravity!
American women have combined to murder 70-million babies, with abortionists literally industrializing the murder, of the most innocent possible expression of human life, when they can do that shit, then there is no evil act of depravity which is a bridge to far, pure sociopathy, literal total depravity!
When historians record the end of the United States they will mark us as one of the most evil and depraved cultures to ever exist. We will be compared to Caligula's Rome.
When historians record the end of the United States they will mark us as one of the most evil and depraved cultures to ever exist. We will be compared to Caligula's Rome.
In fairness not all Dumbocrats practise this regularly .

I doubt that any prison sentence is appropriate as the damage to the girl is deep and centers around a complete loss of self worth .
However taboo ( and comical) this behaviour is , we should try and understand how people like this girl and your President find such acts comforting and comfortable .
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Utterly depraved, I think we can safely assume this women votes, if she votes at all, for the party of sexual groomers, pedophiles, trans-kooks, and of course bestiality, this is so fucking depraved, so Satanic, well we know one thing, Joe Biden and his "ahh" administration very likely has her back!

Whatever is true
Whatever is honorable
Whatever is just
Whatever is pure
Whatever is lovely
Whatever is commendable
If there is any excellence
If there is anything worthy of praise...
think on these things.

--Philippians 4:8

We need this more than ever. Infuse your mind with the above.
Utterly depraved, I think we can safely assume this women votes, if she votes at all, for the party of sexual groomers, pedophiles, trans-kooks, and of course bestiality, this is so fucking depraved, so Satanic, well we know one thing, Joe Biden and his "ahh" administration very likely has her back!

Fucks dogs talks like a ****** ........great

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